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Posts posted by StevieAus

  1. On 7/29/2022 at 10:55 AM, CharlieH said:

     In our house, we have 4 dogs, its not so much what is being said, its whose saying it. They will often ignore the wife if I am around, but will do exactly as she says if I am not. I use both Thai and English, she uses only Thai (mostly) so they have learned what noise comes from who and whats asked of them. If that makes sense. ????

    You are spot on in what you have said in both posts.

    I have four Jack Russell Terriers sometimes they are spoken to in Thailand and other times English 

    I agree it’s the tone you use.

  2. 6 hours ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    Strange but true comment. 

    It confuses me why people become negative living in Thailand. I see so many sad, negative foreigners, everyday. 

    How is it possible, maybe these negative people were born negative or they haven't managed their lifestyle, failed marriage, losing wealth due to failed business etc., what's going on. 


    Thailand has been my home for over 20 years, I've never been a negative person, my positive attitude grows every day, I'm a very lucky guy to have the opportunity to live in this beautiful country. 



    You have only to read the many negative comments posted on this site to form that view.

    Yet these people are still living here.

    Like you I am happy living here and my only negative views are about the poor standard of driving and high tax on important wine.

    However, as I am unable to change or influence either I get on with life.

  3. 1 hour ago, BigStar said:

    I am Foreigner in Thailand with Pink ID Card that serves as my SS card. I pay Thai SS about B450 a month. I paid nothing for an eye exam, back X-ray, CT Virtual Colonoscopy, and a few meds (for nothing chronic) just a couple of months ago. Close enuff.

    Did you once work in Thailand or are you married to a Thai who is a government employee.?

    As I understand that’s how you can obtain free treatment.

  4. On 7/26/2022 at 12:26 PM, richard_smith237 said:

    If I understand correctly… Significantly cheaper as it grants you access to the Thai healthcare system. 

    I have to say I have never heard that having a Thai ID card gives you access to the Thai healthcare system although I do have one.

    Long before I obtained one I had no trouble accessing outpatient treatment at a Government hospital and have always been charged the Thai person rate.

    I know others without the card and even visitors who have accessed the government hospital system.

  5. 11 hours ago, Snig27 said:

    555, you really couldn't make up this dystopian drivel if you tried. The supremely corrupt junta drums out a token corrupt cop now and then from the absolutely broken cabal (yes, mafia cabal) that is the RTP. 

    I have a friend who is involved in international drug trade detection processes, part of Interpol. He advises police and customs forces worldwide and says Thailand is the only country in the world that shows complete disinterest in what he does and where the police actively and openly, without fear of retribution, interfere in the detection processes. This goes to the top. Discussions with Prayut's government at the highest levels have met similar total disinterest. They are all rotten to the core. 

    I find it hard to believe that Thailand is the only country that shows disinterest.

    I would be interested to know what response he gets from Myanmar, where the Shan State army are supposedly involved in the manufacture of Met-amphetamines most of which seems to be trafficked here. 


  6. 11 hours ago, rumak said:

    that is the answer i always give !    GO to the office ( immig, land,  tessabahn,  amphur, dmv,  water, electric)     etc etc   and ask in person.    I speak thai so always go to an officer to get an answer to an important question 

    try to have relevant documents with you and ask SPECIFICALLY   what your concern is ,   and just be calm and collected;

    NOTE:   having the wife or gf do the asking may not have the same results ( as often they do not want to seem to be pushy .... or can not ask a follow up question if there is confusion.)

    Probably the best advice I have read today, ask at the office you deal with.

    I don’t have a girl friend but my wife in the past  has been excellent at translating the questions.

    You need to train them well !!!

  7. 2 hours ago, Orinoco said:

    Earn it before you spend it.

    Nah, it's just not the Thai way.

    Big face,  is more important to them.



    It’s no different in most Western countries the concept of live and spend now and pay later ( or not pay ) has been around for more years than I can remember.

    Credit in the West particularly with credit cards has been so easy to obtain that people are sucked in.

    When I lived in Australia I regularly received

    offers of a new  credit card with a guaranteed large credit limit.

