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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. With open grills that when one walks over can almost pass-out with the stench?
  2. Anutin is a man-child... well I never.
  3. Might want a word with the street vendors who daily tip their waste directly into the drains.
  4. No damage yet.... but when amalgamated and a huge monopoly?
  5. Keeping an eye on it achieves nothing. My ole man once asked me as a lad what I wanted for Xmas? I said I had my eye on a bike in the local shop. He said keep my eye on it, as I'd never get my ar$e on it.
  6. Trade with China, defense with USA, Thailand playing neutral as normal.
  7. Well that really is a nice welcome to Thailand... I wonder if Mr> Wanchai has ever heard of "foot and mouth" disease?
  8. As my ole man used to say, might as well get hung for a sheep as a lamb.
  9. Good deed of the day.. condolences for the loss of your mother, she brought you up correctly.
  10. Makes you feel safe when you go to the local mall and a war zone breaks out.
  11. So no rush then... maybe they'll pop-in to the station as you have their identity and save you the trouble of going out to find them.
  12. Tourists are a replaceable commodity.
  13. So no lessons learnt or prevention methods installed?
  14. Craft beer to challenge the sh*t forced on us by a monopoly... I can see a backlash against this by certain families.
  15. The true numbers would shame the government for not caring a damn about the public.
  16. I'll stick to a cold beer and a nice malt.
  17. Next week, fisherman from Thailand catches Covid from a snake-head fish.
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