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Asquith Production

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Posts posted by Asquith Production

  1. 14 minutes ago, RobU said:

    How do you know they were not carrying anti venom? It is a standard precaution after administering such drugs to monitor the subject closely preferably in hospital

    I dont know but the article says he was taken to hospital for treatment. It did not say he was treated and taken to hospital.  The longer the journey the less time a person as of living, maybe only 15 to 30 minutes. A professional team would have someone trained to give anti venom and yes I know this is Thailand

  2. 2 hours ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

    Catapult  huh I had  BSA Scorpion Air  Pistol ( with silencer) most powerful handgun in the world......well thats what it seemed  like, had to hide it from my parents  though, later  used in Strangely  enough, The  Man with the Golden Gun filmed of course in Thailand!!  Must be  getting old it was  Octopussy.


    The first one I bought was a .177 Gat. It actually shot the barrel out that projected the pellet

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    • Haha 1
  3. When you say not eating properly , how long ?. I have 4 dogs 3 are rescues and I have had varying success with vets. I would ask around to try and find a really good experienced one. I have tried 5 different ones and then found a Veterinary practice run by a University teacher and she is first class.

  4. 17 hours ago, Smithson said:

    For the cases below, it shouldn't be just a fine, the rider/driver shouldn't be allowed to ride away.

    unroadworthy vehicle 400 baht


    Having no registration plate 500 baht


    Contravening emissions regulations 1,000 baht


    Having no licence to show 200 baht


    If a vehicle ir unroadworthy or not registered or the driver/rider unlicensed it/they shouldn't be on the road full stop. The normal procedure in most countries is you have to collect it later. This is a real inconvenience often worse than the fine. It would be a better deterrent.


    Easier said than done. The infrastructure you need would be considerable eg car pounds, recovery vehicles and staff to administer this nation wide. The Government is not going to invest any money in a system that does not bring in extra money from the public.

  5. 1 hour ago, worgeordie said:

    All you need to do is keep your foot lighty on the brakes,that will quickly

    dry them out, I don't suppose the police ever check if these trucks really

    have faulty brakes... It's just the drivers blame the truck, its never them

    going too fast for the conditions, not changing gears to slow down, 

    regards Worgeordie

    The Police would not know what they were looking for here.  To be able to check HGV and bus brake systems you need specialist trained officers. The average BIB would have no idea

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Toolong said:

    Thanks for your response to my post, Bradiston. Interesting stuff and what you've done sounds sensible and has given me indicators to what I too should do.

    However, regarding lawyers,  I have decided, after reading posts here on TV, to look into doing an 'Amphur will', first. I could be wrong - I'll no doubt find out soon - but it sounds not too complcated and COULD be sufficient, and relatively inexpensive. (I am one who shudders at the thought of stepping into any lawyers office! Although with respect, perhaps the one you use is decent - good ones do exist! And 4000baht is certainly reasonable.)

    So that's what I'm gonna try first. I'll see how it goes. Will let you know.


    Cheers. ????

    One requirement for a Amphur  will is that you must be able to read and write Thai.


  7. 19 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    The basics:


    The 2,438 new COVID cases reported Sunday represents the first daily decline after five consecutive days of increases. However, the number is still almost double the number of daily cases reported by Thailand 12 days ago, and is its second highest daily total in the country's current "third wave" COVID outbreak.


    The number of COVID patients in serious condition, which apparently means are in Intensive Care Units, increased from 418 to 507 in the past day. That figure has almost doubled in the past seven days. Likewise, the share of those patients requiring ventilators to breathe increased from 113 to 138 in the past day, more than doubling in the past week.


    The current number of COVID patients hospitalized in the country hit 24,207, another daily record, and has more than doubled in the past nine days.


    Also I think the highest numbers of deaths in 1 day 

    • Like 1
  8. 17 minutes ago, cooked said:

    OH dear, you ARE going to have the last word, aren't you?

    " I also do not believe Thailand is a safe place to drive. Where did I say that?"

    I never said that you did either. Blocking you now for being extremely boring.

    Well thats good so you wont reply to this one then. Your failure to give give accurate facts and fail to remember what you have said in past posts makes it extremely boring.

  9. 1 hour ago, cooked said:

    It is generally accepted that Thailand has a lot more road deaths than that, read this through:

    https://thethaiger.com/hot-news/road-deaths/thai-road-deaths-surpass-6000-for-year-to-date#:~:text=Thailand's publicly announced goal of,factor of 10 of more.&text=Most estimates put the figure,way to hospitals, are added.

    and try to avoid reports depicting Thailand as a safe place to drive.

    I agree that the figures shown are on the low side and are probably higher. You are the one in your initial post saying that Songkran figures are half of normal figures not me. But the published figures for normal days and holidays are around the same. I also do not believe Thailand is a safe place to drive. Where did I say that?

  10. 4 hours ago, cooked said:

    OK, continue the argument. EVERY year, and I mean EVERY year, we get this kind of rubbish, terrible seven days stats and we see that they are way below normal. WHO reckons Thailand has about 25 000 road fatalities yearly, that's about 70 a day. Miraculously, EVERY year, Covid or no Covid, the stats get halved over SONG kran.

    Of course you could say that this was as a result of our gallant police force making extra efforts to keep accidents down, 

    I am not arguing I am just stating facts., like these:-

    2015 364 dead 52 per day

    2016 442 dead 63 per day

    2017 390 dead 56 per day

    2018 418 dead 60 per day

    2019 386 dead 55 per day.

    So certainly not way below normal during Songkran these numbers are usual every day numbers. I will agree the efforts of the BIB do not make much difference.

  11. 54 minutes ago, robblok said:

    I love to see the Thai PM and his party go, but i really doubt that the others will do a better job. I seen the same behavior of the PTP when they were in power. Not listening to others always thinking they were right. Shady deals ect.

    Maybe not but a new leader will always start out with enthusiasm. It just needs to be directed at getting people vaccinated and re employed.

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