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Tod Daniels

Thai Visas Forum Expert
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Posts posted by Tod Daniels

  1. ???????????????? ???? ????????-???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????, ???????? ???????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????? ???? ???????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????, ???? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????? ????????????????????????

    Totally correct, because stamping in to the country at the airport doesn't have anything to do with 90 day reporting.

    As people pointed out your NEXT 90 day report is due 89 days from the date you stamp in to thailand (because no matter what time you stamp in that is DAY ONE) ???? 
    You can file a 90 day report in person from 14 days before the due date until 7 days after the due date
    You can file a 90 day report online from 14 days before the due date down until the due date

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  2. I would suggest exiting the country at the mukdahan border, going to the Thai consulate in Savannakhet Lao and getting either a 90 day single entry non o based on marriage, then come back and bank the 400k baht money for 2 months and apply for a year extension based on marriage.


    Get the year long, multi entry Non-O visa based on marriage at that consulate (no proof of funds needed) and just bounce in and out at the border every 90 days for the next year. You can get almost 15 months of stay out of that Visa in 90 day increments

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  3. Reluctant or not, if you want to change the reason for your yearly extension from retirement to a yearly extension based on marriage or raising half Thai children you bank 400,000 baht in a Thai bank account in your name only.


    For marriage the money must be banked for 2 months before you apply for your extension. There is no required seasoning for extensions based on raising children.


    If you've registered your address with the tm30 receipt and are filing 90-day reports with the immigration office where you live now, even with an out of province stamp you might be able to pull off the extension.


    Keep in mind if you used your friend to get that extension for you based on retirement and they banked the money for you, you were require to keep the 800k funds in the bank for 3 months after the extension was granted and then the balance could never go below 400,000. <-that could catch you out, or not


    You want the clause 2.18 in the current police order which is married to a Thai or raising half thai children.

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  4. We are seeing this more and more since the new 90-day reporting program rolled out because the TM47 database and the TM30 database are combined and when you file an online 90-day report it crossed checks against your last registered address in the TM30 system.


    No matter what your immigration office policy is about filing a new TM30, it is apparent from the many online 90 day report denials that if you travel inside Thailand and stay at a place where they register you in the TM 30 online system, when you return to your primary residence you will need to refile or update your tm30 information.


    If you don't, your next 90-day report online has a high chance of being rejected.

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  5. 12 hours ago, StayinThailand2much said:

    Never heard of a limitation for visa-free entry extensions.


    I believe the O/P is asking how many 30 day extensions you can get per entry. And that answer is ONE..


    I think they are under the false impression that you can get more than one 30 day extension per entry you cannot.


    That's why I use the term "1-n-done" .

    You can get one 30 day extension per entry.

  6. 19 hours ago, NewishAsianTraveller said:

    Tod, you really scared us with your response on FB! Your exact words were a bit rough and caused us quite a lot of anxiety!????

    Will let you know on FB when it's all over.

    I will freely admit I am blunt, terse, acerbic and coarse in my responses. I'm not trying to be your friend, I'm trying to give you the unvarnished truth as far as what you're plans are and what if any exposure you have trying to execute that plan.


    Even the posters on here said entering by land would be a better choice. And all I was doing was pointing out, no matter what you think, 90 days here then bouncing out and back thru Bangkok could open you up to scrutiny.


    I have literally hundreds of photos of denial of entry stamps from both suvarnabhumi and don mueang sent by people who contacted me after their plans for a quick bounce out and back went off the rails.


    Will it happen to you? Dunno..


    Could it happen to you? Most definitely.


    Sorry my responses weren't what you wanted to hear.


    I was trying to impress upon you there were easier ways to get a new free 30 day visa exempt entry rather than the plan you have. One you cooked up on your own without asking about it until after your bought the tickets..


    Could it work without any hiccups?

    Certainly could, and you might indeed skate right thru passport control.


    As I said, good luck with it, I wasn't trying to fear monger.

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  7. 6 hours ago, ifmu said:

    First off

    You read Facebook for info. Shame shame



    You believe them.  

    Easy now ifmu ????.
    Surprisingly (or not) the answers the O/P received to their query on the visa advice group on F/B almost mirrored the advice here. 

    Don Mueang AND Suvarnabhumi are two BAD airports to fly into with an extensive entry/stay history <- and 90 days here on tourist visa/extension is an extensive stay history (whether anyone believes it or not)

    Also they're not fooling anyone at thai passport control with the "we went on vacation to Lao for xx days" line ???? Thai passport control will know exactly that they're just flying out and back to get a free entry stamp to further their stay here. This ain't the thailand it was pre-covid where people could live here on back-2-back visa exempt entries by air with little scrutiny stamping back in.

    Also unless I misread the O/P and partner are in Chiang Mai, WHY would they fly to Vientiane?

