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Posts posted by Elkski

  1. 7 hours ago, connda said:

    Given that state of the "reef" they should close the park completely for a decade.  Biodiversity? Where?  That's pitiful.  Just like the state of the "biodiverse" Thai forests that don't exist anymore, and for the same reasons.


    The diving in, pattaya,Phucket amd Koh phi phi sucks.  Hardly any fish or coral life.  This was my experience in 2016.  

    These guys are doing a type of intro to diving method.   I forget what it's called but its for absolute beginners. 

    23 hours ago, cncltd1973 said:

    take another look at those photos - that reef is completely destroyed, it's a wasteland. looks like they picked up the only thing alive and took a photo. too late to protect anything there, it's 99% dead.

    I grew up in the USVI and was a safety diver for a couple of dive outfits. If I were a paying tourist on that dive, I would demand my money back, it's all dead coral!

     At one of the top dive sites near koh phi phi there were fishing net drag marks in the sand  everywhere around the reef.  Including some net material on broken off coral fragments that jad been dragged out away from the reef.   I was convinced that at night these unprotected from fishing reefs get hammered by fishermen.    I also went on a snorkel cattle boat full og chinese at the peak pre covid.  These boats held 50 people and there were several at this one shallow reef.  In places it was only 3-4' deep and many Chinese were standing upright to rest and or take pictures.  I was totally disgusted.    Compare to Mexico who in the 60 or 70s  were smart enough to create sanctuaries around Cuzumel because more money could be made with the dive industry than fisherman.   

  2. My wife of 2 years doing ok.  We both gained a bit last year.  She is diligently working iur everyday via her own  motivation.  Maybe i need to worry she's planning a runner?    She is about 45 kg now at typical 5'2" Thai female height.   Same as when we dated.   Due to stress in the K1 visa process she arrived at 43 and was to skinny for me.    Only issue she has is a soft and a bit flabby upper thigh.  Tummy tight as a drum.  I've read this is the first fat deposit spot in  many women?  

    She doesn't seem to understand diet.   She cooks dual meals several times a week plus loves the som tom.  I cant do real spicy or many weird thai dishes.  I cook sometimes especially the BBQ and grilled meats.  She jas developed a taste for beef and my BBQ chicken thighs or legs she gives a 10 score.  As well as the smoked fish, pulled pork and brisket.  We catch and eat lots of trout.  We also buy shrimp quite a bit. 

    She had much of life where affording enough food was not possible.  Now she can have whatever she wants.   IMHO and dietary mind she eats to large of portions of rice and or noodles.   Ive never seen such large portions served in a Thai restaurant.  It looks like it cant possibly fit in her tummy but it does. It looks like a family setving or for at least 2. She scoffs at my suggestion its to mut.   Luckily we both dont add sugar, salt, MSG.    

    How do I teach her about carbohydrates?  Any link to a Thai article on this would be appreciated.    I admit physical attraction is very important to me.  She doesn't have an oz of fat above the waist.   No fat depression from a bra is so important to me it's hard to express.  Except I can say i deleted some gals for that.   A lith back is so sexy.    

  3. 14 hours ago, spermwhale said:

    THere is obviously so much more to the story than that, particularly shared hobbies that they live near each other, etc.  Why be a curmudgeon? You should  just enjoy a good news story instead of spreading negative vibes. 

    Yes we know what their "shared hobby"  is. 

    Now maybe they can share together. 


    83 trips.   Im 10 years older and haven't flown out of my country more than 30 times. 

  4. I dated a gal in BKK, she was divorced from her police captain because he had a mia noi.  Her own parents told her to accept the mia noi. And they told her a captain rank justifies 2 mia noi.  I cant recall the timeline of her career but at the time I met her for 1 night out she was very high up in BKK government health system.  1 reason for no 2nd date was how she yelled orders at the wait staff at the restaurant and had them bowing and  scurrying around. 



    I can imagine the young gals parents are benefiting by having a policeman in their daughters life.  

    Almost all thai women I dated talked about a unfaithful thai husband or lover. 

  5. I would agree with spider Mike except his costs for getting work done is low.  Probably because his US neighbors have more migrant workers available.  Where there are lower % of latino crews the white guys are charging more than his numbers.   Not sure on the 800$ gals unless thats for long time?   I've never used a service like that here but I heard it was much less like 200$  st. 

    You don't need a permit to pour a slab as far as I know.  They do inspect the base of  sidewalks on city property prior to pouring.  Do need a permit for a shed . Not hard to get.  And also they dont permit fences over 2.5' if your on a corner so as to preserve sight lines .  Thailand could use that.    Saying you stay inside when the air is bad or its to hot?  Then you would be happy on the moon. Homeowners in my state can do all trades on their own property.  Not true in all states.   

