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Korat Correct

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Posts posted by Korat Correct

  1. One does of course have to add the post from another section of TV where good old steven W asked for the UK government to drop a nuclear bomb on Bangkok :o

    I think you are wasting your time wrongway - he's a fool or a Troll.

    I will pop in when you open though! :D

    We all have to struggle to get through life so being helpful is much better than being unhelpful.

    When you see the mess some farangs get into because they didn't ask or listen, a little support can go a long way.

    It is a fact of life that some people are not very nice but to advertise the fact seems to be rather strange on this web.

    I hope when you "pop in" that you will want stay awhile.

  2. Re. getting your stuff over here, forget it. The Thai customs are probably the most corrupt officials in the world, they will get you for a lot of money before letting you get your stuff in. Until you pay up they will leave your stuff to rot up in the container. Search this forum, it has been discussed often before.

    I've been doing some research and I reply but it might have been better to start a new thread.

    "East West" Shipping

    To bring a 20ft container from UK

    Ocean freight $500

    Baf $270

    Caf 5.2% of the Ocean Freight

    THC £69

    Docks £39.99

    Haulage (from my home) £285

    This includes all transportation from my home in UK up to Bangkok (or Laem Chabang) port

    For the duty estimate and packing charges they would need to see a detailed list of contents

    I wanted to bring my furniture,electrics, files,books,pictures and small garden equipment. I could fill a small container and it would be all second hand but quality stuff.Whats more its what I want around me.

    I understand what you say though. Its the customs and port handling agents. However I have this high ranking army official friend who will help. You have to meet corruption head on by pulling rank.

  3. Might be worth waiting until after the election before changing money. Things are getting abit sticky for the stock market. Inflation will cause the Baht to fall.

    Iv'e said before. Don't hold your breath that the dollar recover. Its the Petro dollar. The Arabs are moving into the Euro.

    The pound is following.

    What can you do if you are paid in dollars or pounds? Either accept the fluctualtion or change some of them into Euros in an off shore account.

  4. I have money in pounds/sterling,and need to transfer it. Currency rates are of concern. Its expensive transferring from one currency to another but..

    see my entry in "state of emergency" in the "Issan" forum section. I don't know how to transfer it other than rewriting it.

    Its about the state of the petrodollar,the euro and what other Asian countries are doing.

    I note that in reducing their dependency on the dollar that China has now amassed 600 tons of gold bullion.

    When things get hairy people do run for Gold and look at theprice increase in the last year.

  5. I intend to rent a furnished house.

    Commonsense says that I should have a contract.

    This should include an inventory of the contents?

    The offer is that I pay 3 months rent in advance and no deposit for a one year agreement.

    Any suggestions on the type of contract needed for my protection and for use in a retirement visa application.

    In a year or so I intend to rent an unfurnished house on a longer term contract. I want to bring my furniture from the UK and other possessions from the Uk,so the contract and agreement need to be watertight. Anyone got experience of bringing a small container by sea from the UK?

    I know that buying a house or land in my wife/GF name is possible but with all the problems of ownersip it seems renting and keeping it simple IS preferred. Any comments?

  6. I don't like these modern fangled expressions any more than most do but the "logistics" of getting people to the first meeting in July AND home again may put some off. That would be a shame.

    One solution is for those in Korat, assuming Korat is the meeting place,who could, to offer overnight accommodation in Farangs homes. No need to share beds unless you really want to just ?mattresses on the floor and bowl of rice?

    The other alternative is to organise a Korat hotel to offer at a discount multiple rooms. If those who would need accommodation could put up their hands for a count,someone connected in Korat might be willing to take on the role of coordinating accomodation.

    Also has the date place and time been set in stone?

    Come on girls. "Its up to you"

  7. On the subject of the strength of the baht against the dollar and pound,which is affecting all our exchanges,I should point out that there are interesting developments at foot.

    There is a movement away from the petrodollar. Several Middle-Eastern countries have announced that a % of their reserves will now be held in Euro's not dollars. Large players will become increasingly nervous about holding their currency reserves in dollars. There could be a run on the dollar,so sell early. The pound could be dragged under due to the close links and Britains uncertain economic position.( Only 15% of our income comes from manufacturing now. 80% comes from property and the retail industry.) ( Our oil and gas reserves are falling rapidly)

    A collapse in the dollar would create an inflationary pressure in the US who depend on their $750billion annual deficit being maintained by those holding up the dollar.

    Now How much of Thailand's Baht is supported by the dollar? Good question? Answers on a postcard please,but China and India have been steadily reducing their dependency on the dollar.

