Unless they were sinking or drifting onto rocks then without more info I assume from the article that the engine as stopped working which is not an emergency.
It would be better to have a flashing sign above the crossing warning drivers of pedestrian crossing. It would be seen at a greater distance on approach.
Would it not be better to have a crackdown on crime every day.? Like Police forces in other countries have. How about patrolling officers on foot and car actively looking for crime.
I am surprised its not already unlawful. Banning all together will get no where. All food deliveries etc are using mobile phones. They should state that the phone must be mounted in a cradle and that they can only be operated when stationary.
It depends on what you want to hide. No doubt you will be able to paint over the crayon but nothing will hide the uneveness of the walls. I would get the room replastered.
It I go and take some pics of Thais illegally fishing, which I could do, then post it all over social media. Will their still be this over the top reaction?
This guy should receive an all life sentence and not reduced for pleading guilty. The fact he may be drunk is not mitigation for what he did. Drivers here have little control over there cars,, guns and more so there temper