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Asquith Production

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Posts posted by Asquith Production

  1. 13 minutes ago, Joinaman said:

    care to explain exactly how these so called lockdowns have reduced the death rate, when the infection rate is so high ?

    Following government restrictions ?? 

    Most people i know bypassed the restrictions, kept drinking, ignored social distancing, wear masks when in stores only, or for some reason, when driving a car, or riding a motorbike, 

    Im sure Thai people are very pleased your here.

  2. 23 minutes ago, Joinaman said:

    I like these words like, can, could, maybe, possibly. They say so much, yet mean so little

    So how many have died in 16 months in Thailand 97 ? 

    You have more chance of dying from being given the flu, than from this "deadly" virus 

    Yes maybe its because of the lockdown and restrictions imposed thats caused such a low death rate. Thais have been very good at following Government restrictions which cannot be said for some western countries and farang here. 

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  3. Just now, JungleBiker said:


    Which countries are you talking about? I think you're talking about countries like USA and Europe where large percentages of their populations are in the at-risk (of death) cohorts (i.e. the elderly, obese, etc). Countries in SE Asia have much smaller percentages of at-risk people. 

    At the moment your correct. But where are we headed? Thailand was hailed as a success in the first wave. We seem to be heading for a far worse scenario know

  4. 39 minutes ago, SupermarineS6B said:

    Yeah right, 1300 caught cold but how many of those 1300 died ?  Considering the normal death toll from Monday to Thursday on the roads at 60 per day, and that's only those that die at the scene, don't you think that 97 over sixteen months for something that's causing so much fear is somewhat hysterically irrational ?   Imagine if this virus was something in the league of Ebola, then there would be good reason for all this fear and scaremongering........  Utter madness..... 

    Yeah well its not just about dying is it?  Everybody who gets it spreads it to other people who can potentially die. When someone dies in an accident thats the end of it. When you get the virus, no matter how serious, you just keep passing it on. Until everybody is vaccinated their as to be restrictions. This ongoing analogy with accidents is stupid.

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  5. 1 hour ago, billd766 said:

    About 4 years ago I was T-boned on my motorbike at a set of lights in Nakhon Sawan by 2 old ladies in an old pickup. The lights went green in my favour and off I went straight ahead when the pickup ran the red from my left side.


    There was nowhere else I could go and I was hit under the back seat just missing my body by inches. Luckily there was a police box and the cop outside saw it happen so it was in my favour.

    What happened to the old ladies? Did it go to court?

    • Like 1
  6. On 4/3/2021 at 2:35 AM, richard_smith237 said:

    At a ‘rim' shop years ago...  I was interested in new set of 22” Alloys..


    I pulled up outside the ‘rim’ shop and wanted to go in and have a browse. The staff (owner?) came out and asked what I was interested in, I said rims for this car. 


    He asked me for my car keys and I don’t know why, but I gave them to him. He proceeded to my car and got in. 

    I told him to get out and it didn’t, so I grabbed him arm and pulled him out. I got in and drove off. 


    I was with a friend at the time, non of us could work out what the guy thought he was doing? ensuring he had a captive audience by taking the car and putting it non a ramp?



    There are some very very odd happenings in various industries and services here, thinks and just make us shake our heads, there’s logic in their somewhere, but it is so alien to us we can’t recognise anything but the <deleted><kwittery !!! 



    Op: Given your story, the only thing that doesn’t surprise me is that you didn’t drive off sooner. 

    That said, at the B-Quick on Sukhumvit 71, I rocked up with a slow puncture. They guy asked for my car keys and again I just handed them to him, he gets in my car and puts it on the ramp, found the puncture (a screw), plugged the tyre, checked the air-pressure in the other tyres and had the car back to me in minutes (less than 10). B-Quick would not accept payment for plugging my tyre. 



    Another story:  I’d driven up to Mae Sot and had a blow out along he way (rear left, blew out at about 80kmh - no major issues). I change the spare and decided to order a new set of tyres. No garage up there had anything like the correct sized tyres for my 4x4. I had to get my Wife to a tyre shop in Bangkok and send the tyres up on a bus as ‘cargo’ !!!...  it worked, my tires arrived, I took them to the same tyre shop which couldn’t help me earlier. 

    But, the machine couldn’t put the tires on the car - the guy asked me for my keys, and again, I gave him my keys. He gets into my car and drives off !!! W.TF ??? - what is it with people in the car industry just getting your keys and driving your car without an explanation ???? !!!!  the guy came back an hour later with the 4 new tires on my Car !!


    Can you give me your car keys? lol

















    • Haha 1
  7. 5 hours ago, KarenBravo said:


    For training to be effective, the student has to listen and then put into practice what they have learned.

    Here lies the root problem............

    I appreciate what you are saying but you have to start somewhere. A person should be made to have a days  instruction before they can apply for their license and go out on public roads. If they dont pass the day course they dont get some sort of certificate to move onto a full license. So its in there interest to listen. Doing nothing is not really an option although I believe even to get any structured training in place would be like King Canute trying to stop the sea.

  8. In the UK these are some of the elements you have to pass before you can even go out on the road as a learner:-


    Riding in a straight line

    Riding in a slow and controlled manner

    Using both brakes

    Changing gears

    Riding a figure of eight

    Carrying out emergency braking

    Carrying out U-turns

    Carrying out rear observation

    Riding out bends safely.


    How can they ever learn if their is no system to teach them?

    • Thanks 1
  9. 30 minutes ago, herwin1234 said:

    One great thing about Thailand is that its not a nanny state and people have to take their own responsibility.


    Lets hope and pray and fight that the western nanny state mentality, the western pc mentality, and the western victim mentality, stay far far away from Thailand.


    Let Thailand be Thailand. And feel free to move to Cambodia if you dont like it here.

    Well the report is from Dr Chaimaiphan Santikan - former WHO advisor in Asia on injuries and the handicapped and now working on motorcycle safety - was speaking at the Amari Airport Hotel as reported by New TV.


    Does she have to move as well?

  10. 2 hours ago, mancub said:

    Watched dumb-struck at the test centre last week, as a 20 something yr old girl failed the brake test twice, as she had to look down at her feet to work it out. 3rd attempt just about passed and started jumping around excitedly clapping herself ! 

    Thats good. I went to get my license and a woman in her late 30s was trying to do the brake test failed every time. The queue was getting so long because other people were coming in to do the test. They made here sit down, as I was leaving she was trying again. Probably still there now.. God help all those people she drives behind.

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