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Posts posted by d123

  1. Cameras to spot motorbike riders without helmet.  This morning passed an accident in Samkong. I don't know how it was caused but car with red plates in the middle of the road, motorbike laying on its side at the edge of the road. Behind the car was a Thai laid out in the road, he was moving so not a fatal accident. Not a helmet to be seen. While waiting to pass the accident one of Thailands finest arrives at the scene. I counted 14 motorbike riders without helmets pass the BIB rep. 


    Unless theres a complete change of attitude things will never change. The crap that comes out of these officials mouths make DJ Trump sound like a beginner.

  2. 2 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Here's an idea. How about directing all shopkeepers near schools to demand ID when serving alcohol to those who might be underage. You know, like they do in the real world. Too simple? This country is beyond belief, how they manage to turn even the simplest task into something complicated.


    "...how they manage to turn even the simplest task into something complicated"


    Thats an easy one... they practice a lot

  3. 15 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

    Yes we have a plan it will be a great plan. Greater than Obama's plan. The plan when it is in place will be stupendous, amazing the best plan that you have ever seen planned. When we show you this plan you will see that is an unbelievable plan. Sean my boy what were we talking about again?? Refresh my memory. 


    A truly beautiful, beautiful post. 


    Oops nearly forgot...   !

  4. 3 minutes ago, KenKadz said:

    Every comment seems to point to the same problem.

    Lack of trained personnel on the desks (not enough staff).

    This isn't brain surgery?



    I agree that 'Every comment seems to point to the same problem'


    However I would say that 'the same problem' is the Thai way of running an airport

  5. 22 hours ago, gamini said:

    Massive corruption in Britain's most prestigious company. I knew an arms dealer who paid massive amounts of bribery money on behalf of the British arms industry to officials all over the world. The amount was mind-boggling. I would also assume that it's not just the arms industry that is paying huge bribes to foreign officials, there could be a lot of other companies doing the same thing.
    This should be a wake-up call for Brits who criticise Thailand for corruption. I think it's possible that all the money that's paid out by British companies in bribes probably exceeds the total bribes paid in Thailand


    Unfortunately virtually every big company, no matter what their nationality, will probably be guilty of offering bribes sooner or later when they are dealing with many of the 'up and coming countries' (for want of a better term). 

  6. 1 hour ago, edwinchester said:

    My wife's family haven't spoken with their cousins, who live directly next door, for over 25 years all because of a petty squabble of who was to bring the kids home from school.

    The PM is deluded when he talks about setting differences aside, it ain't gonna happen.


    edwinchester, I think your last sentence is too long...the first four words would have been sufficient.

  7. 4 hours ago, hkt83100 said:

    This was taken on January 4, 10:34. Considerable crowds waiting to be serviced...20170104_103453.jpg


    Doesn't look too inviting, Having to wait in the open, limited shade and what happens when its raining, do you have to stand in the open? I drove down Beach Road last week and noticed the amount of people waiting. I have to do my 90 day reporting next week, I hope there's no crowds then. Last 90 day  reporting done in Patong took less than 4 minutes, in and out, terrific service.

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