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Posts posted by kdf

  1. Will be great to be at Bert's again.

    kdf +1

    I make that 28 who did I miss?

    1) raro + 1

    2) Phil Connors +1

    3) NormanW

    4) basjke

    5) Aussiechick

    6) soundman +1

    7) craigt3365 +1

    8) Cochran +1

    9) Beardog

    10) wonder6281 +1

    11) begsaresponse

    12) mamanoodle

    13) Forkinhades

    14) somtampet in his penguin suit

    15) Waatwang

    16) blueeyes

    17) taff33 +1

    18) george +1

    19) Rimmer +1

  2. We farang may not have a vote but we have a choice not to spend 1 satang on any red related business moving forward, from somtam seller to beverage company.

    Seems like many on the board are new, don't you know how Thais act? Watch them in a street fight, 5-20 against one if they can get it. They do NOT share Western ideas of property or value of life. Maybe they are not wrong, but they sure are different. I have a few friends who are Thai and they feel shame over some of the things that are happening. But Central World burning will often get the response, so what I don't shop there.

    The important thing is for us expats to realize that these are our hosts. These are the people that run this country from the bug vendor to the PM. I exclude the King as he seems to be the only demonstrably great guy around. I weep for this country when he passes.

    My wife and I have been talking about how one can feel safe in this country? I am not sure. I have had 3 unsuccessful pickpocket attempts on me. one successful, a rip off by maid, several tools and shiny things pocketed by "workers" I was unable to watch constantly and an attempted grab for my Baht chain while on a baht bus. My wife had her wallet stolen out of her purse in Carrefour. Idiots have blocked roads, airports, and burned their city. It is true that pick pockets abound in other parts of the world and political riots often get out of hand. So what is different? I can not read these folks.

    There is another man from my neck of the woods that has a business here in Pataya and often took the same driver I used on multiple trips to Bangkok. This guy was charming. My friend had put him up in his house when it was too late for a return trip to Bangkok. One day our trusted driver called us and maybe others with the need for 2,000 baht to get his wife out of the hospital. We were already set up with this information a week or so before and we both deposited money in his account. I got took for $2000 my friend for $3,000. The point is that we as westerners do not have the chops to judge these folks. My thiefdar don't work here, neither does my terroristdar.

    I have never been pick pocketed in any other country and I am not the kind of man who is usually targeted. I am over 6'4" tall and a too hefty 232 lbs. In my old home country people often are killed in drug deals, answer stay away from that area. Here the people seem to bring it to where I want to be. I need to go to Bumrungrad and most staff and my doc are staying away and there is a warning on the website. When people asked why would you move to Thailand one of the answers was always the people. When I can finally leave this place I will be sad for what it once was and when people ask me why I left Thailand my answer will be the same as why I came here, the people.


    You clearly haven't got a f**ing clue about the troubles in Thailand and what the REAL cause of the problems are. Unfortunately I can't tell you because I'll get banned. But one of the paragraphs in your statement is so far from the truth it ain't even funny.

    Been here on and off for 22 years, living here for 5 and I am not stupid. I probably don't have a f**ing clue about the troubles here in Thailand and their real cause or what makes you tick. Don't really care. Just want me and mine to be safe and happy and find ways to avoid people like you. Did the political thing, didn't change anything, maybe now is your time to try. Hope you have better luck, or at lest more fun.

    Hard to agree or argue a point you can't speak because you'll get banned, but I am sure that someone without a clue will have a paragraph you find so far from the truth it isn't even funny. Not feeling funny, just sad.

    Hope you get what you want or need, I will.


  3. This guy was charming. My friend had put him up in his house when it was too late for a return trip to Bangkok. One day our trusted driver called us and maybe others with the need for 2,000 baht to get his wife out of the hospital. We were already set up with this information a week or so before and we both deposited money in his account. I got took for $2000 my friend for $3,000. The point is that we as westerners do not have the chops to judge these folks.

    Am I missing something here? He asked for 2000baht but between you and your friend, you gave him $5000?

    I think anyone from anywhere would take advantage of someone like you!

    Yeah I guess you are right. Was worth 2,000 Baht to me for the lesson. I actually don't get taken anywhere else I have been. I also hope he puts my money to some good use for himself or family. And yeah you are missing something as you probably often are, he called us separately and asked me for 2000 and my friend for 3000. We did not find out until later. Also while I no longer run as fast as I used to seldom will I be taken twice by the same guy. In the US I gave a new neighbor 4,000 dollars so he wouldn't miss a rent payment. Hadn't known him long, but was heading towards friendship. If he had took me for my $4,000, lesson learned and time saved. As it turned out, long time friend.

    Just saying here my chances are worse since I do not read these folks as well. I believe you and I are very different sorts of folk. I can be took and not be ashamed, at least the first time.

