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Asquith Production

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Everything posted by Asquith Production

  1. To kill a 5 year old child, who would be totally innocent with there whole life ahead of them is just so unforgivable. RIP
  2. I applied for my extension based on marriage on the 2nd March at Mahasarakham so as to be authorised at Khon kaen. I have just today had my extension stamp. So 8 weeks.
  3. Acknowledging theirs a problem and doing little about it is probably worse than just burying your head in the sand.;
  4. DWP does not have the will and manpower to run such an operation. But I am sure if they needed to build a case against someone it could be made available,
  5. And you do not think it is easy for them to check on when you left the UK and came back?
  6. No. I think you will find he is moving permanently
  7. I heard of one guy here who was sending peoples details to the Pension service who were claiming full pensions whilst living full time here. Apparently you can send details anonymousl.. Not sure what happened.
  8. Why? Dont you know?. My reply was to a comment that seemed to imply that it was only a problem in Thailand were in fact its worldwide.
  9. in the year leading up to March 2020 there were 619 crimes committed in the UK where corrosive substances were used – a 37% increase since 2017. Mostly gang related.
  10. Air conditioning can be a necessity for the aged and sick especially during the hot season. Its like the UK need heating for these people during winter and can get winter fuel payments, The sick and aged should be a priority in the extreme heat at this time of year and money should be made available to them. People first submarines and fighter aircraft a distant second.
  11. I know a couple of Thais who have to travel around 70 kms to work which takes around an hour. If they used public transport that would probably be at least twice that significantly increasing there working day. Both do more than 8 hours work anyway. The government have no idea of what working people have to do to live they just give out their bad advice while sitting in there ivory towers.
  12. To be honest the driver in such a large vehicle could be unaware that their had been a collision unless the driver was looking in his mirrors at the time he would not have felt his vehicle collide with a pedal biker
  13. I am also disgusted that some Ukrainian civilians will never be able to experience a holiday in Thailand because there lives have been cut short, Russians who are holidaying while this is going on should be disgusted with themselves. They should be in Russia taking down Putin.
  14. Russians should be made as uncomfortable as possible then maybe they will see the rest of the world are not going to stand for actions brought about by there leaders.
  15. I dont think the UK government are the only one but that is what this thread is about..
  16. Yes and I am still paying tax so your comment falls their. Also I am not a burden on the NHS so their are pros and cons for the government.
  17. The UK government policy on this just encourages people to commit fraud. I am against benefit fraud but I do not regard the pension as a benefit it is something I paid N.I for over 45 years.
  18. If theirs one thing that the UK Government does that angers me is this inequality with pensioners. I have my pension paid into my UK bank and then move across when the exchange rate is favorable. It does not cost the UK Government anything extra so I do not understand this so called reciprocal agreement. The only thing different is my address. The UK have actually committed fraud in my opinion and it is about time that everybody got together to fight this.
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