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Everything posted by RickG16

  1. Pretty good until the final para.... We don't need 'a new back 4'. We need better back up defenders. You might have noticed that was our second string (I'm sure you did ????????) and DDG might be out as well suggests you might have read some speculation over the past couple of days. It's OK if you want to regurgitate things you've read, but just note they might not all be true. All in all good post Jonny. I agree we've been erratic... But if you look a bit closer at the change in personnel for those games (with exception of the 7-0) it might not seem so strange
  2. No love for Burmese salad?
  3. You are getting into the realms of cringe now. This is obviously what a night out with Colin does to you.
  4. Calm down lol I never insulted them. There are plenty of causes that are worth my effort but the anti Glazer movement isn't one of them. The fact they are selling up now has nothing to do with the fans. They've just decided it's time to cash in.
  5. Why would I be a Glazers fan? I realise they are businessmen and we live in the real world. It's a free market and there is nothing to stop them doing what they are doing. Of course I hope we find owners that are willing to invest more.
  6. With all due respect to your cousins and mates, I hope they aren't the ones tutting when people stand up and sing.
  7. He never said Man United reserves are back
  8. Exactly, and honestly, who cares if the roof leaks. It's got atmoshphere (sometimes) but more importantly it's got history and soul. Something certain people should consider when they are getting all emotional about Maine Road.
  9. A shadow of former Bayern sides. At least you have a test next.
  10. I believe my colleague @RedArmy has addressed this
  11. My prediction is that they won't have a clue what you are going on about.
  12. How long do you reckon it will take you to get through those olives?
  13. OP it might be wise to make the distinction between Guinness draught (canned or bottled) and Foreign Extra. I think the latter is the more prevalent sadly
  14. Saving you the effort and me the boredom of a response. Would have to pay the money back when you get busted. Ill gotten gains.
  15. Clearly a club of principle..... Take their money then play by their rules. Let's hope you aren't living on borrowed time... tick tock... all that prize money might be owed back.
  16. If you really had any backbone you'd boycott the competition. Boo the CL anthem and hate UEFA yet happily play.
  17. Still no idea what you are talking about.
  18. The problem is, I've still got no idea what you are talking about! I can't make something out of nothing if I don't understand you in the first place
  19. Finally we are in agreeement
  20. No... it's just you are speaking a different language sometimes... and hard to work out if you are being serious or taking the piss, despite the "555" I made several statements in that post. Was asking which particular ones you thought I am right on. But if you are just taking the piss don't bother. I'm not in the mood for painstaking communication
  21. And I suppose you have the exact percentages of tourists from different countries misbehaving do you? Brits in Thailand are a mixed bag, almost like any other nationality in Thailand, you'll get plenty of bad or good eggs. I seem to recall some of the most serious recent crimes have been committed by Aussie bikers.
  22. What was I right about?
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