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Everything posted by RickG16

  1. I'm fine with banter, just don't like nonsense.
  2. Whatever mate. And anyway, what's your problem with cockneys? Most people here don't have a problem with saying where they are from and who they support, unlike you.
  3. If you appeared in this thread more often than your occasional brief and embarassing visit, you'd know that I am from Manchester. However, if you have a problem with our UK-wide and international fan base you might want to try telling them they are not real reds? I guarantee you they support us more than you support whoever you support (you are still too shy to say).
  4. Also Leicester were frontrunner for most of the season. It wasn't like the big teams fell away and they rose up and won the league. At least do a bit of research before you spout garbage.
  5. Leicester were 5,000/1 to win the league! Terrible comparison. Back to the drawing board for you. Keeping watching games and reading the Rothaman Football Yearbook cover to cover and you might understand the sport.
  6. Somebody has changed their tune. If I was bothered I'd find all the posts of you completely writing us off. And "do a Leicester?" Talk about back handed compliment you tit. We've won the league more than anyone else. It wouldn't be doing a Leicester. It would be normal service resuming. Just illustrates what a poor grip you have on this fine sport. Stick to your bikes.
  7. Park made a video for United fans (after he retired) telling them he appreciates them singing his name but pleading with them to stop singing this song. However you try to dress it up, the dog slur is deeply offensive to Koreans.
  8. How dare you doubt the ability of Danny Wellbeck. He went to my school..
  9. Great win by Abu Stockport last night.... and good result for us. Got to admire how Pep has kept his head while everything crumbles around him
  10. Either way it's a lot higher than any other PL club
  11. Nit picking wally. Of course I know the attendance. I think 80k is a pretty close approximation. You've forgotten what football is really about pal. And I'm not surprised as the soul was ripped out of your club long ago. Respect to Pep for slipping in a Paul Dickov reference the other day though
  12. Tbh a crumbling stadium is the last of my worries. I've had some of my best times watching footy stood up in some of the worst grounds you can imagine. It's not the hotel business. We get nearly 80,000 in every week and that's what counts
  13. Glad to see your banners are looking as tacky as ever
  14. It's funny, there were 2 laughing emojis reactions to this post which have now disappeared. I also haven't heard from Red Army in several hours. Could this be the workings of the Asean Now inner circle?
  15. If I'm wrong I'm wrong. But why did you make that point about refs? Do you think it should be same with lawyers. Clutching at straws pal. Baling water desperately out of a sinking ship
  16. It's funny, you are probably using exactly the same tactic that City's hot shot legal team has planned.... Be pedantic and go round in circles til the other side runs out of stream
  17. There's a pretty famous ref who is allegedly a United fan (from Alty I believe) who has reffed United games, and I can't remember him making pro United decisions. You are suggesting a lawyer can't be impartial because of the team he supports... isn't that correct? Or what was the meaning of the post
  18. Occasionally referees do ref the team they support. And I trust them to do their job. If anything I'd think they'd be harsher to that team in order to make a point. Let's just screen all lawyers to make sure they don't support a football team. Is that what you are suggesting? That would probably drag this out for a few more months for you
  19. Are you suggesting lawyers aren't allowed to support football teams? I'm pretty most support a team and there is a good chance they are in the top tier. How childish to think that someone who has reached the top of their profession would actually be influenced by who they happen to be a fan of.
  20. Depending on results, possibly Potter
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