    I think I can read you however, troll up my way and we can chat, I might learn something. Always willing to try. I can also teach. Find me via pm or on the Pataya boards.


  4. Are you both mad. Embassys are telling people not to go to Thailand never mind Bangkok and you are arriving soon.Braindead comes to mind

    Embassies are always telling people not to visit Thailand becase of this or that. Most places are very peaceful. I'm not sure that is such a good reason.

    Yah, listen to your embassy and be a pawn! :)

    Hey I listen to my embassy and I am not a prawn! As a matter of fact if I was a prawn I might not have an embassy or even be able to listen, what oh sorry you said

    pawn, same thing and I can only move 1 square at a time after the first move.


  5. Agree with 5th as a solid date. 12th and thereafter aren't good for me...but don't let that stop you!

    I will be there if possible. Some forced Saturday trips to Bangkook and the hopes to do some Asian travel, may prevent me.

    Other wise kdf +1. I will confirm as the time nears. Geez, I am not even sure what I am doing tomorrow, or for that matter now.

    Bert's sounds good to me, at least no part of that place is likely to collapse.


  6. I have used 2 services and 3 independents. ALL broke or "borrowed" way more than the value of their poor idea of cleaning.

    I now have an independent that I will move mountains to keep. Just wish she had not been so darn expensive to find. Figure Thais will clean and break randomly

    and need constant detailed supervision to perform the simplest of tasks. You may then get lucky as I have and find a gem, but they are VERY rare. Watch and learn.


  7. Interesting note on my health insurance. They paid for a late night ambulance trip, ER visit, and next day doc visit and meds. However still no clarity on inpatient surgery at well over 100,000 baht.

    They have asked for more information, some does not exist, but they now say that they have not denied the claim, but this group promotes itself on the basis of paying approved hospitals directly and not going the reimbursement route.

    Hope springs eternal.


  8. No my insurance is not Bupa. It is a well respected brand and more expensive than Bupa. They do not require pre-auth for surgery, but would prefer it. As long as you go to one of their approved hospitals, the surgery is medically necessary, and not a pre-existing condition they should pay. The "fact" that they pay the hospital directly instead of reimbursing you, figures prominently in there pre-purchase presentation.

    One of their reviewing Docs told me that he did not trust check ups done by Thai docs so my evidence of non-pre-existing status he will most likely deny. I am not sure what nationality of docs he expected me to find here in Thailand.

    Any More ideas?


  9. Hello gang,

    I could use some advise.

    I have health insurance with a company with a very good reputation and they have paid some small outpatient claims quickly and easily. I had an inpatient claim of slightly over 100,000. They refused to pay the hospital directly which feature figures prominently in their advertising. I then got a call from a pleasant physician a week or so after I was out. They had some concerns regarding my claim and we disused them. He said well we will be covering this claim. After about 5-7 minutes he called back, perhaps a bit embarrassed, and said that they had pre-existing condition questions and would only pay half in good faith. I subsequently got a letter from the general manager asking for more paperwork, without mentioning the good faith 50%.

    I would assume that the medical consultant would be the deciding voice on medical issues and now I can not reach him. It is easy to jump to negative conclusions, but this company has treated me well in smaller issues for some time.

    Any ideas?


  10. Martin, you were always a great host and entertaining drinking partner.

    I remember an early afternoon when another Martin that went on before you, told me to hurry up and get to the Farang Connection since you had secured 2 new bottles of JD.

    Sorry I spent so little time with you. I wish I had had more. RIP

    Condolences to your family.


  11. Well I may just have my first post deleted by a moderator, I hope not.

    Anyone entering my property with intent to do bodily or property harm is a waste of skin and does not deserve the air he is using.

    Whether I am willing to end their life is a very different consideration.

    Unfortunately traps of the kind discussed here are pretty silly. Maybe the metal door, panic room ideas deserve consideration.

    The Thais would not let me bring in my Texas burglar alarm. Speaking of guns an unloaded gun is just a scary looking stick and NO gun should be pulled or pointed unless you are

    trained in its use and willing to deal with the consequences of using deadly force. I am well trained and kept my skills current back in the world. I have thought of the conditions in which I would

    be willing to use deadly force and accept the consequences. Taking a life is so easy to talk about in the abstract, but the real thing is a life changing event and not just for the one with a round or 2 in them (always double tap).

    It is silly for someone with no weapons training, nor recent and regular practice to even own a gun.

    Best idea for the untrained is to make yourself not look like an easy victim. Also many passive suggestions have been mentioned and when visible to the general thief will elict alternative target seeking behavior.

    Be safe and smart


  12. Plasma is better as a general rule, but there are exceptions. Since people usually keep a TV a long time I recommend pushing the budget.