    I need fresh air, cool breezes, 4 seasons, no monks chanting, dogs or roosters barking, I expect cars to stop for crosswalks.   I like to be able to go on long mountain bike rides at 75f, with no danger of soi dogs biting me.   We like to collect mushrooms on the nearby public forest's.  I like to fish and hunt on the public lands as well.  I like eating tasty hass avocados daily, the cost  has been 25 baht the last 6 months price.   I like safe limited access highways with 80mph speed limits.  Low limit of 65mph.   My wife cant  believe cars yield to us walking into a store from the parking lot.   

    Yes there are homeless in places of your unfortunate to live in those areas.  There are more corner beggars at highway amd street intersections but they dont lay there in the walkway.   Medical care is on a never ending spiral that isnt good so if your unhealthy and cant afford insurance your in trouble here.   Oh the water out of the tap tastes good and its melted snow flowing by gravity off the nearby mountains.   Neighborhood is very safe and no walls with broken glass or bars on windows needed here.   Gas is currently 3$ for the .9 gal.  Large loaf of good bread 140-250 baht.   Pork costs 2.50$/# for bone in Boston butts.  Cops here are not on the take and enforce traffic rules.  During the summer the sun shines for 15 hours a day.  Winters are dark for 3 months,  and cold.  So you need more closet space for winter clothes than most of you  expats in Thailand have total.   

    Maybe someday I could live in Thailand?  But i think 2 months every couple years is ok. 

  6. Will he get 5 years?

    Any nationality guy could be found to have committed this sort of crime. 

    I consider myself to be non racist.  I haven't been exposed to many nationalities in my life.   I have worked on government contracts that had minority giring requirements and i can say its quite depressing to work alongsideany of these folks.   You know they are getting hogher pay than you because they were in dakand having their degrees from some unknown name university or mail order outfit.    Many of them didn't do 3/4 the work of non minorities and also were kept during staff reductions during changing political funding events.     I too hate nepotism and religion based hirings.    Plenty of that in USA and Utah for sure. 

  7. Oh sorry, it's not black pink.  Wife says only 4 in that group.   Not sure who this is but i guess its popular.   No matter how old I try ti keep an open mind regarding music.  Heck im even enjoying some country songs ss they seem to cross over. 

  8. That she hadn't paid taxes yet was my original thought of why you would buy fake red plates but the article didn't mention that.   I also wondered why not buy fake white plates?  But i agree with some verification by posts here that some Thai  want everyone to know its a new car. 

    In USA we get a paper plate ro tape in rear window.  Hardly visible through standard tinte on many vehicles.  Took like 6 weeks to get real plate in the mail.   

    They also have dealer plates.   Seems loys of people working at car dealerships ger to use the cars or are doing test drive time on used ones.  I still dont understand the no night and only one province rule?  What if dealer is near a provincial line plus it gets dark so early there.  Oh yeah we bought a new car 3 weeks ago but cant drive it home to see mom.   Just starts the lawlessness and so everyone is a criminal so they have sympathy for real criminals.  

  9. On 2/27/2024 at 3:04 AM, sirineou said:

    I have not been checked, but One good thing no snoring , ot at least that's what the wife said when I asked her.  I Will be back in the US this spring where my medical insurance is , and will have it checked. 

    Check your policy because overnight sleep tests are under major diagnostics and not covered under my plan.   It maybe less expensive to get a sleep atudy done in Thailand.   

    I've been putting it off for over a year now.  I think my poor sleep issues started with covid. 

  10. Oh i forgot about the after sunset rule.  

    Why are there the last 2 rules? 

    1 minute ago, eisfeld said:


    Red plate restrictions are supposed to be:


    1. Max 30 days

    2. Can't drive after sunset

    3. Can't leave province


    The last two can be circumvented by having a log book where each travel is entered and the DLT signs off on it.



    All the above is in theory. In practice people don't care and enforcement is severely lacking.


  11. 9000 baht.  A 250$ phone.   Your wife broke the screen.   The phone techs in MBK in bkk are very good and i bet  they would have fixed it good for 2000 baht.   But I would have wanted a price from Samsung shop because likely a new screen was half the phones value so time to get a new phone.   But a decent gently used samy, like a S21 ultra or any ultra. Many people trade in fir the latest versions .   The ultra cameras are amazing.   Get a good cheap case like the unicorn beetle.  Its just as 

    Protective as an otter box.   

    Im all about holding Thai's accountable.  But for a broken 250$ phone.    No.  

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