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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. Just like her brother....
  2. Someone else who didn't read the instruction manual...
  3. Why can't parents take better care of their young offspring.
  4. Jail the driver for 10 years, human trafficking is reprehensible
  5. Complete and utter rubbish... the road is for vehicles not effing rice
  6. Bravery award for the two lads
  7. probably what their parents said, why work in 7-11 when you can make real money
  8. The boat and truck confiscated of course?
  9. I think he will soon be getting another kicking....
  10. I guess China will be sending more rubbish south to dispose of it.
  11. To give him a fine and the place will be open as usual tonight.
  12. Unbelievable... but then again were are in Thailand.
  13. Thailand just never seems to learn.... safety is the key word.
  14. Healthy competition is healthy, but CCP have their thumb on the scales...
  15. True, but I have witnessed robots working 24/7 for no pay or holiday and never phones in sick.... putting people out of work.
  16. Says it all, but... the lorry should never have been on that road, i hope he's charged accordingly.
  17. She said god let there be light, so there was light, and now you're on the other side.

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