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Everything posted by Sig

  1. Suffered an attempted rape and her phone was stolen as well, yet did not go to the police?????? Ok, I know the police may not be the most dependable characters around, but who on earth would do that!? Does she actually expect anyone to believe her? That would be one incredibly bizarre story if true...
  2. It's just a lowbrow ad. Not to everyone's taste, to say the least. Pretty much the same as vulgar jesting. It's crude and immature. But some people like it... If it falls within city regulations and you don't like it, take it up with the city. How is this news? Social media whining becomes news these days?
  3. It could likewise be said that hosts are beholden to keep their guests happy....
  4. I think you have understood that correctly, assuming the statement in the article is accurate, "Addressing crimes committed by foreigners is of paramount importance to the Royal Thai Police...". Although, they may not "ignore" the Thai, it is of "paramount" importance to get the farang and not so important to get the Thai.
  5. I think that's exactly his point... Nobody in the forum can answer many questions, let alone about them defending themselves from an abusive cop, who from what it sounds like according to them, had his weapon out on them. Who knows what really happened. I've been on the end of "witnesses" who were testifying to nonsense, claiming they saw things that was physically impossible for them to see. Very possible that "witnesses" saw the tussle with the cop, but did not see what led up to it nor exactly all of what happened during it, but jump to all sorts of conclusions and say they "saw everything", and are themselves convinced that they did. People in this forum are nuts coming to conclusions based from a news article or even a video that shows only a part of an event. Just wait until they find themselves in a situation where the facts are not reported accurately and political officials are pronouncing them guilty in the media before full facts are presented. The foreigner in this video is just as nuts IMO. He says he's fine with the Governor making the statements that he did!? He is prejudicing the case! It is insanely irresponsible for a political official to make such statements. Two grown men with apparently respectable families and respectable jobs and who are not apparently thugs are suddenly thugs doing grotesquely irresponsible things? Anything is possible, of course. But from appearances, it seems like something made these guys react in the way they did and we don't know what it was. And I don't think we ever will. Who in their right mind thinks this cop will tell the truth about what happened??? Not gonna happen. And how believable is the testimony of the brothers? That is also questionable. Being that police practicing what this cop was, are widely known to be corrupt, I'd be more inclined to believe the brothers, although not easily. I can't imagine doing what they did, almost no matter what the cop may have done. How on earth can you win against corrupt cops in a corrupt system that, on top of all that, is xenophobic!? If a cop is going to abuse you, then you need to do whatever you can to comply and deescalate IMO. Of course, there can be extreme and highly unusual exceptions. These guys are likely as screwed as screwed can get, regardless of whether they are guilty or innocent.
  6. Gotta get your lotto numbers from somewhere. Consider it a service 🙂
  7. lol yeah, that's a funny outfit, but he isn't blonde... very confusing....
  8. There are 3 blondes in that pic... I'm assuming you are hankering for the one on the far right, in short pants and black shoes?
  9. Welcome to politicians the world over. Yeah, no sh**. And does that mean I should just be jaded to it, not care, and not be disgusted? btw, the present OP is about these particular politicians.... just because they are the same as so many corrupt imbeciles the world over, does that mean they get a pass and we should just be nonplussed by their tyranny? Or maybe you're being facetious too?? This forum has so many sh**-for-brains re*t*rds, sometimes it's difficult to know how to take some of the comments....
  10. Nothing new to see here... move along.... Edit: I guess I should be explicit. I am being facetious. This action is so despicable, polite words escape me at the moment to describe what I think of these wholly self-centered people, who care NOTHING for their fellow countrymen who are of lesser means. Nor do they care for the peace of the land for the foreseeable future. Sickening.
  11. Even without dashcam video, and thus no proof of his brake checking her, the lack of a helmet and wearing headphones should have been enough to issue the guy a citation. Not to mention some sort of charges like assault and disorderly conduct for his actions toward her and her vehicle. I don't know about Thailand, but wouldn't be surprised if it's the same as where I come from, but wearing headphones (over both ears) while driving (any kind of vehicle) is illegal. If only on one ear, it is legal.
  12. This may just be a case of misunderstanding Bob's use of the modern day progressive usage of freedom of choice in personal pronoun usage. We was just using our own pronouns without first informing the audience what pronouns to use for us. In this case, it would be "We", "Us", "Our". And in this case, perhaps Bobs suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder as well, since we said "we all". Hope that clears it up .🧑‍🔬
  13. I don't reckon that this was supposed to be a comical article... but seriously? 400 some odd firms operating under foreign nominees? That should get some good laughs. It wouldn't surprise me if there were that many and more on Beach Road, and its sois, in Pattaya.
  14. I suppose I couldn't blame them too much, when even the Thai media company that wrote the article about the accident and ensuing crime, referenced here, slandered Swiss people and Switzerland with their outrageous prejudicial comment - "There must be something in Swiss drinking water...", insinuating that from these two recent events, on can surmise that Swiss people must all be whackos.
