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Posts posted by d123

  1. There is (sorry - there used to be) lots of small ‘hardware’ stores scattered around it is/was surprising what they have, simply ask, if all else fails try Keehin on the by-pass road.


    good luck with your search

    • Like 1
  2. On 7/26/2021 at 12:18 PM, spidermike007 said:

    Can you even imagine having him as one of your guards? He would be the last one I would ever choose to protect me. Must have been a favor of some sort.

    Prior to his current position, the last position the good general held was being in charge of the military responsible for the defence of this realm. He must have done a good job because I don’t recall the country being invaded during his watch




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    • Haha 1
  3. 18 hours ago, chercheur888 said:

    Just for comparison:

    The Gotthard Base Tunnel extends from the north portal at Erstfeld, in the canton of Uri, to the south portal at Bodio, in the canton of Ticino. The main tunnel is 57 km long and consists of two singletrack tubes, which are 40 metres apart and connected to each other every 325 metres by a cross-passage. With the addition of all the connecting passages, access adits and shafts, the complete tunnel system measures around 152 km. With a rock overlay of up to 2,300 metres, the Gotthard Base Tunnel is the world's deepest railway tunnel; it also has virtually no gradients, with the highest point lying at 550 metres above sea level.

    Yes it took them 17 years (204 months) but when you take the 57km divided by the number of months, they achieved under much more difficult circumstances 280 per month. I know it is in a different country:smile:

    How many meters is the Chalong underpass, not in time but distance?

    And not forgetting the Channel Tunnel 50kms long & 7 years

  4. Ah, corruption street. What annoys just about everyone I know that ventures down the street (Road) any time after dark is the number & actions of touts.


    Many years the touts were simply advertising drinks. Then they advertised ‘sexy ladies’, next came the ‘infamous’ ping pong shows now it’s straight to ‘live sex’, or more usually, ‘f#cking show’ with a couple of the touts advertising ‘boy shows’. 


    I dont one know who taught theses touts their trade but they all seem to make a beeline for foreign couples and family groups with young kids.


    All this in plain view of the local BiB. Amazing Thailand indeed, amazing 5 star resort.




  5. 23 hours ago, steelepulse said:

    So there's nothing at Laem Singh now?  No beach chairs, no charging for parking etc.?  If so that's great.  


    On the topic of Paradise Beach, don't think Jr Prab wants to let that cash machine die.

    Seem to recall an interview the young gent made with one of the local ‘rags’ shortly after said young gent returned from his studies in the US of A. 


    something like ....


    ”my dads the politician & I’m the businessman in our family”


    ”people don’t realise just how much money is made on Bangla in a single night” the young fell quoted a figure somewhere in the region of multiple millions of baht (it was a long time ago so I’ve forgotten the actual amount quoted but it was  lots of baht)

  6. ‘Casserole ‘, ‘rabbit’ (good or bad, not really fussed as long as they taste ok).


    Makro used to stock ‘labbits’ but havent seen them for a while, any ideas where I can purchase some of your kin?

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