    It is suggested that there is a major turning point in the world economy.Not because of something the Iranians did but what the US has done to the Middle East.

    This is not an advisory service but I hope it helps you to consider which currency to hold your reserves in and which not to.

    IF Thailand's Baht is heavily linked to the dollar then expect inflationary pressure here too. Under those circumstances current incomes will have a reduced exchange value, the baht will be worth less and prices will rise.

    We all know what happened to the Lawson era in Britain. High inflation meant property,and other prices doubled until the bust in 1990.

    If Thailand has a massive balance of payments deficit too, then expect some belt tightening. Look at the recent increases in Thailands fuel prices. That's inflationary in itself.

    In the short term land and property purchased wisely looks the safest bet, with spare cash in Euro's held off shore,but don't quote me. I repeat this is not an advisory service and my crystal ball may be cloudy.

    Your guess will probably be as good or better than mine.

  8. Thaiflyer 1

    Many thanks. Just one more detail please.

    I am applying for a multientry 1 year visa. On the application form it asks "No. of entries" for Non-Immigrant "O" visa.I want to enter Thailand and leave almost immediately to visit Sri Lanka ( and my house there) returning a week later. ( Its cheaper to fly to LOS and then to Sri Lanka than to Sri Lanka and then Thailand)On the second page of the application form it states "Non - Immigrant Multiple = Mx90 days. I can see that 4x90 days equals one year, but can a multiple mean more than 4 entries? Could I put 6 or 8 even? I understand that each time I re-enter Thailand I get another 90 days from the re-entry date? Is that correct?

    I had intended to apply for a retirement (long Stay) visa in Thailand when the multiple entry visa had expired all allowable entries. From your comment it seems that to "extend" means extending to an "O-A". Going through the clean police record report via the British Embassy or returning to the Uk,becomes unnecessary. They do a check on a clean police record for Thailand?( I did get this 200 bht "fine" for driving too fast,but the officer was quick to ask me not to wave the money about, but hand it over covertly.

    Getting a UK return ticket is almost as cheap as a single. Most carriers allow up to 3 months before return. Thereby using one return to the UK every 90 days. Royal Jordanian allow up to a year for a £25 fee.In between the year (or 90 days) one could buy tickets in Thailand for nearer destinations, Or do the land visa run of course.

    PS Once settled in to Thailand I could offer the 3 bed furnished home in Negombo and tours included,by the week,to Farangs & familyI know, at a very modest cost, when I am not using it.

  9. Crossy

    Renewing passport at the moment.

    Intending to apply for "O" multiple entry visa

    Intending to apply for a retirement visa in LOS

    Qualification includes Criminal record report for Thailand and Uk.

    Do they insist on both and would I have to get these in Thailand.

    Is this a complicated process?

  10. Marco H

    See you live in Ubon area

    Ubon and district. What's it like to live in? Many home comforts?


    Watering holes?

    Good Thai massage?

    Good to better furnished property to rent?

    Recognised town centre or sprawling urban centre?

    University/Schools/other learning centres?

    Cheap car hire?

    Any other highlights?

    Most important-- anywhere other than flat land? Undulating or hilly?

    Can reply using email if preferred.

    "Korat Correct"

  11. The communication problem IS real. As a newbie I feel awkward approaching other farangs I meet in Korat town. If I meet one in the country the scene change ans one to one seems to break the ice.

    I don't want or need to know their business but be friendly and share information. I know the different language problem can be an embarrassment too.

    The Pattaya expats have a German and English section. I think that a shame but understand it. Language does keep us all apart. Even Farang from Thai.

    Its a problem the Korat Club will have to address early on.

    This is why a names directory and language directory of sorts is needed.

    One thing that can "break the ice" for the Korat Club to consider is charity work.

    Yes, I know some are short of money and others less inclined.

    "It is better to give than receive"

    Focusing on a small charity issue, involving the wives/GF could be the link we need.

    It always makes people feel better to achieve something however small and it WILL bring benefits to the Club from the "authorities" with whom links must be established.

    All this is straight out of the Pattaya Expats book and they do it very successfully, and have established good understanding with Police, Immigration and Town Council

    Keep up the theme!

  12. I have been advised that if a State of Emergency is called unsecured funds can be confiscated.Money in a bank account is exempted. Anyone know of this happening in the past?

  13. By conformity I meant "having a common purpose"

    I add "Security" to the daily living needs.

