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Posts posted by kdf

  1. Saturday, fine with me.

    What day is it today?

    Somebody just gotta say where, when etc..

    I have enjoyed the small group Friday night outs, most of us had in mind the same itinerary.

    The Friday night outs can be any night. I like midweek, no crowds. Was pretty busy out in WS last night, odd.


  2. Well you said about 6pm so sat at Bali High from 5:30 to 7pm!

    Problem was that I was all alone! Maybe that's why the Friday Night Outs died out before!



    Sorry for your Friday night out experience. Out alone can be pretty bleak.

    I have been one half of a Friday night out group of 2, but still had a great night out. However I have been known to amuse myself for hours with a frayed piece of twine.

    Hope you enjoyed the sunset. Did it look like a place that might work if more of us showed up?

    Don't give up on us. Plans for this meet often are very fluid and change at the last minute, but this one was exceptionally poorly communicated.

    Some of the gang work on Friday and last minute stuff can happen. I just didn't make the early hour, ( I am often late for the more usual 7pm start) but did not say so the board until I realized it was already after 6pm.

    Again sorry for our Friday night out experience and hope you had a good time in spite of it all.


  3. Well it must be beer o'clock cause I am starting to wake.

    Thanks to George, Monty, sponsors, moderators, members and the like. If it wasn't for y'all

    I'ld have to drink alone.

    Everything was nice and clear until I took my sensible wife SWRWS home and decided to go back out.

    Without her watchful presence my evil twin returned and took over my body. Some of my flash backs/memories were of one board member apparently drowning in a bevy

    of Pattaya dancers from which he somehow extricated his arm to wave goodbye as I stumbled to the door. I actually had the manager (a Thai Friend) of one place tell me I shouldn't drink anymore.

    I wondered, from my cozy place on the floor, why he would say this. Another moment from my evil twins evening, I recall as 2 yup two young women are walking with me to my waiting limo. My evil visions somehow did not fit the frequent warnings, "like no do not knock over another motorcycle, yes this is the sidewalk, we do not understand Italian we are Thai, watch out for the food vendor, you need to put both feet in the car." Then I awaken back in my own body as I hear a final cackle from my evil twin and find myself alone in the limo's back seat with the driver spending more time looking at me with concern than the road.

    yup a good night


  4. Can't you people see? Is it not obvious? The horror, the horror.

    This is all part of Raro's devious plan for world domination.

    He has contacts all over the known universe and makes mysterious "trips" to countries near and far.

    He also can control brain waves with his weird guitar music. Cats obey him!

    OOHH the humanity.

    Since he may read this, this may be my last chance to warn you. He has powers.



  5. What rest of them?

    I survived and still try and get out with

    the survivors from time to time. I was the only one last night, and tonight for that matter.

    Stay tooned for Survivors Pattaya.


  6. I feel so proud. I actually know someone respectable,

    at least in someone's eyes.

    I am so proud I think I will celebrate, "honey is there anything left in that bottle?"

    Pause while SWRWS looks, nope, off to the store we go.

    Doesn't being a mod mean you have to do a lot of work or something?

    Do they do a criminal background check?

    Just wondering?


  7. Friday a week ago the vw bus bar was yet closed and the closest hooch was the Z bar or Zito bar that is part of the Brazilian bar b que.

    My bartender had just had a z carved into his hair so I hope they stay open for a few more weeks on his account.

    Good Mojhitos, but way too pricey. The skewers had many more meats on them then the last time I looked, 7 or 8 and even some customers. No dancers yet so I volunteered.

    Worked out OK someone bought me a drink to stop, coulda been the guy with the Z.

    Just as I was about to over spend on another mojhito my traveling partner and bail money holder nudged me to notice that the VW bus bar was open. So we were happy sipping less good, but still acceptible,

    mojhitos for one third the price. Someone may point out that it was raining and the vw bus bar is outside, but I refer them back to the phrase one third the price.


  8. O GAWD, say it isn't so.

    In an alcohol induced haze last night I thought I saw the m word under Raro's name in a post.

    Thought it was just another visual hallucination, but now an hour past the crack of noon my mostly sober eyes see the unholy truth.



