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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. Good... time these nutters leaned a lesson.
  2. manslaughter would do nicely
  3. Life is full of choices...
  4. Hello boss, yeah had a bit of an incident this morning..
  5. Surely this is interfering in politics... clear as a bell.
  6. Tooled up and ready to injure/kill.... I hope they find him and ban him for life from providing public transportation
  7. Isn't Thailand now on the humanitarian council... or something similar?
  8. Your'e welcome to your opinion as I am mine... have a great day....
  9. They cannot open up... prices would rocket and natives won't have a hope in hell. That's why it's like it is and will stay that way.
  10. It's all rental.. just the duration that changes
  11. A real pro.... watched by mother and son...
  12. Should have confiscated them as well, that would have really hurt
  13. Never seen a Thai goat with an ear tag yet, or any other animal for that matter.? That would mean some kind of traceability.. Thailand doesn't do that in the livestock trade.
  14. The posted reward was 5,000... but hey..
  15. Some are sneaky and sleep with their eyes open....
  16. For now until he's released again.
  17. Should've shot him and be done with it.
  18. So jail the employers... not just hit the workers
  19. 4 days without rice must be hellish... I've fasted longer than that with benefits to my health..
  20. Something smells about this... Thai airways boasts about how well it's doing but need financial support in the form of a subsidy from the government?
  21. Since which time Singapore has evolved and Thailand hasn't

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