  15. Yes, not the same, for sure. In the case of the Thai woman who killed the Swiss man, she fled the scene and "offered to surrender the next morning" (that would be after any alcohol dissipated from her bloodstream...) after the man died, perhaps due to her not calling for help immediately.... It's all about self preservation. She may not have had "pure rage", but her reckless (it said she was traveling at a high speed), irresponsible, and selfish actions ended a human life. At any rate, yeah, not the same. In the end, the manslaughter is worse. A lot worse. Tremendously worse. I suppose it could even be argued to be murder since she refused to render aid and perhaps he may have lived if she had rendered aid. Not to excuse this insane woman-beater though. The guy should suffer the full penalty and then be deported AND banned, after his jail time is served.
  16. Brilliant move by the woman sitting next to him. Wear a t-shirt so everyone can know which elephant sanctuary it is that you're associated with! Since nobody can mention it without fear of being sued for slander, advertise it to the world at the police station! omg... seems that stupidity matches the arrogance around there....
  17. You mentioned Carabao... I recall a Carabao concert something like 20 years ago in Korat. There were so many police and security guards around there, you wouldn't think anything would happen. hahaha But true to reputation, it was like a free-for-all. No idea what the police did. Likely nearly nothing. It seems that those events were more like every young punk in a 50 mile radius coming for a planned rumble between 20 little gangs, and then of course every other offended party who might get shoved during the mayhem, which gave seemingly more than half of the massive crowd an excuse to start swinging and get into brawls practically everywhere you looked! And it just so happened that there was some music to accompany it and police to officiate and girls to scream. Slightly exaggerated maybe, but it really was nutso AND it was HILARIOUS.
  18. Hopefully anyone's negative comments about the lines won't be traceable... My friend was threatened denial of entry recently, unless he deleted his Twitter/X comment about the ridiculous lines at the airport immigration and also apologized for it. I never did ask him how they saw his post.... Whether someone reported it or if somehow they are scanning Twitter/X?? Can't imagine they're sophisticated enough to do that yet. But who knows.... I don't imagine it would be particularly difficult at all. At any rate, the tyrannical response was shocking.
  19. Crazy foreigner, agreed. But his wife was a lot worse IMO. She threatened to use high level police connections and to shoot her!??? I don't know, but I would think that would garner a much harsher penalty than what was likely a simple shove and some yelling (assault by the crazy foreigner). Some people are crazy enough to follow through with threats to shoot. I would never take such a statement lightly and that Thai woman should be charged. And the police she claimed to have connections to should be investigated. As if that would ever happen....🤪
  20. I suppose that's why they'll deny entry at immigration if you posted a negative comment on Twitter/X about long queues at their check point in the airport, but porn, shame? not a problem, come on in! Yeah, covering up shameful government actions is par for the course. They would be ashamed of it, but refuse to admit it exists, and stamp it out when it might see the light of day, that way there's no shame to be had.
  21. Not a big deal. A small fire in an easily containable area. You can't prevent everything from happening. The much more major newsworthy story here, as far as I'm concerned, is all of the imbeciles jumping out of their seats, accomplishing nothing other than endangering people's lives by hindering trained personnel from doing their job in responding to the problem. What good do they think it does to jump out of their seats and crowd the aisle!?? Complete IDIOTS! People who panic and lose any sense of logical thinking, even at minor disturbances like this, are a threat to everyone's safety. THIS is what the article should have been about. A little battery burns up...? Big deal. Staff are well trained to deal with it. Let them do their damn job! I would be perfectly fine with staff manhandling and even violently shoving people out of the aisle, if need be, in cases like this. Made me so angry seeing that video....🤬
  22. You'd certainly never know that if you looked at all of the Thai people on various temple grounds/complex. Not even close. Perhaps at the more touristy temples where they actually have people go through gates and a sort of inspection prior to entering, but NOT AT ALL at regular temples all over the place where I see those clothing rules nowhere in the slightest being paid any attention to by many, if applying it to the entire area of the temple grounds. I haven't been to a touristy temple for many years, so I don't know how they are doing things these days, but men and even women sometimes, in shorts is a regular sight. And it isn't even terribly uncommon to see a woman's shouders, let alone knees. It's only personal anecdotal experience, so it isn't the end all... just some observation.
  23. Caught one the other day in Lampang. Only saw it on Thai news though.... Some older guy. I didn't pay attention to see if they said why he was setting the fires or not, but they had him in handcuffs and showed his rubberbanded bundles of matches he had with him....
  24. Agreed on much of what you said here. On the other hand... just this past week a close friend of mine was taken aside by immigration at the airport after a short vacation to a somewhat nearby East Asian country. They threatened to not allow him entry back into Thailand until he apologized and deleted his Twitter/X comment about how long the queue was at BKK airport immigration. I haven't asked him yet about how on earth they gained access to his comment. I don't know if some imbecile reported it to them or if he provided his social media accounts to them (can't imagine doing that) or if they are actually scanning the socials for keywords to catch people like him? No idea, but incredibly disturbing. So, yeah, this guy in the OP was out of line, big time, but the way things are run here, anything could happen, even if not so over the line like this guy was in this particular case. As you mentioned, it's not the case that "you can go to jail for posting a negative review in Thailand"... I don't know. That may be the case, but apparently they can refuse you entry to the country you've been living in the past 15 years if you make a comment on social media that they don't like.
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