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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. I think future coups will always persist in Thailand. The military don't care about what the rest of the world thinks, the military certainly doesn't care what the majority of Thai citizens want. The rest of the world will continue to trade with coup leaders, as we've seen with Prayut. In fact they look at Thailand as having a bonafide government with an elected leader. Internet/social media changes nothing... it reports what's happening.. but that's too late. The average Thai is too lethargic to get out and protest, leaving it to the younger student generation who are easy targets for the military. Emergency decrees and other laws are put into effect to stop mass gatherings. Thailands political stability puts off large scale investment by many other countries, which denies it's populous access to real employment opportunities. Which is part of the reason why the entertainment industry is so important to the nation. It employs thousands of service girls and ladyboys who otherwise would be unemployed, catering to the sex industry to get by and attract tourism to help bolster an otherwise lackluster GDP. The education system is government run so as to not educate the next generation, only to indoctrinate them into being worker ants and be subservient to the masters. Many Thais have access to the internet to see what goes on in other countries, many now travel and try to reside overseas, should they return they have little chance of changing things here. The military is just too strong, and men of influence will always reign supreme in Thailand.
  2. Anutin relaxes Marijuana laws and thinks millions of foreigners are going to flood Thailand to get a taste and spend trillions of baht. Problem is many foreign countries are already the same and have a home market, no need to come here and get stiffed by overpriced "Marijuana cookies" and "sprinkles" on your fake Pizza.
  3. Has she gone "walkabout" too? The old man must have been up to his neck in fraud and corruption to do a runner.
  4. Absolutely, this is Thailands way on the roads. Vehicles pull-out in front of everyone, regardless of on-coming traffic, the assumption being they'll go around you, inside you, under you or hit you. The choice is yours.
  5. Thailand has a history of coups, and history seems to repeat itself. Check-out Plaek Phibunsongkran, he was a beauty.
  6. Brother in UK said fuel in his area is now 2 pounds per litre.
  7. Easily controlled... this is the price, if you don't want it don't buy it.
  8. So he and the family have been very naughty people... guess the deputy ED minister will lose her job too?
  9. Originally this was said by Anutin to be used for medical use only... now it seems it's going to be in every food you buy as an "attractive bonus ingredient" how ridiculous are people?
  10. No it's because he doesn't want to be embarrassed at another airport when they won't let him in.
  11. Keeping ahead of the nation... Me first !!!
  12. A local loan shark in our Moo Baan wears a brown uniform to work...
  13. Genius, how about making it easier for long term expats. Something like if you've stayed here 5 years you automatically get a 10 year visa and exempt from 90 days reports? After 10 years and no issues you get another 10 years?
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