    They are 4 hours from TWO land borders where people can bounce out-n-back for a free visa exempt entry;

    the Chiang Khong / Huay Xai border with Lao; where they can exit/re-enter for 1800baht (the cost of a Lao visa on arrival
    the Mae Sai / Tachileik border with Burma; where they can exit/re-enter for 500 baht (the cost of a Burma Entry Permit)

    This whole debacle was started by them poorly choosing to bounce out and back BY AIR, and only seeking advice AFTER they made those bookings.

    Now there is a chance they'll get right in (as it's hit or miss when they go to stamp in,
    there is also a chance they'll get pulled aside and questioned, which is why people on the visa advice group said, have proof of onward travel in 30 days, proof of 20K baht or the equivalent in CASH< and proof of lodging, believe me if you're going to be hassled stamping back in at the airport THOSE are the things they're gonna ask about.

    To me the "fly to vientiane by air, toss the return ticket, take a tuk-tuk to the Nong Khai border, cross by land, take one of the 2 free visa exempt entries by land they're allowed (also entering at the easiest land border crossing in the entire country), then going to Udon to make their way back to Chiang Mai by bus or air is the safest option. BUT I am of the mind you need to limit the exposure to being pulled aside and asked why you're living here on free stamps when stamping in.. 

    I sincerely wish the O/P and their significant other good luck in their bounce by air..    


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  8. Mae Sai / Tachileik and Mae Sot / Myawaddy are both open for foreigners to bounce out and back at to receive a new visa exempt/visa waiver entry stamp or to activate a new entry on a currently valid multi entry visa.


    500 Baht gets you stamped in and out of Burma at either crossing. Some people had success with a pristine 10 USD note (some did not).


    At Mae Sot you can only stamp in and out (can't stay over night) at Mae Sai you are actually issued an entry permit that allows you to stay on the Tachileik side (and the immediate area near the border) for 2 weeks.

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  9. 41 minutes ago, MaiDong said:

    Any news on whether Ban Phu Nam Ron Border Crossing Station is open for a visa run?

    At this time, the Phu Nam Ron / Htee Khee border in Kanchanaburi province has not reopened for foreigners to bounce out and back.


    The new check point building on the Thai side is open but the Burmese side is still closed.

  10. 49 minutes ago, racket said:

    The only hope now is if this is just an April fools day joke????

    News flash for the thick ???? It is most definitely NOT an Aprils Fools joke. ????

    That's why I waited until I had images of NEW entry stamps from the border before I posted the news 

    The change to 45 days from 30 days on the visa exempt/visa waiver entries and the change to 30 days from 15 days on the visa on arrival entries was a plan to boost tourism. I believe it started Oct 1st 2022 and was set to run out (just like it did) at 11:59PM March 31st..   


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  11. I wanted everyone to know that the 30 day extension available on visa exempt entries is still just like it was before.

    For the 52 countries that get visa exempt entries you are allowed ONE 30 day extension per entry at the immigration office serving the area where you stay for 1900baht.

    For the 6 countries (Hong Kong, Lao, Macao, Mongolia, Russia & Vietnam) that get visa waiver entries you CANNOT get a 30 day extension.

    Also the limit of TWO visa exempt entries by land in a calendar year (Jan 1st - Dec 31st) is still in effect.

  12. 1 hour ago, BritTim said:

    That is not correct. There is no issue studying on a tourist entry.

    It's not that they're prohibited from studying on the entry stamp they're on (because you're correct you can study on a visa exempt / tourist visa entry no issue at all)

    It's because the ED visa programs are sold as meeting the minimum requirements of so many hours per year.  People can't start studying until they get the ED visa issued because if you burn up the hours studying BEFORE you have the ED visa issued you're going to come up short when you go to get one of the extensions during the year.

    (Again in Bangkok) most schools tell the student, you can start studying once we (the school) get the paperwork from the MOE and can go get the visa. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Alldar said:

    Was this just a specific case because of long history in Thailand before or it is a common practice to cause issues when you leave with ED visa (does it matter if one has re-entry or not)?

    That person had only TWO 60 day covid extensions (unlike like most people I've seen here who have been milking amnesty, covid extensions for 2+ years before they got the ED visa)  ????

    They also were really studying, had their attendance booklet, a letter from their school stating they knew the student was going to be out of the country and STILL they were denied entry ???? So it wasn't just because of the "long stay history" <-(which really wasn't that long at all).

    ED Visas for studying in a private language school are given a super high degree of scrutiny when people re-enter the country (and to answer your question; if you left WITHOUT a re-entry permit you'd cancel the ED visa/extension when you exited so yes, it does matter ???? )

    The reason for this is during the covid lock down it seems every Tom, Dick & Somchai foreigner here enrolled in schools handing out those b/s back-door, under the table year long ED visa/extensions and yet those people NEVER went to school a single day. The abuse of the system was just off the charts. AND the scrutiny that people get entering on ED extensions w/re-entry permits
    is a direct result of this abuse. 

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