    My own bank used to automatically increase my credit limit every year which I then had to decline.

    I paid my balance in full every month so no interest was paid.o

    • Like 2
  8. 3 hours ago, brobro2424 said:

    If you are living full time in Thailand, you become uk-non-resident the moment you left UK. It is none of the UK's business where you are. Generally speaking if you don't live there and aren't using their government services, you should not be paying tax there.


    Apply for an NT tax code via https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/income-tax-leaving-the-uk-getting-your-tax-right-p85


    From what I've seen you will only successfully get a Thai tax code if you are actually going to start paying tax in Thailand. There is no need to do this. Thailand is not trying to tax foreigners on money coming from outside Thailand (in general).


    I'm sure you will want more proof than just the above, but I'm trying to point you in the right direction. Its a grey area I've spent many hours looking into and have discussed with 5 or 6 international tax advisors, albeit not specifically pension-related. I'd be interested in replies to the contrary.

    If you have a bank account with funds in Thailand presumably you will receive interest minuscule as it may be.

    Obtaining a tax number is very easy allowing you then to claim it back.

    Personally I don’t bother. know of others who do this.

  9. 17 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

     Sorry to hear about your daughters struggle.  Hard on the parents for sure also. 


    Our daughter 8 had one childs Pfeizer vaccine then got COVID.  Bad fever and cough.  Finally got her second vaccine two months ago.


    Theres a lot of reluctance to get a boosters here in my parts of Issan, Unfortunately.  I'm in Sakon Nakhon near the border of Beung Khan.



    Thanks for your comment the good thing is kids soon bounce back and she was treated in Chiang Mai Ram an excellent private hospital where she was born.

    We always take her there if a problem sees the same pediatrician who is brilliant.

    Has since had her first shot of Pfizer and due the booster end of August no side effects except doesn’t like needles.

    We live in the North of Chiang Mai Province and she got hers shot at one of the local hospitals it was full of kids good to see

    We are certainly not anti vaccination but there seemed to be mixed advice on the minimum age so we waited until she was six.

    I suppose now she like my wife will have the

    anti bodies as well hopefully as will your daughter.

  10. 33 minutes ago, MrJ2U said:

    She's alive and didn't need a respirator or a hospital stay.


    Looks like it worked for everyone.



    They are both ok but our daughter now six and was unvaccinated spent two nights in hospital due to high temperature and vommiting.

    • Like 1
  11. I had two AZ which were free and two Moderna only the first was paid for.

    At 72 still alive and kicking no major side effects.

    Also a couple of months ago my wife and young daughter both contracted Covid, I didn’t 

    She had received 2 Sinopharm and one Moderna, considering we all live in the same house and my wife and I share the same bed, maybe mine worked.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Phil1975 said:

    Regular jogger so likely fit and healthy who always runs the same route just happened to dive over a guard rail and then drown in knee height water?! <deleted>. 

    You should watch some of the UK hospital programs, you might be surprised how many so called healthy and fit people, particularly in that age group collapse suddenly when exercising and often die.

    • Like 1
  13. The only Department that seems to have got their act together is the Department that issues passports, whatever they want you to produce is scanned into their system, the same applied with the now defunct Thailand Pass all done on line, I think it it is the same Department

    However it is not only Thailand, my daughter holds three passports. When we renewed her UK passport we we had to produce copies of every page of the other two even though they were blank.


    • Like 2
  14. 7 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Perfectly normal in Thailand, where someone comes up with an idea and shoots their mouth off without ever thinking the idea through. And typical Thai arrogance in believing that every airline that flies to the country will do as ordered by the government and spend their time processing and transmitting passenger info while in-flight. They have found resistance from the airlines - what a surprise. I'm waiting now for a government minister to threaten to ban any airline that doesn't comply. There's bound to be one, who hasn't thought through what that would mean to tourist numbers.

    Remember the proposal a few years ago that all incoming tourists would be issued with a SIM card on arrival, so they could be tracked?

    another well thought out scheme that disappeared into the ether. 

    • Thanks 1
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