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Everything posted by Sig

  1. I have no idea about accents around different parts of the U.K., but wow... I checked out a couple of videos via the link you gave (one of your links has had that video removed). The only word that came to mind was - vacuous. How on earth does anyone feel that by watching those videos, they gain anything other than amazement of the level of useless empty nonsense.
  2. Yes, thank you. I went to read the entire article, as I should have done before commenting the first time.... The excerpt posted here is somewhat misleading. After reading the article, I didn't find the family to be complaining at all, as many people here are assuming. The article and excerpt mention criticism, which I supposed could be thought of as similar to complaining, but I found the things that the mother said, just stating the sad situation as it is in her experience and lamenting it, not particularly blaming anyone. They didn't even blame the travel agency who didn't give the information that they wished they would have had. They only said that they didn't provide it. Oh, by the way, it didn't say that "they chose to send the oldest son to hospital". It did say that the younger one "had to be placed in isolation in the hospital for 10 days" and it is inferred that the older one later was also required to quarantine at the hospital ("my husband and 11 year old have to stay for a full ten days" - emphasis mine) and that the family agreed that "it was safest if he went to the hospital as well". But regardless of choice or not, it seems clear to me that the situation isn't how so many in this forum are assuming it to be. Of course that is pretty much par for the course, especially when dealing with partial information from media and that media/article being reduced even further to an excerpt. Thanks for your encouragement to read the article in its entirety. That's what I should have done to begin with.
  3. I honestly hope that someday you'll get off of your incessant irrational accusations of numerous individuals of Thailand bashing. As I mentioned before, I'm not bashing, blaming, or accusing Thailand of ANYTHING. I'm starting to find myself thinking that the ease at which libel or slander suits can be made in Thailand is due to people who constantly berate others in such a nonsensical fashion as you. You have not the slightest clue of who I am or what my experience may be. You just automatically seem to think you know better and your deep and broad knowledge must cover everything in order to make the kind of statements you make - aka "a know-it-all". I happen to have a number of friends and a very close relative in the insurance industry and I have what perhaps may be a bit better understanding of how these things happen than the average person. I also have friends who are police officers and I have a couple of doctor friends who have told me how the money flows on some of these kinds of things. That doesn't mean it is happening in this case, but if you paid attention, I said that "I believe it is an insurance scam of sorts". That is not definitive. It may not be. It is a belief based on experience and the apparent situation. And it doesn't need to be exactly an insurance scam, but something akin - as I said "of sorts". You say I am blaming Thailand - again. And AGAIN, I tell you, I am not blaming Thailand and I never blamed Thailand. The fact that the situation being addressed is in Thailand doesn't make all criticism about it "Thailand bashing". Drawing that conclusion as you have is illogical and there is no evidence to support such nonsense. Some of your previous statements have shown that you are VERY clearly a racist and classist. I probably shouldn't even waste the time of day talking with such a person. I would never associate with a person who is so clearly racist and/or classist in real life and I probably should just block you on here. And I believe you should be banned for the racist statements you have made, but apparently the moderators are more gracious than I am. I do hope you'll come to a more sensible understanding of the ideas and opinions that people give. Just because they may be critical of something that happens in Thailand; it doesn't mean that they intend to bash Thailand whatsoever. They could be such as hater as that, but merely by such criticisms, it is NOT equivalent AT ALL.
  4. I hope your paranoia isn't infectious.... There was no information whatsoever that would make one come to a reasonable conclusion that they need to be quarantined in a hospital with need for medical care. The statistics are VERY clear that it would be an extremely rare case indeed if that positive tested child ever needed medical care of a hospital. And also highly unlikely that his parents would as well. I'd love to see the evidence you have of there being "many sick people unable to get hospital treatment". If I read between the lines as you do on regular occasion here, I'd call you a Thai basher for insinuating that Thailand is giving preference to a foreigner who doesn't need medical attention and is negligent in caring for "many sick people". But I won't do that because just as your various presumptions reading between the lines and accusing people of ridiculous things, it would be absurd.
  5. Your assumption is amazingly racist and classist. Beyond that... you again are displaying your penchant for reading between the lines to things that don't exist. People who need treatment should go to hospitals, not families who have a kid who is tested positive, but needs no treatment and who is extremely unlikely to ever need any treatment.
  6. FYI - Thailand also quarantines people in hotels! You need to clue in.... I have no idea whatsoever what control of the borders by other countries have to do with COVID in Thailand.... hahaha speaking of country bashers, you don't hide your prejudices very well.... And I did not in the least bash Thailand. I mentioned that I believe it is an insurance scam of sorts. If you'll notice, that is a kind of business scam. I didn't mention a peep at all about anything regarding the country. You are reading between the lines and attributing motives and thoughts that are non-existent, all the while specifically bashing other countries yourself.
  7. OMG that has got to be one of the more ignorant statements, among the massive number of ignorant statements paraded around here. If everyone who was infected with COVID needed to be observed and assessed at hospitals when they were infected, do you have any idea how many more hospitals would have needed to have been constructed!? That was hilarious. Thanks for the laugh!
  8. Of course I say. I wrote it, so I said it. Some reason you need to state the obvious? Apparently you can't take advice to go back and read more closely or if you have half an ounce of discernment, you would have seen that you are dead wrong in your presumption, although you may be too prideful to admit it....
  9. How on earth can you possibly come up with such an absurd conclusion??? There is ZERO evidence of that from the article. Have you spoken with them independently and have some kind of private information?
