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Posts posted by d123

  1. On 12/17/2016 at 2:23 PM, Kopitiam said:

    I have had 89.5FM this whole week.  But the broadcast was intermittent.  Furthermore, they have reused canned news, especially the Asean news this whole week was the same "clip" from last week.  Was very painful to the ears.


    I used to frequent one of the Starbucks coffee shops, one of the other regular customers at the time was a member of the 89.5FM news editorial team. I found it quite amusing that this news editor used to keep up to date with all the latest news by reading the one/two day old newspapers available in Starbucks. One of the good things about 89.5FM was that if you missed a BBC world news bulletin you could always catch up with it when it was repeated the following day. 

  2. 4 hours ago, Old Croc said:

    "The construction contract – assigning Civil Engineering Co Ltd a budget of B546 million to complete the underpass – officially began on July 28, 2015, but an oversight saw work on moving the power lines, utility poles and water pipes not beginning until March this year."


    An oversite! They forgot that much of the land they planned to use was privately owned!

    Perhaps we should start a pool on when we think it may be completed.

    My guess is Christmas 2019.



    Christmas 2019? Going on the contractors track record I think your estimate maybe a little optimistic. I'll go for Nov 21st 2020 for 'partial completion'.


    Watching Discovery Channel recently it reminded me that the good ol' US of A took only 10 years from 'scratch' to putting men on the moon (and getting them back)

  3. 1 hour ago, ratcatcher said:

    "The driver (A Police Officer) apparently wasn’t familiar with the route and didn’t know the train schedule, as he crossed the tracks the police truck was struck by the Aranyaprathet to Bangkok train travelling on its “normal” schedule." (And its normal speed.)

     As a member of a "professional, highly trained and respected "police force, he ought to have known to stop, look and listen at an unprotected railway crossing. Fortunately no-one was killed and I hope the cops make a speedy recovery. As for the truck, may it Rust In Pieces. I'm sure the train driver was relieved to hear that there were no fatalities.


    "As a member of a 'professional, highly trained and respected police force" No he isn't he's a member of the RTP, totally different animal.

  4. Could I make a suggestion to the RTP & DSI?


    Why not simply forget about this issue...the outcome is going to be the same. If they let the issue go away quietly and refrain from making silly statements they won't look like the p**ts that they truly are.


    I repeat, the outcome is going to be the same...a few million will change hands, there will be no loss of face and everything can continue as though nothing happened. 

  5. Taken from an article in a source we are not allowed to mention.


    "Every day for two months, Thai and Chinese airlines and charter firms have cancelled 30 or more flights -- 18,000 tourists a day, a quarter of a million a month. Don Nakornthab, senior director of the Bank of Thailand's macroeconomic and monetary policy department, pinpointed the unique reason for this massive loss of tourists, income, jobs and taxes -- the prime minister's personal decision in August to attack firms running so-called "zero dollar" tours.

    The "tourist engine" was the only part of the entire economy working well. Now, "It would seem like Thailand could lose one of its economic engines", according to Mr Don.

    Literally within hours, the junta's own Gen Tanasak Patimapragorn and his National Tourism Policy Committee confessed that, well, yes, Thailand won't actually meet the tourism target this year after all. For example, 10 million Chinese were supposed to come, only 8.8 million will make it. Then, in a classic panic, authorities waived all visa fees for all nationalities for the next 90 days."

  6. 12 hours ago, Wazza1 said:

    Most motorcycles are equipped with devices to prevent them from ramming into concrete blocks, I believe they are called brakes.



    Motorcycles are also fitted with cunning devices that assist in driving at night, I believe they're called lights. Sometimes however it appears the clowns that ride some of these motorcycles don't seem to know how to turn this particular device on.

  7. 24 minutes ago, Tkris said:

    Is there anywhere to get a take-away roasted turkey on the 26th?


    We don't have an oven yet.




    Villa (Chalong) sold them in the past as did TOPS in Central. Not sure whether they'll be selling them this year though.

  8. On 11/28/2016 at 8:04 AM, DoctorG said:

    While no one knows exactly where the word derives from, the “bee” in “spelling bee” simply means something to the effect of “gathering” or “get together”. 

    Other gatherings that were commonly labeled with “bee” were: apple bee, logging bee, quilting bee, barn bee, hanging bee, sewing bee, field bee, and corn husking bee, among others.  Basically, any sort of major competition or work gathering, with a specific task in mind tended to get the “bee” label added on the end. 

    Your local school might have a "working bee" on the week-end where parents are expected to come along to do minor building works or maintenance.



    Why is a 'gathering' or 'get together' of bees called a swarm? :wink:

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