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  1. Over the years i have been in Samui,so many times i've seen young people manly girls on a rental bike with no control legs trying to scoot the thing along wobbling all over the place . This is tragic to happen to a lovely looking girl . The rental people do not give a toss to previous experience licence insurance . They only want the money. they should be made responsible to make sure the riders can handle a bike before renting out to them. Most insurance companies do cover motorbike accidents anyway. hope she can get the funds and get well soon. even if she was pillion you need some experience to ride, lean the wrong way on a small bike and there you have it
  2. This breed is banned in many countries' Thailand should follow suit.
  3. While samui was in lock down Chaweng beach was almost deserted. most days i walked the beach with a big plastic bag collecting bottles and general rubbish. i was approached by 3 police asking if i had a work permit. No i said i am not getting paid for it im doing this to help.No cannot is classed as work i got no praise from them.
  4. Not good but meanwhile back in the UK the kids are running wild with knives
  5. i Used to be a morris dancer but I fell through the sunroof
  6. Points added for no lights after dark extra point bonus motorbike no rear light after dark /another point for driving on the wrong side of the road .question is will be enforced any way i doubt it .not in Samui anyway
  7. I have a pink thai ID card so not need to take a passport with me ...is this true ?
  8. So the motorbike's will have their phones stitched to their ears hence making them hands free but only the car drivers will be fined
  9. No words can describe how this makes me feel Only WHY?
  10. Why cover up .Name the bank
  11. Good news .the next time i get grabbed or a hand on the nuts from a working girl i can make some money ..or does it only apply to females
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