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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. And hi attackers, lets have an even playing field
  2. Actually Phipat started it with the sandbox scheme in Phuket
  3. Got to be some history to this... shot six times seems more intentional than a usual road rage incident.
  4. Many people seem to go out to these events tooled up... I remember when you just took a girl and your wallet
  5. Was that in hope or after the fact ?
  6. Kudos to the PTT employee, I hope the reward he deserves is forthcoming.
  7. This guy caught on CCTV will be found quickly.. loser.
  8. Still blatantly meddling in politics.
  9. Performing monkeys were banned, why not elephants...
  10. Pop's had a lucky escape... must've been the amulet.
  11. It's seems to go back as far as birth...
  12. True, but what happened to all the flood water? Ah yes,they watched it flow away... shame on the management.
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