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Posts posted by Brit_Doggie

  1. Options available here if your in good health go for the young one,ok she may kill you but i think you will die with a smile on your face.

    On the other hand the older woman needs someone to take care of her in her later life so would be more attentive towards you.

    So if you choose the latter of the possible options would you kindly inform me of the younger one's cell # ty.

  2. Seems to look an ugly site with all those empty chairs,wholeheartedly agree that it better to hire chairs and sit where you please,not all massed together like a flock of sheep.

  3. Hmm ok now ban all drinking in songkran one day a disaster will happen,as it did in uk at one annual carnival,drunken man fell off truck and dragged a teen boy with him so no more standing on trucks or booze allowed,after this happened people didn't support,although it still to this day continues but more like a funeral parade than a carnival.

  4. They still here in north pattaya (Nakula)my russian friend runs a estate agency renting and selling condos and business is booming with the russian visitors to the extent that he has recently purchased a new car and recruited additional staff with a wage of 10k per month working mon-fri 10am-4pm,and she is somewhat clueless being an ex bar girl.

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