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Everything posted by Sig

  1. You apparently haven't read the whole article. What is provided here in the forum is only a synopsis. You need to click on the link to the original article in order to read the whole thing. Thought you'd know that being that you are an "Advanced Member"....
  2. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if this had zero to do with construction workers getting it wrong. I've seen so many plans by engineers and draftsmen that called for the most idiotic specs imaginable, but that's what they called for, so the contractor is obliged to follow it. They lose money if they have to take time to bring the drawings back and get somebody with a brain to get things done with some sort of rational thought, so they just do it how they were hired to do it.
  3. No need for irrational US cop hate. Context is everything. If a guy is running at you with a sword, you don't whisper sweet nothings to him, you shoot him, like this -> https://youtu.be/0IxOPEdJ7ic?si=iwTVwk2UtWJmDKK0 If possible and their life isn't yet being immediately threatened, they can tase the nutjob, like this in the US ->https://youtu.be/N3Osvhm-Bjw and this -> https://youtu.be/BD78FxRY1vM?si=Cp4fKzKCKHrY7gtr I highly doubt this Russian was aggressively coming at these cops in Phuket with his sword, and they had an opportunity to deal with him without needing to kill him. I see one of the cops has a taser, but maybe they didn't even need to tase him, just like they didn't need to tase this guy in the US ->https://youtu.be/c_MKR-npPfU?si=APS99lFKtc4OuVlm Sorry to burst your bubble. Maybe you watch too many movies? Or have an algorithm feeding you videos based on your viewing habits that makes you think that it's the norm for US cops to put 11 holes in suicidal mental menaces saying they're going to kill you, even though it could be easily justified -> It's far from the norm, very far.
  4. I think that goes without saying... My implication was that it would be insane to stay in such private hospital if it were not covered by insurance.
  5. Ok... I'm a little confused. So, if as of the start of this month this problem has come about at Phrom Phong and other major development projects continue to sprout presently bringing disputes... just how recent is it that Bangkok started developing with proper urban planning? I realize he didn't say directly that there is now developed planning, but "Until recently" it hadn't had such planning and saying "until recently", it certainly implies that it now does have proper planning, yet all the information preceding that statement says it has no proper planning. So, is that landscape architect living in lala land? Are we to understand that within the last 2 weeks there has been a miracle change of proper urban planning? Or is this just another article with horrible translation? Pardon me if there's some obvious thing I'm missing here. I'd be happily corrected and have my confusion dispelled.
  6. I give people a bit more slack than just starting to drink alcohol. Nothing wrong with a beer or glass of wine. But, I do stay away from ANYBODY, not just Thais, once they've had 2 drinks and go on to a third. No need to drink more. Two drinks and on to a third is enough to have them on their way. Drunk people are useless or worse, why stick around?
  7. just an fyi When you notice you made a simple mistake in your post after you posted, you can edit it. No need to make another post to clarify.
  8. Ridiculous. Who in their right mind would go to a private hospital or stay in one with daily rates like that??? Completely insane.
  9. That makes sense. They wouldn't want any association made to taxis... good way to lose business.
  10. Not at all. A friend of mine (65 year old Thai woman) was pistol whipped, robbed, shoved out of the car onto a backroad of Pattaya. (broad daylight) Another Thai woman friend of mine (about 35 years old) was sprayed in the face with some kind of drug that made her woozy, but not before she freaked out on him and he took off, she was a VERY fit martial artist and Yoga teacher, but she was extremely frightened as she found herself of the side of a road in an area unknown to her, at night, alone, and beginning to feel woozy and lightheaded. Nearly certainly an attempt for a rape. (nighttime around 8 or 9 pm in the outskirts of Bangkok) This stuff happens frequently and I'd bet many times not even reported to the police. Most of the Thai women I know won't take a taxi after dark. And a couple of them, from higher class families, will NEVER NEVER and I mean NEVER take a taxi. A member from their immediate or extended family will come pick them up.
  11. A Thai taxi driver reflect on their behaviour? I don't think they would understand what that means, even if you tried explaining it to them.
  12. Yes. That happened 4 or 5 times among my family members. Asymptomatic COVID is not unusual.
  13. Yes, 100%. The media are largely the ones that were the catalyst for the entire fiasco, creating a mass delusion/hysteria. I pretty much equate it to a mental instability. People who were weak-minded, naive, or just not so bright in general seem to have gotten caught up in it. Then there were/are those who are bright enough, but have ulterior motives, e.g., politicians (although many of them aren't necessarily particularly bright, some are very much so). I recall reading a scientific paper published very early on, in which one of the authors was Dr. Fauci. In that paper, they essentially equated COVID to a very bad cold or the flu. It was nearly the exact same thing that President Trump said early on, which of course was advice he likely got from Fauci - exactly as in the scientific paper of which he was a co-author. Of course, the media's visceral hatred for Trump didn't fail, and they immediately jumped on that and attacked like a Rottweiler guard dog, trolled him, and pumped the narrative of how catastrophic COVID is, even harder than ever before. Of course they let their darling Fauci slide and he also started edging over to the Trump hatred crowd after at first being supportive of Trump. He went from COVID being like a bad flu and masks not being necessary to COVID being horrendously dangerous and needing double masks. And the media just kept pushing harder and harder for their narrative to be true. That whole political and media world is so full of evil, it is amazing to watch. I do agree with you that the governments were trying to do their best at first. But then the pressure produced by the insanity of the media became something that they couldn't deal with, otherwise they were too fearful of public opinion and the next election. Then, they started reveling in the power the people were allowing them to wield. Much like many of the police (not all by any means) who enforced the insanity and loved every minute of the power it gave them to destroy people. Of course the corrupt W.H.O., Centers for Disease Control, and others also played a part in tandem with the media and other ne'er-do-wellers, in particular, Bill Gates, etc.... and on it goes.... One can hope that at least some people learned something from it all. But just as how we see the ease at which people are swayed to vote for completely incompetent people, even to the highest offices of a country, I don't have a whole lot of confidence that people have learned much.... But I do hope.
