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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. Lucky it was after closing time and not during peak hours ????
  2. I bet he didn't get a "hello handsome man either"
  3. Are there any un-corrupt officials in Thailand?
  4. Previously they had tried growing pineapples but found that every part of the production process required chemicals, which were not only expensive but meant they were forced to use toxic substances on their produce. The couple say they run the plantation out of love and passion rather than trying to become wealthy. Says a lot for all the other toxic fruit and vegetables that are the majority sold in Thailand.
  5. I get those at Immigration... yet don't touch drugs?
  6. That depends very much on the cut & colour of your cloth.
  7. So a film shot in Thailand constitutes working in Thailand and therefore tax payment are liable? Do they not pay taxes on earnings in their own country thus not liable in Thailand?
  8. Yet Prayut seems to see the need for a continued state of emergency... ?
  9. Should be re-branded... Thai Airways Reincarnated Plc [Thai]
  10. This now has nothing to do with Covid, enough laws are in place to deal with any medical issues. Generals should stay out of politics.
  11. My last two 90 day applications were excepted and approved the same day, this latest one has been pending since Monday, if it's not done by Friday it looks like a trip into the office as it expires on Sunday [I do have another 7 days after that if I go in person] but I prefer to get it done prior to expiry. Same info with no changes..
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