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Posts posted by Brit_Doggie

  1. before seeing new topics go to threads as in themed topics select 1 and tab for start new can be seen.

    Hi Doggie,

    Thanks for your help but I'm sorry, I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Do you mean after I've logged in, I go to themed topics? I cannot see that anywhere. I've been trying to post since last night. Getting a bit frustrated. after login and before

    k after login do not look at new topics,on left side of page themed topic as in say teaching, bangkok,hua hin etc scroll to subject u want to post on,select and there will be start new topic tab.

  2. Homemade fruit fly trap, made with something sweet or attractive to fruit flies (remember, they're drawn to fermenting fruit). Vinegar, beer, or wine all do the trick. Pour it into a container that will attract the flies but make it tough for them to get back out. A jar with a lid with a few small holes is ideal.

    watch the flies fall in and clean when it gets full.

  3. Being open minded concerning your belief i quote.

    Christianity teaches that Jesus was crucified. All four Gospels record the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. But Muhammad and the Quran say that Christ was not crucified. Muhammad appeared on the scene about 600 years after Jesus. Muhammad claimed to receive 'revelations' from Allah, given to him through Gabriel. One of Muhammad's revelations was that Jesus was not crucified.

    The Quran, chapter 4:157 says:

    "They declared 'We have put to death the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the apostle of God'. They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but they had only his likeness."

    In other words, someone other than Jesus was crucified. The majority of Muslims believe this substitutionary theory

    Yet the evidence from both the New Testament, and other historical sources state that Christ was crucified.

    But happy easter and no mention of eggs to me.

  4. TOT ahh yeah they were the bygone years when i subscribed every friday through monday internet cut.man come check line mr,ok mr have checked line ok for use now, after 3 months of this crapola i eventually complained and asked to speak to supervisor,well surpise or not i did get to chat and result was sorry mr but they steal the cables in the jungle so we have to get replacement cable from bangkock on mondays, not that they could have cable in reserve knowing this been happening for months,so anyway fuming i said why couldnt you have tol'd me this information earlier and more to the point have you even thought of burying the cable,then this wouldn't happen,good idea mr was her response,now being a reasonable man i immediately went to tot and cancelled.

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  5. Being somewhat partial to hard boiled eggs as a snack,it annoys me that the thai kitchen in my complex utterly under cooks said eggs to the state that they have runny whites and yolks,so i complained to the gf to educate the cook,she said np i will tell the cook but tomorrow i will boil some eggs for you,so this am comes and she kisses me and off to work she goes on opening the door she turns and say's i done egg for you in fridge.ok ty honey i reply low and behold i at this forum and peckish i be so dashes to fridge and yep you guessed it her freaking eggs are no different.so my ? is why slow in everything else but clueless in boiling a simple egg.

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