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The Dark Lord

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Posts posted by The Dark Lord

  1. On 18 February 2016 at 0:38 PM, mercman24 said:

    lend me money, i pay you back, THEY DON'T.

    How very true but not limited to the indigenous pop


    got a septic owes me THB 4 milo but a load of Thai owing me. Loans ( apart from septic) obtained thru wife ( indig) but when ever I raise the subject of payback I am in deep caca.


    bought new car for everyone to use ( including me) found out son registered it in his name and used it as collateral for house he was building / I was unknowingly funding the majority of.


    my dad used o say a clown and his money are soon parted. I am looking for vacancies in a circus now...

  2. On 2 August 2016 at 8:32 PM, elviajero said:
    • 90 day reporting is still required.
    • They will do the 90 day report for you, but I believe you need to deliver/collect the passport from their office.

    I do my 90 day reporting at Nakhon Ratchasima Immigration which lays approx 18km from my home.


    my last 90 day extension was done so quickly that the cup of freshly poured coffee I left at home was still hot when I got home.


    sounds like a brilliant investment to me and am saving for it now.


    for info the Nakhon Ratchasima Immigration team are absolutely superb. Efficient, helpful, honest and multi lingual. 


    Prefer my my frequent trips there than the annual pilgrimage to the surly, unhelpful, unreasonably overpriced, non British national staffed "British" Embassy in BKK who beg a redefinition of the expression "fit for purpose"

  3. 4 hours ago, cheapskatesam said:


    Just curious.. Was the " model tenant " that destroyed your property white and English?

    Not wishing to appear "foreigner intolerant" but yes and polish ( from Poland not to clean the wood) 


    he went off to buy a £2 milo house when I finally got his butt out of mine


    guess how my BREXIT vote went.....:D

  4. 19 hours ago, newnative said:

    I think it's better to purchase a condo that has already been built, Mr. Dark Lord.  Here's what I think are desirable attributes for a  Pattaya condo, ranked roughly in importance:  Seaview.  Foreign name.  High floor.  On or very close to baht taxi line.  Walking distance to the beach.  Minimum amenities of large pool, gym, and covered parking.  Usable balcony.  Quality of construction and maintenance.  Good room layout.  Name brand Thai developer.  The more of these you have, the more likely you will be able to sell the condo down the road.  If resale truly doesn't enter the picture, then purchase wherever you want.  

    Hi guys,


    thanks for for the input, very much appreciated. Having read considerably more in this forum wife and I thinking more along the second hand unit as described.


    no rush as want to see what £ does moving forward.


    i see a split in opinion ( on different threads) about purchasing property here. I suppose at the end it is up to us to decide but make an informed decision.


    off topic I agree but this forum is cracking. Little bit of personal angst in some threads but overall highly informative and very useful.

  5. On 15 August 2016 at 3:40 PM, dick dasterdly said:

    Renting depends on luck as to the tenants.


    Been there, done that - and would never even consider doing it again, especially if living abroad.

    Fully concur,


    bought a UK 5 bed in London (cash) did £50k renovations,lost job,rented out and moved to LOS got stiffed for £10 k damages when "model tenant" left.


    faced 6 months and more ££££ in legal fees getting nowhere and with zero income still had to pay £250 per month council tax on unoccupied property as condition prevented re letting.


    bad year never to be repeated.


    All that was with reputable ( my backside!) managing agent. 


    Still reeling with sub market level rent due to condition ( but deal includes tenant doing repairs) and fairy FX bankers overreaction to BREXIT culminating in net reduction in income of 52% ( that also includes our oh so honest bankers in the UK with their fantasy FX rates when transferring to LOS.)


    impact so severe that I have to now drive within speed limits to reduce my contributions to BIB retirement funds......


    tough life indeed!

  6. Wasn't there (wrong passport and date of birth) but very keen interest in that conflict. You will find many airports in Thai (East and N East) were courtesy of our friends from the states. Udon Thani, Nakhon Ratchasima Are but two that i recall from the top of my head.



    i also think ( not sure) that the big navy base down in Rayong area has its roots from the same source.

  7. 5 minutes ago, newnative said:

    If a condominium is registered at the Land Office as a condominium, short-term rentals of less than a month are illegal and in violation of the Hotel Law.  I think I can guess which condominium is being discussed and I don't know how they are getting around the law--perhaps the floors being used as a hotel were not registered as part of the condominium at the Land Office.  It's a mystery.   A condo developer can offer rentals but needs to follow the law.  The Base condo, for example, has an on-site rental office but I think their advertising makes it clear that the minimum rental is one month.  

    Thanks for that. Going back there later this week and will test their honesty by asking. It was Arcadia if u r interested. 


    To to be honest though I think new properties are waste of money now, best look for used ones at least they have been built...........

  8. First post so bear with me guys.


    i was in the cusp of purchasing a condo -new development- and part of the sales pitch was  that they (The Thai Developers representatives) could rent out the unit when we were not using it . 


    From what your informed contributors have imparted this has the possibility of me being fined, imprisoned, made into some gangsters "maier noi" in the monkey house and finally deported!


    or could it be that they have hoteliers license which covers it?


    or am I being fed a pile of .........?


    i live in Khorat on retirement visa, existing property is in UK, property here is Wife's ( came with the wife) but to be honest Khorat has all the excitement of a graveyard at night so looking for escape from time to time. Plan was one in Hua Hin and one in Pattaya area.

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