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About WildBillHiccup

  • Birthday 01/06/1946

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  1. I am thinking that perhaps the Main Story here is that there is a CCTV Camera here that actually works .. .. ..
  2. It is more than a year ago since I was invited to join a BKK Bank customer service survey. I commented then that new transactions recorded in my pass book were often very bad. Either illegible (printed very feint) and / or illegible because the new transaction printed over the top of the transaction from immediately before. Still the same today .. .. ..
  3. The 'ASEAN NOW' site has been running really well for ages. However, of late it has become - (for me) - a bit of a pain. As I scroll through the pages I get a reoccurring 'pop up' informing me that: "This site can't be reached" .. .. .. Anyone else been experiencing this? This isn't a "once-in-a-while" event - but all the time! Thanks for any consideration.
  4. My quote(s) for Dentures (upper set) BKK Hospital = 40,000 Pattaya Memorial Hospital = Two Trips @ 7.000 ea. Satisfaction Rate of PMH = Outstanding! The lady technetian is a small lady .. .. .. (don't be fooled by her diminutive stature). This lady is well up to her task and is on a par with any of her "hairy armed" other Dentists. Highly Recommended
  5. I really am not trying to be a 'clever clogs' - but - the accompanying photo of the Phuket beach looks really well maintained, a credit to those unsung heroes whose job it is to look after the beach and the surrounding areas. I am wondering if the sand and the rain is of a different type to that of Pattaya as Phuket doesn't have the same erosion problem(s) as we have here in Pattaya.
  6. I wonder what a 'Speakers' Corner' would look like in Thailand? (Some Non-UK citizens may have to Google Speakers' Corner?) A Speakers' Corner is an area where free speech open-air public speaking, debate, and discussion are allowed. The original and best known is in the north-east corner of Hyde Park in London - England It would seem that very little is a Taboo on Speakers Corner. Loads and loads of it on YouTube ... ... ... Here's a snippet:
  7. I have had over a decade of receiving my monthly pension from the GMPF paid into my Bangkok Bank account. This time around completing the GMPF 'Identity Verification' form is a pain in the posterior. This form is to help prove that my claim is above board and that I am still alive and entitled to receive a monthly pension payment. I have corresponded with the GMPF without much joy in getting my point across. Anyone here a GMPF recipient and experiencing difficulties? Thanks in advance.
  8. Better off just to kill it .. .. .. .. .. .. just to be on the safe side!
  9. What do they taste like?
  10. What do they taste like?
  11. Hi skatewash — Thankyou for such a comprehensive reply.
  12. I need to get official Thai paperwork that reflects that I have had my Covid jab and my Booster shot. This service is no more at Royal Garden. Where is my next port of call? Thankyou!
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