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The Dark Lord

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Posts posted by The Dark Lord

  1. Hi TBL,

    i may be wrong but I understand the move behind the post office ID thing was to prevent drugs and other such illegal stuff getting posted or to make it easier to catch any clown whose parcel got caught. I knew some guys who sent drugs to the UK by post for many years and never got caught ( or so their story goes) .


    The signs Ng's have been up in our local post five for some time now and it applies to everyone without exception in theory.


    As for the bank, afraid I have no clue. Probably just a bad day?

  2. 19 hours ago, anotheruser said:


    They are offering a full 1,000 you should be able to have both. 

    So you filled in the form too?


    can you pay a bar fine of Bht1000?


    i must be plug ugly then coz even carrying a fat wallet with me I never got it that good




  3. Just now, Kwasaki said:


    Apologies I would not be the best for info on defer matters l'm sure some others here could help you out.

    I would say nearer the time phone the IPC they will ring you back if you ask them once you have given ID info, they very well mannered and very helpful.

    Goodluck for your big pay day. :biggrin:

    Thanks K, I am not so hopeful for a big payday but hell, , I might be able to afford an upgrade from Leo to Chang

    • Like 2
  4. On 15/05/2012 at 2:13 PM, Kwasaki said:

    You can claim by phone in England I know but I telephoned the the pension centre first from Thailand smile.png and the guy said I have to claim through the International Pension Centre.rolleyes.gif

    That's why I write here to inform people wanting to claim in Thailand what happens, I telephoned the International Pension Centre on my Thai tot house phone using 008 and the lady said I cannot claim over the phone from abroard, you can do it on-line using UK Government Gateway ( easy to join up and it good if you have to deal with tax issues as well later ) or they will post the forms to your address in Thailand but original birth certificates & marriage certificate are required to be sent with the last page printed from the on-line claim or posted back with the forms they have sent you.

    My daughter is sending me tax forms already received at my UK postal address, don't waste any time at all do they. laugh.png

    HMRC are super efficient at grabbing your cash (I won't go into detail as this is the wrong thread) but horribly inefficient at paying you back.


    but returning to the pension matter whilst I have a few years left before getting mine I was fortunate (?) enough to have been born mid March. If I read this correctly, if I decide to defer the claim until say mid June if that year I would not only get the 1% increase but also the pension adjustment that the prevailing government decides on as well?


    grateful for any words of wisdom please.

  5. 8 hours ago, Foreign Jim said:

    I'm American, buddy.  We call it math.  But I'm okay calling it maths, just in the same way I know Centigrade v. Fahrenheit.

    Hi FJ, suspected as much and I have no issues with American spelling and/or pronunciation as is your "sovereign right" What grieves me though is the uneducated Brits who use facebook slang or u instead of you etc when writing letters / emails/ posts believing it to be cool or hip.





  6. On 06/10/2016 at 1:38 PM, billd766 said:


    Can I join your gang please as I voted to leave too?


    So are you, even if you are wrong too.

    Me too please. 


    I voted not not for my reduced income future ( which has changed my beer preference to Leo)  but for the future of my children who continue to live there.


    i. Opted for their future as in all honesty my future is not as long as I hope my kids future is 


    I did not vote to be selfish but for the future.

  7. Hi fellow forum members, 


    i am seeking some advice of if I am a technological Luddite or there really is a problem when trying to enter a Thai address into a (Thai approved) Garmin sat navy because for the life of me I just cannot find anywhere with it.


    my solution right now is to drive to the place I want to find (yes and get hell from Mrs Dark Lord for not turning immediate right crossing four lanes of backed up Bkk traffic)  then using the "Where am I." Function, enter the destination.


    it does not somehow seem the right way...........

  8. I can only agree with Willi above, the Khorat immigration stationed at Dan Kiwan is fantastic.


    where else can you get;


    1) Extremely well educated officers throughout

    2) Polite and where appropriate, humourous

    3) Non requested but highly pertinent and positive advice saving the Farang money.

    4) Efficiency .


    these guys are a genuine credit to LoS and I am seriously contemplating writing to the boss man at Dan Kiwan and telling him how good his team is  and how well regarded they are within the expat community.


    or could that bugger things up?


    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

    I would have absolutely no problem in saying what I expressed face to face. The whole point of a discussion is that many varying views are put across now if you belive some views are just rubish or Incorect you are allowed to say this. If the other poster does not like your views so be it live with it. 

    I note the pack are responding to my posts as well as yours I can only guess at the negativity of them as I have found the ignore button.

    One (several) man's folly  with his life choices and women choices, does not mean everyone elses life choices or women choices are as he or they would have everybody belive.  They got shafted tough live with it move on who cares apart from the people concerned. I have not been shadted used or lied to in my life/women choices maye they dont like that who knows. And I know many more who would agree. Further more it is the very same people on every thread they can manipulate to get there 'word of God" well rehearsed speach in.

    You seem to be unnecessarily angry.


    from what I understand, the question was what were the five things you wished you had known before coming to LoS.


    surely that is an invitation to express your five things not to wax lyrical over how much you hate other people's list.


    i stated that there was no need for what appeared to be a well educated person to join the LCD (lowest common denominator) inferring that you should rise above it.


    i am sorry but I do not understand your reluctance to provide your list even as an alternative to those with which you disagree preferring instead to express your angst at others' often humourous, lists.


    i for one had a major laugh at many of the responses and those that I disagreed with I tried to understand why they were posted as they were ( wind ups? Black humour? Truth?) but I did not feel the need to blast them for their post after all we did lose many very good lives over the centuries to be allowed to develop this ability to express ourselves in relative freedom without someone getting overly upset about what we believe.


    the problem today and probably one of the most significant reasons that many posters here decided to move out here is due to those "female warriors" who believe everything said by men is a mysoginous attack on their femininity which ironically is demeaned by their testosterone fuelled attacks on their male co inhabitants on this earth. 


    I cannot not see any reason to join that intolerant group of individuals unless of course .................


    frankly my decision to move here was entirely based on having a lovely woman of the same age as me who has stood by me through thick and thin and who wants to be a female not some intolerant feminist who has a major issue with the males because she cannot land one who respects her.


    yes it has its challenges in the cultural and M/F differences but I married for better or for worse and when the chips are down I hunker down and weather the storm allowing her to rethink any wisdom that I may think I have imparted. 99% of the time we end up agreeing with each other and life then continues.


    however you teased me to respond and I took the bait but I will not continue what is rapidly becoming a discussion on why we should all respect your views over others even when you offer no alternatives.


    i hate to be rude but I seriously believe that it is now time to grow up and move on or press your ignore button that you claim to have (but do not use ) please.

  10. 4 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

    Where is the abuse!!!!  It is exactly what I think I am allowed to have opinions of others  based on there post. As others are all to quick to have opinions of me isn't that right Dark lord !!!! But if someone expressed an opinion on myself unlike other I don't hunt in packs. It's called a forum.

    You may not consider what you put in print as abuse but ask yourself if you would say what you wrote if face to face. If not then .....................well you are not daft.


    Oh and yes I know many posters post nonsense however  why associate yourself with the LCD when you don't need to? Many of your other posts are either amusing, witty and or objective......................


    i am am not a moderator nor do I aspire to be one so let's leave it at that.



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