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  1. Additionally, when I received the new passport I noticed that the "date of issue" (as stamped on the passport) was only 4 days after the application package had been received in Bangkok. I figured then, as another poster verified, that the application must surely have been forwarded electronically to the U.S. for processing there and the remainder of the time was all for the time it took to return it to Thailand. Really, quite excellent service.
  2. This past May/June --- mailed application package to Bangkok. Received passport back here in Chiang Mai exactly 3 weeks from the day the application was received in Bangkok.
  3. Ah, that may well explain the less than cordial encounter I recently had with a Western staff member there. I had been working with a Thai staff member quite satisfactorily during a couple of visits relative to a visa matter. But one morning, while waiting a few minutes for the Thai staff person to become available, the Western fellow approached, without introducing himself, and in a rather brusque manner asked what I was waiting on. Your comment that he could not “spell the word customary service” hits the nail squarely on the head. Exactly! I’m happy with the Thai staff, not so much this “visa manager”.
  4. If flying into BKK, you could have the option of Bell Bus. Quite comfortable and punctual, with departures throughout the day. https://belltravelservice.com/
  5. Thank you for this insight and for sharing.
  6. As we all know, the pleasure and happiness of living here in Thailand can, at times, be diminished a bit by difficulties in taking care of business back home, especially if that home is the U.S. and the business has anything to do with the federal government agencies. I’m interested to know if anyone has dealt with the U.S. IRS Taxpayer Advocate Service? And would be interested to know of the quality of the service, ease of communication, helpfulness, etc. After smooth sailing all my adult life, I’ve now a tax filing problem that began five years ago with their withholding yearly refunds for some undefined “past tax obligation”. Now, after those five years and services of two different accounting firms, we’re no nearer understanding what the IRS complaint is and what it is they want. All we (me and the accountants) receive is yet another “we need more time” reply from them. Certainly the accountants know more than I do, but by now after five years something surely should have been resolved or at least made more clear. So, I’m considering contacting the Taxpayer Advocate myself to ask for an answer to the simple question, “Just what is the problem; and what do you guys want?” Just interested on some recon about the Taxpayer Advocate Service before I start. Thanks!
  7. The date on my 2nd notice reads: "Second Request Oct. 27, 2022" I am in Chiang Mai.
  8. Excellent info. Thanks very much for the link!
  9. Thanks! Will give it a try for sure!
  10. I did not know this about FedEx - I did not see anything on their website that indicated it. And, I agree about Manila. When the tracking for my first submission showed the mailing to have stopped at the international arrival place in the U.S., I emailed Manila. Their reply was basically - 'sorry, can't do anything to help'.
  11. This is something that I am considering, actually. By chance and luck, a friend from the U.S. will visit next week for a short vacation. I had been thinking of asking him to carry it back with him and put it in the mail there. I'm wondering if the actual post mark (then being the U.S. and not Thailand) would raise their eyebrows any. Yes, I know - maybe a bit odd to worry about that, but with their quite confused operation, who knows!
  12. Has anyone else had difficulty recently in successfully delivering the U.S. Social Security Form 7162 to the SSA p.o. box in Wilkes-Barre, PA? Some months ago, I (like most other U.S. retirees) received the form, signed it, and put it into Thai Post EMS. With tracking I could note when it reached the U.S., but there it sat in "international arrivals" or some such designation, just collecting dust. Thai Post did fine; but the pathetic USPS simply lost the envelope or just gave up. Now, of course, I've received the "second notice" from SSA, and now after the month(!) it took to arrive here, I now have 15 days to get this second one over to them in Wilkes-Barre. Has this happened to anyone else and, if so, what deliverly method did you use? I understand that the couriers (DHL, FedEx, etc.) will not / cannot deliver to post office boxes. I have actually found the physical address of the SSA in Wilkes-Barre and am wondering and considering courier-ing it to the office rather than the po box. Thanks for any help from anyone else who has run afowl of the bumbling USPS.
  13. Yes, but the OP is asking in reference to an arriving "cultured American lady", as he says.
  14. Uh....well, it's posted in the Chiang Mai forum, so I figure the OP is asking for Chiang Mai.
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