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Asquith Production

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Posts posted by Asquith Production

  1. When you think about it Sin Sod is going to probably cost you less than most wedding in the west.


    The overall cost of a wedding has increased significantly during the period, rising from an average of 20,020 British Pounds in 2009 to more than 32,000 British Pounds in 2018.
    Thats  about 1.3 million Thb. So why would a Sin Sod of around 200000Thb be a problem?

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  2. 2 hours ago, DirtyFarang said:

    You are right that "license" is the correct spelling.  But the Brits butcher the Queen's English by spelling it "Licence."  They also <deleted> up words like "color."  Look to the Americans for the New and Improved English, preferred by scholars everywhere.

    The correct spelling was with the C initially and due to people like Webster it changed so it sounded how the word looked. No problem with either.

  3. This is what Goggle says. 

    A person working as a Police Officer in Thailand typically earns around 60,400 THB per month. Salaries range from 27,800 THB (lowest) to 96,000 THB (highest).

    This is the average monthly salary including housing, transport, and other benefits. Police Officer salaries vary drastically based on experience, skills, gender, or location.


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  4. 10 minutes ago, ChakaKhan said:

    Since I moved across from CMU I now have a "View to a Kill", as I said hi to a cutie and told her I was a DR, she said NO, as she seemed only interested in having a Goldfinger. I said one night with me would be like a Thunderball, but she scoffed at me, saying but teerak, Diamonds are Forever. I felt the Skyfall around me, and thought if I kept on her, as I would just have to Die another Day, but she was so Hiso she seemed to think the World is not Enough for her hiso needs. The Spectre of girlfriends past were coming back, as I recalled taking that girl to the Casino Royale, and lost it all, but was worth it as she had a great Octopussy, telling me teerak this is For Your Eyes Only, as she made me feel like i was on Her Majestys Secret Service, and what a service indeed! She always joked and said Oh darling you are the Spy Who Loved ME!!!!, She winked at me with her Goldeneye and offered me a License to Kill, as I thought we would be together forever in this Quantum of Solace....thinking Tomorrow Never Dies, she dumped me for some grandpa...but I promised to Never Say Never Again....never..never say never a....never...(fades) ????

    Did she come "From Russia with Love" ?

  5. 17 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

    From economic quoted is due high foreign investment and a strong Thai financial and Asian markets.

    The Thai government could adjust it as it is illedgedly overvalued but choose not to. 

    Difficult to know about rate's the anti brexit mob here said the pound will hit Bottom but it's over 41 at the moment. 

    Wow. It was 55 the day before the referendum. So we have to be grateful for 41 with Brexit.!!!

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  6. 14 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Amazing Thailand.  Inactive posts or termination and forfeit of their retirements.  Which one will it be, or swept under the rug as a misunderstanding.  You can not make this up.  Such a corrupt nation, its no wonder the common people have nothing for their future and why the students are protesting.  Guess with Covid no one was able to buy their promotions so the upper echelon needed the money themselves that they would normally get and disenfranchised all of the subordinates.

    Im surprised that these people have even been found to have embezzled money being they are quite high in the chain of command.

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  7. 47 minutes ago, Bob12345 said:

    Great, I plan on buying one to play the new Battlefield and since the game wont come out till later this year I will have all time to wait out this console for a few months till availability increases. 

    Which one? Does the 4K Blu-Ray disc drive warrant the 3000thb difference?

  8. 1 hour ago, animalmagic said:

    Yeah, the Juke is probably one of the ugliest and most recognisable shapes around!

    Mind you, I have just seen a Farang at Big C take his trolley to a white Honda Jazz, press the remote door lock and try to get in.  After several seconds he realised that the 'beep-beep' noise was coming from his white Toyota Yaris parked 3 spaces away.

    Thats why it is called the Joke


  9. 5 hours ago, colinneil said:

    It will never end, until people here are taught how to drive properly, and that would be an impossible task.

    First you need to revamp the road infrastructure by removing U-turn  etc. Then you start  on the driver training. But the mindset of Thai drivers is something you have to change and that can be only done by confiscation of ability to drive and that is impounding there vehicle, Its no use taking the licence away they will continue to drive

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