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Posts posted by d123

  1. Lurid shows in Phuket Town...disgusting. But hey, why pick on Phuket Town shows, walk down Bangla any day of the week and you see touts pushing these 'lurid shows'. Then of course theres the big place in ChinaTown Plaza. This one doesn't count though as its only catering for the quality tourists from the East. No chance of this place being raided as its difficult to find (across the street from Patong Police Station & within walking distance). Not only that, its run by the same people who control Paradise Beach Club; you know, the one that was supposed to be removing it's structures because they are illegal.


    Some things never change.

  2. "...The objective of the annual Mega Fam Trip, which came under the theme “Classic Phang Nga”, is to allow tour agencies to survey tourism products available in the province as well as explore accommodations and new tourist attractions, especially in the Khao Lak area which is well known among foreign visitors, before the high season starts this October 15..."


    How does it go....Proper Prior Planning Prevents etc., etc.


    better late than never I suppose.

  3. On 7/16/2016 at 7:51 PM, mrjohn said:

    Agreed. Thai celery has a very intense flavour. Buy a large bunch from the market and dry it in the sun. Grind to a powder. Add to soups stews etc, Just as good as celery seed.


    Great idea, many thanks.


    Think I'll skip the soup and stews though and stick with 'etc.' In my case the 'etc.' will consist mainly of Bloody Mary's

  4. 1 hour ago, tutsiwarrior said:

    substituting wasabi for anything is an invitation to disaster...


    I was with my english ex on a flying visit to LA and we were in a sushi place of the type that LA is known for...and she picked up a gob of wasabi on the side with her chop sticks and said: 'what's this?' and before I could stop her tossed it back...(she had also insisted on wine with japanese food)


    pandemonium ensued...and she threw her wine on me and ran out of the restaurant...

    You starting your campaign for POTY already?

  5. On September 29, 2559 BE at 9:03 PM, oilinki said:


     "....The same applies to the listening music. I do enjoy the occasional surprises, from which I can learn from...." 



    Try out the Huey Morgan Show on BBC Radio 2 on a Sunday morning. I'm sure you'll get more than the 'occasional surprises'  



  6. I was led to believe the authorities were continuously bemoaning the shortages in the number of officers serving within the police force in Phuket. This morning while driving the bypass road from the Toyota shop at the northern end down to the Central intersection I was surprised to see members of the BIB standing at the side of the road every 60 metres or so apart. Where did they all come from, does it mean that all other policing duties are on hold this morning?

  7. Driving up to the Samkong underpass site this morning I was thinking there was a slim chance the project engineer may actually achieve his stated aim of completion of the project within September. Unfortunately by the time I arrived at mess, sorry I meant site, and started driving up the north bound slip road the rain started. My question is if completion is not achieved this month will the weather be once again blamed for any further delay to the project?

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