    Panasonic and some Samsung are the best for Plasma. If you an find a Pioneer Plasma Kuro, either buy it or tell me where. They are still by far the best consumer plasmas ever made and some dealers are really trying to stiff people on them.

    Plasma does use more power, but newer models have gotten better. On some you have to consider extra fan or aircon use in the room.

    40 to 42 prices have come down. At that size you might be able to get a 720p resolution and save some green and not notice the difference.

    I would highly recommend getting a 46 to 52 inch screen and 1080p resolution if your budget allows, bigger is better.

    BTW a led tv is a lcd tv that uses led rather than fluorescents for the light source They are often more frugal with electricity. The most expensive type has led's behind the screen rather than at the edge. These tv can do some local dimming of the led's to help one of lcd's weak spots that is getting real black black's.

    You could go to cnet.com for more information than you need.

    One more thought are for the dlp projection TV's. They can be huge and much cheaper. Most are now about 10-15 inches deep so no skinny screen, but the most bang for your buck. Mitsubishi makes and excellent 60 incher that is available in the US for about $1,200. Samsung also still (I believe) makes these and they had 2 on display at Numchai Pattaya Suk last time I was there. With them there is one problem that has gotten much better with the new models, but not solved in all new models. Some people my wife, but not me can see flashes of rainbow like distortions at rare times in areas of high contrast. Watch something with high contrast, explosions in a night scene are a prime example. If you do not see the rainbows you might be able to get a giant TV for a good price and few folks are now bothered by the rainbow distortion that was more common in earlier models.

    If you are going to buy a nice tv, please get an HDMI source. Also these days power buy and Numchai are offering some excellent deals that include a simple home theater. I believe that good sound adds more to the cinematic experience than the size of the tv.



    Good luck

  13. Don't have the soda stream, but have a nice James Bond looking soda maker in heavy glass with what looks like chromed chain mall on the outside.

    Can get co2 cartridges at Verasu in Bangkok, so they may have soda makers also.


  14. Glad to hear of Raro's return to our universe. Have not been blind drunk with him for too long.

    However, last night was not a good one and traveling that far afield may be too much to ask of our corporal selves.

    Maybe later in WS. From there I get a nice comfy air con "limo" to carry me home that knows where I live even when I forget.

    Also many rumors BIB gonna start warming up for Drunk driver arrests.

    Glad there are no rules against drunk passengers.


  15. What is it with Thais and posing with the dead? Are they going to put it on their mantle piece, with the family photos?

    What the Thai will do or value no longer surprises me, sometimes saddens or horrifies, but no longer surprises.


  16. Has anyone heard from a reliable source when H1N1 vaccine may be available in Pattaya, Thailand, or elsewhere in Asia ?

    Today Bangkok Pattaya hospital told me that the Thai government has decided to not release any of the vaccine until next year.

    Please remember that at this time this must be considered unsubstantiated info. When my lung doc is back I will ask him.



  17. Looks like fun!

    I must try it sometime. I still have the directions via baht bus.

    The chrome poles and a good friend kept me in WS.

    Sine this is a family forum I can not post a photo of what folks missed there.


  18. When and where are the buffalo races and long tail boat races?

    I seem to find out about everything (day time oriented anyway) by reading a review of a just finished event.

    I don't watch TV, don't even have cable, the only local paper I could stand was the Walking Street Journal, so hard to find stuff out.

    So thanks for all the hints.


  19. I'll give it a try next time I get down there, but from the description, I don't have a lot of hope. A REAL hamburger is 100 percent beef with no fillers, spices or other secret ingredients.

    I think you will find thats actually called a steak. A good burger contains spices and seasonings which may well be "secret" in nature.

    No........or not necessarily true.........especially in Texas where we just take ground round, form it into a burger shape, and grill it.

    Sometimes we do add some salt and pepper.............sometimes we do add some BBQ sauce...........but never any fillers.

    We also have something similar called "ground steak." It is simply a larger version.

    The key to any good burger is good meat.............Thai beef is totally disgusting (smells like some chemical to me).

    Imported beef is critical..........but that raises the price.

    If you try to cut the cost by adding fillers, you mess up the burger and it becomes more like we call "meat loaf."

    Well said. I scream inside each time I see a hamburger griller take his/her spatula and press the juices out and compress the burger. Very counter productive.

    Ground beef with spices and fillers is meat loaf and a meat loaf sandwich is NOT what I am after.

    Bully's in Bangoko has the best burger in Thailand I have tasted to date. Justin' are good, but could use a tad higher quality meat, a cheddar, and some charcoal in the grill. That said it is tied for top 2 with HJ bean's for Pattaya and at quite a savings. Best burger in Asia that I have tried is at Blue Frog in the Venetian in Macau, second best is Henry Chin's in Hanoi.

    The search continues.


    I prefer air con to flies when I eat, but I will return to Just Brgers.

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