  9. There is a hospital in a town located north of Pattaya called Phayathai hospital in Sriracha with a decent reputation for quality and friendlier pricing than the Pattaya expat hospitals. I have PMed you with an English speaking contact there.


    My best wishes for the patient for a speedy and complete recovery.

    You know something gang, just about the time I feel like I have had it with the petty cr-p that goes on here so often, something like this happens.

    Good work, this is where we shine.


  10. Sounds good, but we will have to give it a miss.

    Just back from the big Mango and too pooped to have a pop anywhere but the homestead. How long is this going on? What is the food like?

    Have fun and do anything I would do.


  11. Sorry about that, but you may have the record. Good try, although a hello sailor wave may be beyond the call of duty, unless of course saying hello to sailors was part of the game plan. A record is worth something anyway.

    I remember 1 Friday night, with free food, that there was 3 of us, but that is as bad as I have seen and that was right on Beach road near Jomtien, so easy to get to.

    Whole thing seems difficult these days. Some of the better party animals moved, some to the darkside and some to Korat.

    Some like me need a ride or to be close to a baht bus run and a notable one or 2 travel a lot for work. Used to be 8-12 folks on a good Friday, now 4-6.

    The best attendance usually is PBG and a chrome pole inspection. Works for me.

    If SWRWS recovers, we may make next Friday.


  12. SWRWS birthday is Friday, so my plans happily focus on her.


    my warmest regards and wishes and all the best and whatever else to SWRWS! Hope to have her around for some rounds of her favourite sedative anytime soon!

    Thanks muchly, she enjoyed your message. Doc again on Mon. then amply supplied off for a b-day trip, then we MUST get together. Hello to your better half and thanks for her call,

    started SWRWS's day off well.

    Enjoy Friday everyone.


  13. Today we had trouble with TOT at the office. Apart from restarting the router 3 times today (has become a routine, but tomorrow is the day I smash it against the wall and jump on its remains....), we couldn't reach our SMTP server anymore. All other internet worked...then by and by webpages came back with 404.

    Pinged the smtp server. Got a time-out back, but also its IP address. The IP address pinged normally. Let the wife call TOT, NO PROBLEM on their side. While she is on the phone, a friend of mine from Laem Chabang calls, asking if he can come over with his laptop as some urgent e-mails got stuck in his outbox...

    Reminds me of "Flakes" by Zappa:

    We are millions 'n' millions

    We're coming to get you

    We're protected by unions

    So don't let it upset you

    Can't escape the conclusion

    It's probably God's Will

    That civilization

    Will grind to a standstill

    You probably already use opendns, so not much more to do but keep after ToT, TT&T, CAT, and maxnet as the sometimes enablers and oft times destroyers of electrical communication in this country.

    I have called and complained often, my strongest suggestion is NOT to let their massively incompetent "engineers" near your gear.

    Remember that any science beyond the understanding of a people will be considered magic. I assure you they chant and throw chicken bones at their servers.


  14. Ok, I now have heard it all, or at least more than I care to.

    There are places here in Pattaya where old men drool on younger women? Yuck, sounds messy.

    Why would anyone want to go see an old man drool on a young woman? That is just gross.

    As most who know me would tell you, I am pretty conservative, and would usually not post on such a gross subject. The Castle, the Heck club, all seem tame compared to this

    voyeuristic activity. Eck!

    Yucko, lets keep it cleaner here folks, drooling on people for Crikey's sake.


    BTW, go to Bangkok for what you want.

    BTW again, I know another blond woman BM who has a birthday on the 22, she is a wee bit past 21 however, you wouldn't know from lookin'.

  15. I have uncovered a worrying link between the swine flu and the chinese calendar.

    2007 - Chinese year of the Chicken - Bird Flu Pandemic devastates parts of Asia

    2008 - Chinese year of the Horse - Equine Influenza decimates Australian racing

    2009 - Chinese year of the Pig - Swine Flu Pandemic kills hundreds of pigs/humans around the globe.

    It gets worse........

    Next year......

    2010 - Chinese year of the Cock

    What could possibly go wrong?

    Oh mY gawd!!!!!


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