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Asquith Production

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Everything posted by Asquith Production

  1. Actually it is probably a Thai truck and driver having seen some of the speeds they do here
  2. Probably think they are useful to jump start your car
  3. Here in Mahasarakham they nearly all have a uniformed armed Police Officer
  4. Not a lot. But if they did you have to change the Thai mentality to driving and its dangers.
  5. I wonder what the general Thai prison populace think of this person's crime and whether the person as to go into solitary like countries like the UK to protect them from assault or worse
  6. Lets remember this womans name and see what happens to her. The ones in power never forget criticism about them and there leadership
  7. Some of us find gyms very boring, I prefer to run cycle walk or swim.
  8. Wouldn't it be great if someone invented a smartphone that only operated outside of a car or when the engine was switched off. The only number you need when driving is emergency services
  9. A new future where Thailand becomes more isolated due to its poor educational system espically in English language were they continue to fall further and further behind other countries
  10. Usually when articles says the vehicle wrapped it self around the post its a big exaggeration but not in this case.
  11. So they have decided on this story of how he died even though earlier in the report it said his clothing was scottered and signs of a struggle in the ground and the family eager to agree. That would be an open verdict in any other country
  12. I think if you get caught cheating then you fail the exam. It's only the more devious, who do not get caught that can rise to the dizzy heights of supervisor.
  13. Why is this even news?. In my country hospital transfers are everyday occurrences. If its an emergency transfer motorcycles are used to escort the ambulance. It appears that RTP forget they are supposed to be protecting and assisting the public and not standing for a photocall for anything their boss praise them for.
  14. They are not all stupid and if they made it law for mandatory training then that is what is required. Most of the drivers learn from other people and family meaning they learn all the bad habits and none of the skills or laws of driving.
  15. https://radchajan.wixsite.com/rottweilerpuppies?fbclid=IwAR0wYcnGxuWfxhQot8chZcOBqYIl7U7GPiGO5ezVXmrTclFMpnNCXbR4H5w It used to be run by an English speaking German.
  16. Well that starts at the top. The supervising officers should be telling them to patrol. But road safety does not start with a big stick deterrent. Its road infrastructure and education that needs sorting first. Example putting keep left bollards in the centre of the road at stop or Give way lines would deter people from cutting corners.
  17. That happens in other countries and the registered keeper as to give driver details or get fined themselves. Their are systems that can be implemented but here its to much like hard work.
  18. I am no Pathologist but my bet is that the autopsy will show he died from bullet wounds
  19. Wow they had to go online to work out that they could steal motorcycles with keys left in the ignition
  20. This is not Agent provocateur. Agent Provocateur is when a Government or Police encourage someone to comit a crime.
  21. Same here. I see some good looking e bikes in Europe and the U.S. but here they are still mostly using old tech with lead acid batteries.
  22. MIL Issan funeral earlier this year was 200000..This was for the whole event
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