  14. I guess there was more than one! I don't recall seeing that one I shouldn't be surprised though. It was an amazingly crazy time period full of incredibly hysterical brainwashed people denying reality.
  15. I remember seeing a masked solo driver in the mountains between Maehongson and Pai!! Nice fresh air outside, but noooooooo! It must be full of COVID! lol Your restaurant example reminded me of a 24 hour cafe that had 3 floors. The top 2 floors were closed from the early evening! So, instead of spreading the few nighttime customers out through the place, the law forced everyone to sit in tighter confines in the smaller first floor! Similarly with 7-11 being forced to close at night... so they were allowed to be open when they were busy with loads of customers shopping and waiting in lines through the day, but when there were a smaller number of customers that wouldn't crowd their little store and when they'd have no lines, they had to close! It was truly an amazing time to live through and see firsthand how hysterical people can become over virtually nothing more than their imaginations! But scary when it happens with totalitarian wannabees in charge.
  16. Yes, absolutely bizarre. And it was bizarre nearly from day 1. There were already good studies done by March 2020 (When America had less than 20 cases in the entire country!) showing likely morbidity of 0.025% to 0.625% (now we know it was even less than that). Those who were elderly and had compromised immune systems (e.g. comorbidities) were figured to be on that high end. But even in this forum, people were acting like it was the end of the world and calling for heinous penalties and spouting all sorts of utter nonsense. It was shocking how incredibly easy it was for so many to be so fantastically brainwashed so quickly by whatever their choice of mass media fake news was (they likely still follow the same outlets) - over something that had massive amounts of evidence to the contrary from the beginning. I remember one story in here about a foreigner who was harassed for not wearing a mask outdoors to the point of having his photo in this forum (I think even his name was given, if I'm remembering right) and people calling for his deportation! It was insane! People were pretty much as nutso about the "vaccine" too.
  17. Funny thing is, she's likely to make a large jump in her viewership from all the publicity. She's gonna be making even more money off of her videos now. lol Controversy will end up making her even more popular. Most won't see a big problem with what she did and she'll gain a ton of Chinese sympathizers and she'll be raking in a lot more money than she had to pay in any fine.
  18. If Thai reporters are anything like how things are getting in many parts of this insane world, the 9 "men" very well could have been biological females, but being "Tom", they may prefer to identify as "men". Things are so bizarre these days, there is even a high school by a relative's house in America that has at least one student identifying as a cat, and they actually have a litter box for the mentally whacked kid for his/her toilet! I am NOT joking. As unbelievable as it sounds... this is what things have come to with this whole thing of affirming mentally ill people in their illness. So, maybe that figure of 18 individuals, made up of 9 "men" and 8 "women", isn't off after all! Maybe the uncounted outlier is a self-identifying cat.
  19. Quality tourist cosplay
  20. Totally agree. The level of cynicism on here is verging on the point of mental instability and definitely unhealthy. To a degree, it can be understandable, but it is completely unnecessary to spout so much unbelievable cynicism at such a horrific accident, particularly when one does not know AT ALL what the cause may have been. The driver may have been very capable and responsible. There are a host of reasons this could have happened that don't include negligence or incompetence. And if that many people died in the accident, it's pretty likely that the driver is among the poor souls that perished. It is so incredibly crude to cast aspersions on the deceased, especially when it is complete conjecture, expecting the worst of the person about which one knows absolutely nothing. So many uncouth classless people seem to be drawn like a magnet to social media. What could be such a better point of access for a tighter knit community becomes a cesspool. RIP to so many and condolences to those who knew them.
  21. Seems like a picture perfect Thai-style case of slander....
  22. Dangling cables on the roadways are another aspect of Thainess that takes acculturation to appreciate properly. Once that is accomplished, one will no longer accidentally drive into such cultural artifacts.
  23. You automatically assume every foreigner's Thai wife is a hooker??
  24. A new trend in tourism preparedness.... Bring your own Fire Extinguisher!
  25. Whatttttt????? Are you serious? Or just going off on a faked irrational rant to make some sort of point that I am not grasping? You say, "...i believe such VERY common behaviors on planes should be understood..." Well, perhaps my life experience is not expansive enough... but I've never witnessed these "VERY common behaviors on planes" - lighting blankets on fire or stripping on the plane... My life experience is apparently so terribly limited that I've never even had the opportunity to experience such amazingly common behaviors anywhere at all, let alone on planes! I feel like I've been cheated! Maybe I should go start a good old-fashioned genocide. Will that help me understand both sides of a story? Do they sell woke pills at the local pharmacy? Where can I get some of that stuff!?
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