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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. Can you imagine the skimming available with that budget.
  2. Safety a concern..... sad it wasn't a concern before, six lives would have been saved.
  3. Yet nothing will ever be done to change things in Thailand.
  4. Only L/b's run after spying a gold necklace... other wise
  5. Which means it'll be back on the road next week... makes you feel real safe.
  6. At least the went together...
  7. But he's not medling in politics?
  8. That will get you absolutely no-where in Thailand.
  9. Another crackdown... hub of.......
  10. Yep... best advice ever...
  11. Emerging nation..... maybe in some parts, but not all.
  12. Good grief what's wrong with people.
  13. Something more to this one-sided story
  14. History suggests this is never going to happen.
  15. How tragic... I hope he gets some justice and eventually peace.

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