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Everything posted by kwilco

  1. Thai Airways sold off a lot of their fleet in the last 4 years
  2. It is indicative of the advanced age of the majority of members on this site that there is a large number who are locked back in the 1990s and still MMCC deniers. The fact that even those who put forward those denials in the 19990s have changed their mind will not alter their views. However those absurdly outdated views still seem to be those of many of the Thai authorities and this means any future plans they make regarding tourism won't include the results of MMCC thus leaving the country vulnerable and exposed to changes in air travel. This cannot bode well for Thailand
  3. The fact that this topiIc exists at all shows how archaic attitudes to women are both in Thailand and on ASEAN NOW
  4. Im afraid that just because you see a new hospital, it doesn't follow that hospitals in Laos are changing. Luang Prabang and Vientiane are quite dissimilar to the rest of the country. They cater for the ruling elite, businesses and foreigners but how good they actually are and what the cost is requires some serious, qualified research. However just a quick visit to any regional hospital....e g. Laos second city Savanakhet will prove an eye-opener even to the most casual visitor. Anyone who can tries to make it over rhe River into Thailand. ...and Thailands healthcare leaves a lot to be desired but its still preferable to Laos.
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