  10. Seriously? "What is the alternative?" I've known dozens of people who had COVID. Not a single person I know has ever quarantined in a hospital! And I've known 10 or so who quarantined at hotels. It is not unusual in various countries and appears to be reasonable for them to assume they would have been able to quarantine at their hotel. Of course it would have been better to ask specifically, but the average person seems to assume that the travel company will fill them in on information like this that could bring such a drastic change. The odds of them needing hospitalization are so small, it's a joke to need to quarantine in a hospital. Insurance scam all the way.
  11. You need to read more closely. You are simply wrong in your presumptions.
  12. I'd be very interested in links to those latest studies you referred to. From what I've read (as late as this 22 December article https://www.statnews.com/2021/12/22/omicron-oddity-case-numbers-dont-predict-deaths/ ) , it is the exact opposite from what you mentioned. And this article (from 20 December https://www.keeptalkinggreece.com/2021/12/20/omicron-hospitalization-oxygen-mortality/ ), also appears to go against what you wrote. So, it would be nice to see the articles/studies that you refer to. I like to see information from all sides when I can. I haven't found name-calling to be an effective way of making a cogent point. Although Trump, Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and other politicians seem to revel in name-calling, I don't think it ever did anything positive for them and personally, I'd prefer to keep it out of my sphere of influence as well. So, hopefully you can keep your name-calling down and just reply to me rationally. I'm not trying to argue with you. I'd like to see the information you claim to have read. Thanks.
  13. Seriously? TIT, things can change any given day for any given reason, sane, logical, or not.
  14. And I wouldn't try to persuade you so either. I never made any such analogy re public transportation. I only related personal anecdotal experience. And I have experienced the NYC subway back in the 1980's during perhaps one of its most dangerous times. Today is like a cakewalk compared to those days. But just like any big city, there are times and places where you had best have some street-smarts if you're going to think about treading on the territory of some scumbag gutter dwelling criminals and there are those where any naive foreigner can walk through with no problems. The Skytrain seems to be quite safe, but on the other hand, I've also seen a number of knifings and shootings in otherwise-thought-to-be safe areas around BKK. Of course, the odd crime will happen anywhere in big cities. I don't know what the stats show, but I don't think BKK is any kind of exceptionally safe city by any stretch of the imagination. And if the stats say it is... I'd have to wonder, with some pretty strong skepticism, at where the stats were drawn and how the stats were collected and reported. I think it is fairly well known how crime or accident reporting happens (or doesn't) here.
  15. No Sh*@ Sherlock! As soon as they started the first lockdown, I told my Thai friends to be looking for this in the future and I believe we are just seeing the beginning of the disaster the idiots in government (and the massive number of numbskulls in the populace that agreed with them) created with lockdowns. What did they think was going to happen to education when they single-handedly wiped thousands upon thousands of jobs and businesses off the economic map!? Obviously, when people lose their businesses and jobs, they ain't gonna be paying for any decent education, let alone myriad other things like homes, cars, etc. With just a very rudimentary understanding of history and economics, any dunderhead should have been able to figure that one out.
  16. You appear to have completely missed the clearly sarcastic comment he was making. You seem to be among those who pigeon-hole millions of people due to nationality and on top of that can't grasp sarcasm. Or maybe you just enjoy being toxic, which seems to be so common online and sadly common in this forum too.
  17. I'm curious why you'd wonder if he was American.... I think pretty much anyone would be able to express humor in the way he was. At least, I don't think sarcasm is exclusive to Americans....
  18. Don't worry about jackdd. He may not have been bright enough to figure out that you were seeking advice and as is so common these days... some people seem to feel like they can behave like a toxic (fill in the NSFW adjectives describing the character of people like this here). I guess some people just like stirring the pot and seem to feel important and self-justified in behaving in an anti-social manner. Personally, if something may possibly affect my immigration status, I feel MUCH more comfortable popping on down to Immigration and getting the information needed directly from the horse's mouth. You might get proper information here or on a website, but you may just as well get incorrect information, even from well-meaning individuals. In the end, the landlord may or may not give a hoot. The likelihood of them ever getting fined has got to be infinitesimal, but your immigration status can create real life problems. It may seem like a hassle to bother with going to immigration or reading up on their website for information, but it's a lot better than getting your status screwed or paying some belated fines by following some incorrect information.
  19. ENJ, LTC, KCS, ADA, DOT, XRP, HBAR, LINK, XTZ, BAT, SNTVT among others have all performed well for me, especially if you are keeping an eye on the technicals and accumulating and taking profits appropriately. It's all about risk management.
  20. On top of that, according to the article - "The suspect has reportedly admitted to the crimes..."
  21. "It is unknown at this point if he will be eligible for bail." It didn't say that he could be eligible for bail. It is unknown.
  22. Yep, endless theories, including people just taking the pensioner's word at face value. But without access to the scene or any real evidence it is unreal how people respond to news stories. And the theory you mentioned could be checked pretty easily if the police do a decent investigation and test both men's hands for residue indicating who had fired the pistol. And if they both tested positive as is possible with a struggle over the gun when it fired, then depending on the guy's story and details around when and how the gun was shot, that may line up, but still could be that the struggle was by the Thai struggling to not be shot by the hubby... who knows.... That's why news stories are useless in determining facts. A decent detailed interrogation and good physical evidence collection goes a long way to see what may be true and what may not be.
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