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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. He took one for the team...
  2. Which is why I said if they want to come here they will, if they have a better option they won't.
  3. Hopefully he will serve the whole sentence in the country where the assault was perpetrated.
  4. Here today gone tomorrow [with your money] licensed, regulated, training ????
  5. Quite the assumption, or just that he was so pi$$ed his eyes were full of Soju?
  6. Thailand needs a real progressive government, not another puppet regime.
  7. Best idea yet... next should be the rest of the trash covered city and parks. Not forgetting the Klongs.
  8. To be honest I agree with the mayor.. years ago I used to go to Cha-am beach, a great place with clear and pristine beaches with lovely views. Now it's vendor city... the beach has been taken over with them. You can hardly see the beach, everything is covered with umbrellas, the smell of cooking chicken wafts down the beach, vendors control everything. Even the beach/roadside parking is controlled and dominated by them. Traffic during the day is a complete snarl-up. Jomtien would in time become the same... a complete and utter Thai made mess.
  9. Still trying the "spanner in the works" motion.
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