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Tod Daniels

Thai Visas Forum Expert
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Posts posted by Tod Daniels

  1. 1 hour ago, PJ71 said:

    No it's not....


    6. Spouse Thai passport not required ( not for spouse anyway )


    - no mention of 1 year ME non O at all, how would you know they're available based on this info?

    - no mention of fee for 1 year non O ( that you wouldn't know are available )

    - no mention of name change doc for spouse from thai to western name that i was asked for 2 days ago

    - only mentions 3 month visa






    The one year non-O multi-entry has NEVER EVER been listed on the Savannakhet website, you WRITE one year multi on the application and you hand them 5000baht

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  2. Just so we're clear, In the last month I must have talked to and interacted with well OVER 150 people who've gone to Savannakhet from Bangkok and gotten their visas issued. Tourist visas, Non-B visas, Non-O based on marriage or raising children, etc.  

    To a person IF they met the requirements, paid attention to the times you can apply and pick up your passport AND watched for Thai/Lao holidays they all got their visas the next business day

    At this time Savannakhet is the "softest touch" consulate to get a tourist visa issued in S/E Asia.

    For a tourist visa they don't care if you have two years of covid extension stamps in your passport, a b/s back door ED or Volunteer visa, just that you have a bank account showing 20K baht or the equivalent in it when you apply for the visa.

    They also accept Chinese and India passports for visas (probably only for a limited time) and it's still a walk up no appointment needed consulate.

    If ANYONE is contemplating getting a visa that'd be the consulate I'd recommend hands down..

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  3. The O/P may indeed be able to 'grease the wheel' and get his passport processed, the visa stuck in and get it back this afternoon via using those shady guyz out back 
    remember though, if that not-so cunning plan falls thru, the consulate has his passport.

    Meaning he's stuck in Savannakhet until Monday afternoon when they give the passports back from the people who are applying today.

  4. 1 hour ago, PJ71 said:

    The info is not accurate, first hand reports ( recent ) are much better. <- That is not correct in any way shape or form

    The info is 100% accurate, as far as the times when you can turn in an application and the times when you can get your passport back

    Savannakhet has a 2 working day processing time <- Turn your passport in one morning, pick it up the next business day in the afternoon.

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  5. To be completely honest I did not even bother to read the previous comments (so some people might have gotten it correct, but the brief scan I did of the responses showed most were FAR from the mark ????

    Here's how it works sports fans
    IF you enter on a visa exempt or tourist visa entry THEN you switch that to a 90 day Non-O visa in country you DO NOT do any 90 day reporting until you get your FIRST yearly extension. That's when most offices put a small paper in your passport showing you WHEN your first 90 day report is due

    first 90 day report.png

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  6. News Flash !!

    ALL Land borders with Burma are CLOSED to foreigners bouncing out and back and have been since March 23rd 2020 when the country locked down. 

    With that being said ALL land border with Burma ARE open to local traffic <- (for the thick that means thaiz and burmeze)

    Three of the four countries who have land borders with Thailand are open; Malaysia, Cambodia & Lao 

    One final time BURMA land borders are CLOSED to foreigners exiting OR entering

  7. ANY country that uses the eVisa online portal to get a visa for thailand has the option of getting a 6 month METV,
    You FIRST select Tourism/Leisure Activities, that will fill in the next spot down "Visa Type" with Tourist Visa (TR) and then you select Multiple in Number of Entries.

    Keep in mind IF you want a 6 month METV you have to show you're exiting/re-entering within 60-90 days of your expected arrival. They specifically say if you don't show you need this visa you will get sold a single entry and NOT get the difference refunded (example an METV in the US is 200 and a SETV is 40 so you lose 160 if you don't show you're exiting/re-enter thailand 

    METV choice.jpg

    No refund.jpg

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  8. All the land borders with Burma have been closed for more than two and a half years.


    Why not just go to the immigration office and get a 30-day extension for 1900 baht off your 30-day entry stamp


    Or if you're hell bent going on a board of bounce slogan up to Chiang Rai province and bounce out at the Thailand/Lao border crossing of Chiang Khong. You need to buy a Lao visa to stamp in and out of the country for $40 but that is the closest land border that's open to Chiang Mai

  9. Hate to go against ubonjoe ????BUT in Vientiane it is NOT turn in one day pick up the next afternoon anymore ☹️

    Now they have a THREE day processing <- meaning you turn in your application and pay one morning and then TWO days later (the 3rd day) you pick your passport up in the afternoon. This means if you apply on a Thursday you get your passport back MONDAY afternoon

    Also you aren't gonna get IN to the consulate without booking an appointment in advance but joe did link to the appointment web-link

    Pay attention to the posted holidays too. This Friday Aug 12 is a holiday SO if you turn in your passport Wednesday this coming week you ain't gonna get it back until Monday 

    2 working days.jpg

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    11 hours ago, Scott424 said:

     If I remember correctly I needed to have 400k in the bank with the balance coming from monthly transfers so it was not possible for instance to have 200k in the bank and monthly transfers totally 600k. 


    I believe that is a misunderstanding on the immigration office/officers part of how the rule is really written. ????

    There is NOTHING in the rule in thai or english that says for the combination method that you must bank 400K baht. ???? What it says is the seasoning requirements are in effect for the banked portion <- That means what you're banking has to be in the account for 2 months before you apply, must remain in the account for 3 months after and then the balance can't go below 50% of that amount the rest of the year (no matter how much you're banking) ????

    I know of a couple immigration offices that told people that, one person I spoke with filed an appeal and had their initial denial of extension overturned (he was using 200K baht banked to make up the short fall of his monthly transfers). Another person wasn't bold enough to tell the officer he disagreed and wanted to file an appeal and I don't know what happened in his case.

    As Scott424 correctly suggested, GO talk to the immigration office in person, BUT make it clear you know that there is no "must bank 400K baht" in the combination method and push it as far up the flag pole as you feel comfortable with if you're getting a different answer

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