    There is a claim being made that some will loose interest if a modicum of rules are not made. It could be the opposite that unles there IS some degree of A) organisation and :o common purpose

    then people will believe it to be another proverbial "piss up in a brewery"

    "Oh ye of little faith" who are "doubting Thomas's",all good things take an effort to achieve.But "Succeeding breeds sucess"

    Leadership can be a shared and pleasant experience.In fact it should be. It is not something to be shyed away from. A group get together and "elect" spokespeople. Its up to the gathered to support not hinder their efforts.

    I started this thread. It has support and I am sure it will take off.

    There! I cannot be more positive than that. Lets keep it positive!

  14. Lots of individuals!

    That's good but this is about forming a club/group.

    A cetain amount of conformity is necessary for it to work.

    Can the "extremists" be a little more tolerant?

    Lets talk positively about what the aim(s) should and should not include.




    Communication and Information?



    Think of the activities of daily living.







    Can you add to these?

    So its decided in principle,just the detail to agree.

    Date, Time and Place?

    PS I see myself as an enabler not a leader, but I am sure one WILL emerge.

  15. Thanks to Crossy and Lopburi3.

    I will renew my passport and then get a 1 year multiple entry "O or A" visa, doing the 90 day run. This will give me time to find my feet and then apply for the retirement extension.

    The only problem I see is that as time progresses one tends to get more involved here and if for any reason there was a visa refusal,I would be left high and dry.

    I am not intending to marry again,being a) previously damaged twice and :o feel safer here not getting committed.

    Keeping it simple and the money in my control always gives one greater options.

    Could you explain "the 15 month" again. Does it mean initial entry plus 4, 90 re-entry runs? Then in the final 90 days I apply for retirement extension?

    I've lopped 6k bht per month of a 3 bed house rental offer to 12k bht per month by offering to pay 3 monthly in advance and NO deposit for a one year contract.( Will make sure the contract is legal. Any suggestions) The house is 7km out of Korat,in a ?secure compound next to a swimming pool club. The house has a european and thai kitchen and 3 TV,s as well as being well fully furnished, including AC's in every room. Elecrtic and warer at city rates.

    Can anyone offer better,Back in Korat in April,hopefully after the heat and before the deluge.

  16. Crossy

    Most helpful,thank you

    One or two queries.

    1) I apply for the 90 day "0" visa. Multi entry visa. I arrive in Thailand. Must I apply for the retirement extension,being over 60, before I leave and return and can I leave it until nearing the end of the 90 days?

    2) I understood once I have a retirement extension I could report every 90 days for a check rather than leaving the country.

    3) "once you have the extension the grounds of retirement you will need a re-entry permit" Presume this is done at the same time as applying for theextension visa?

    4) I plan to rent here on yearly basis paying at 3 month intervals. Presume a written agreement to this will do?

    5) Once I arrive with 90 day visa,presume I must have the 400k + income or 800k in a Thai bank before applying for the extension retirement. Once the Extension visa for one year is given,do I need to show this 800K or 400K + income every 90 days or only when I renew yearly?

    Hope I am not boring you.

  17. Really COOL ! but keep the "spark(s)" alive.

    Oh yes! for the comedians,thats one wire up your arse and the other in the AC socket.

    Apologies to those nice people who read forum this and children please don't try this while Dad's having forty winks!

  18. No,Not the plastic type, OK!

    UK Passport expires in Oct 06

    Need to apply for Multi entry "O" visa in UK in April. Can send 800k bht to cover retirement visa on arrival, but can show online statement retirement income as pension of over £1000 per month,so would that and 400k bht do? Not married to Thai.

    1) Does multi entry mean I can come and go before applying for 1 year retirement? Have this place in Sri Lanka.

    2) When renewing UK passport will have valid retirement visa in the old one. Is this best done in Bkk or Uk? Presume one retains old passport for reference?

    3) Health letter. Any problem in getting this here in Thailand or should it come from the UK, GP?

    4) Transferring money via Swift system costs in commission and exchange rates.( Have Bank of Ayudha account opened). Can I bring pounds sterling and deposit it? I read somewhere they like to see it transferred. I can show transfer money exists in the UK online account and then bring it as cash!

    5) Presume the one year retirement visa is multi entry? Does the one year start from the date of the "O" visa or from application once here?

    6) I need an address here? Does a short term rental agreement have to be shown or just the address?

    (7) Any other helpful advice appreciated!

  19. Suggest meet at Korat Hotel, Korat. They have a large Restaurant thats empty most of the day. Need to check and book though. Expect some will be hungry and its a banker if the weather was unkind. Its central and a tuk tuk from the bus station.(everywheres a tuk tuk from the Korat Bus station).

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