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The Dark Lord

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Posts posted by The Dark Lord

  1. On 01/08/2016 at 6:30 PM, MissAndry said:

    One must remember that nearly all the male posters on this forum were driven out of their own countries by their wife, who grabbed a significant part of their lifetime assets. So the attitude of forum posters towards women is explicable but not justifiable.

    Now that was seriously uncalled for. You have no believable evidence on which to lay your accusations which in my opinion  makes your post a massive insult. 


    (If if it were a man posting such comments about women then the handbag waving, man hating,  PC brigade would drop untold abuse on him)


    That is is unless you include in your generalisation, dishonest banks, corrupt money grabbing corporations and inept politicians!


    oh wait where am I?

  2. On 06/10/2016 at 9:50 PM, fusion58 said:

    As another TVF member noted, referring to all Occidentals as "farang" is like referring to all Asians as "Chinamen."

    Didn't Jeremy Clarkson, formerly of Top Gear, have a generic expression to counter the Farang jibe?


    didnt JC get severely berated by the PC Brigade for doing so even though not proven


    i cannot find the picture I took right now but in the local supermarket I visit a lot, there is a sign in a Thai and "English" warning the unsuspecting to "Beware of the Slope"


    i kid kid you Not!

  3. On 06/10/2016 at 5:36 PM, Asiantravel said:


    the system in Cambodia is a bit weird because there they take learner drivers onto actual roads from the very beginning of their tuition (much more chaotic than here) but then they are tested back in a compound (or car park like environment as you referred to)

    Allegedly in Turkey you need to prove you can drive around a tree in a field to get your license. Oh and not hit the tree.


    if ever you go there you will believe that even if proven to be untrue


    i have the brown pants to prove it too!

  4. On 06/10/2016 at 5:55 PM, Srikcir said:

    Thus far this isn't limited to auto or motorbike taxis. What if a commercial bus driver or operator of a tour bus is found to be legally drunk, ie., after an accident. Then all the passengers could be charged as well?

    Can you be legally drunk? 


    How do you apply for that status please?

  5. 4 hours ago, Tagaa said:


    First thing...It will not pass. You are here now & she has you by the nards. I saw this with my ex & I see it on a daily basis with other farangs I know & have known. Many got so tired of the constant verbal abuse they left everything they had here and went home. So you don't think this is an isolated instance, 5 farangs that I have known have returned home due to this circumstance. Only one was hooked up with a bar girl. Another one that, by the way,  just bought an expensive new truck, is considering it as I write this.



    If you've been here 3 years you have missed the window under the rule that I came in on. Can't comment on ubonjoes link as it will not open.


    Anyway...Good Luck.

    Thanks my friend. 


    The boss is inherantly good good and issues invariably get resolved my way. 


    Sorry you you and your chums got rogered but don't give up on the indig pussy, some pass the test........

  6. 3 hours ago, whatproblem said:

    Wouldn't it be nice if he did something to help the British people that come here instead of kissing ass

    Spot on! Well said indeed.


    dont suppose he reads this but maybe one of his minions might.


    wouldnt it also be a cracking idea for him to recognise the fiscal pressures on his paymasters ( we few remaining taxpayers) and adjust (downwards) his unrealistically and obscenely high costs for admin at the BE in Bkk or is he making good on increased income for the UK............

  7. On 10/09/2016 at 9:19 AM, i claudius said:

    I dont need to dress to impress ,with my body , godlike looks and air of sophisticated grace , the women just swoon at my feet .

    but the wife wont let me out by myself , she says i just get lost ..

    Not quite the same physical attributes as now knocking on the door of 60 (damn!) but last time wife and I walked down the street of fun she held my hand so tight that it took a thirty minute negotiation for me to get release to use hong nam.


    sadly my zipper broke in the open position and it took a very long time to explain that one.....

  8. 5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:



    The next generation think talking to imaginary friends on a machine, or killing people on a machine is fun. They don't think sitting in a bar playing connect 4 with a stranger is fun.

    Anyway, women and PC are taking over the western world. Everything that real men think is fun will be banned.

    Luckily, hope for men lies in sex androids, which are not too far off. Once we get our hands on those little beauties, western women can forget about having their subservient men slaves to do their bidding. Long live the sex machines, yay.


    For the humour deficient that are reading this- it's satire!

    That I have to explain it shows what a sanuk devoid world we live in.

    I wonder if you could PM me with the web site for these non talking ( well nagging, shopping etc) androids can be purchased. 

    I have opened a new bank account to save up already ..........

  9. Hi guys and genuine thanks for the very highly regarded advice on which I shall act upon.


    having been here (Khorat) four years and travelled to Bkk, Patt, Pkt, Utd etc many times and never once submitted a TM28, theoretically I should be quite a lot less well off (relatively) than my current fiscal status tells me I am.


    reality though is that Khorat immigration ( at Dan Kiwan) are seriously super friendly, helpful and even make the occasional joke or pull my leg when I visit them. They have never asked for a TM28 and it was they who suggested to me that renewing my marriage visa was not the best option as I qualified both in age and income to just go with a retirement visa which they could ( and did) give me in one day! No need to send piles of bumf to Bkk and wait three weeks for a maybe answer.


    i will ask them next month when I do my 90 day and let you guys know.


    in the meantime, I read many negative posts about our host country, a few of which I tend to agree with but the Immigration in Dan Kiwan are absolutely a perfect example of how it could work with the right people in place.


    OFC  that does not necessarily hold fair for those poor immigration guys in more farang popular places who have regretfully to deal with some of my fellow countrymen ( -and other farangs) who seem to believe they have a right to live here, on a daily basis who suffer increasing levels of jadedness as a result.


    I recently witnessed first hand a fellow Brit trying to bribe these guys as he had "accidentally" overstayed his visa by a few months. His offerings were politely declined and he was given clear and very helpful directions on what he needed to do to sort out the problem.



  10. Currently diving to 43.3 oh joy!


    dont forget those who have to also suffer from the obscene FX rates that the banks charge along with their commission for transferring your money out here.


    sadly Europe is in the hands of the greedy money grabbing parasites ( read banks) which was one of the primary reasons why I left those shores myself. Yes the FX rate hurts us all but it does give us an opportunity to lose weight by maybe drinking one less beer or eating less . It's called tightening our belts.


    according to the world bank or some such nonsensical bunch of clowns the pound will strengthen by early 2017 just in time to renew my visa.


    off for a beer now!

  11. I am old enough to have seen the demise of the Riepherbahn in Hamburg, Bugis Street in Singers and now very probably WS in Pattaya. 


    What will the next gen do for fun? What sort of a world are we building? Why? Why? Why?:mad:

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