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Posts posted by Elkski

  1. I still get pangs of lust when i picture this lovely, innocent beauty i saw on the ferry to Koh Samui.  I sat a few rows back and could hardly stop glancing her way.  She was in a dress so I could only imagine how perfect that figure must be to match that angelic face.  She dressed like marry poppins or Dorothy from wizard of oz.  With a CFM  face.     She sat and moved so prim and proper.   She was with a Tom, dressed well who looked like  the pickpocket Oliver.  Maybe even had a hat on.  I was with a Thai lady and she explained this Tom, Dee thing to my naive mind.   Not sure how I could fit in the bedroom, if asked, but i would give it a go. 

    • Confused 1
  2. The main thing that grts ke are these tree slices used ss cutting boards.  Cut up raw pork, chicken then veggies that are not going to be cooked.  We rook the 4 colored plastic cutting boards to wife's family in the village.   They couldn't understand.   Wife cooked separate for us lots of the time.  My western breakfast was amusing to the locals.  

    Of course they wanted raw beef at iur wedding.   And they ate  raw fish with the ants too.  That was an interesting dish to prepare but no thanks. 



    • Haha 1
  3. Im amazed ive never got sick ( from food) in my 6-8 months in Thailand that i know of.   I did get what was like food poisoning, but i think it was feim swimming in some lake near Udon Thanni.  I went for a longish swim and think that i swallowed a bit to much lake water.  5 hours later my 10 hour intestine cleansing began.  I did eat some pizza a couple hours before.   Just know it was a bad night.  

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 2
  4. Not sure why this popped up in my  notifications.  

    Just to  update.  Our K1 visa path has been slow and still no green card, 2.8 years, after submitting our I-485 in July 21.   

    Going the asset route

    125% of poverty for household of 2 is 30,800$ 



    Using assets its 5x the poverty level or about 150k in assets that can be liquid in less than a year. Fir some reason i thought yuur residence didnt count but maybe it does reading this. 


    It can be a combination of asset and income. 


    Another item is after coming in on a K1 visa they can't leave without ending the K1 visa until they get an advanced parole.  That took us about 8-9 months to get in the form of a combo card.  That was a dual work permit and advanced parole.  They dont do dual card anymore.   Advanced parole?  Yes this whole process is full of confusing terms and government personel written crap, forms and instructions.    

    Her combo card expired in 2 years and we just had to reapply for an extension.  You can apply for extension 6 months before expiry but must do before it expires or must pay new fees.  We are late with only 1 month before it expires . No travel planned for 7 months so should be ok. And she works in our company so i dont care if she has work permit like a big company would. Once they send notice of receipt of our extension application she gets an auto 180 extension.  

    Not sure why processing times for her green card are over 2.5 years   its not uncommon and depends on which regional office your  told to be using. 

    Overall its a broken system.  

    Also they run on fees not aloocated funds so they just raised all fees starting april 1, 2024. Some by 70% 

    The best advice is to get married first and do a CR1 visa.   But the US citizen must have a domicile and residency in the US. 

  5. The plea of head police sounds so ridiculous its not funny.   

    Mom I ate the whole cookie jar so we need to get more. 

    Are they going to make flats all over Thailand for every officers mia noi? 

    I had to let go a nice school director. Main reason besides 2 teens,  was her dept. She could have retired with  20,000 baht/mo pension but that equaled her dept payment.  She was 46 and I calculated that she would be 85 before she paid off her debt.  They had let her borrow and borrow and just rollled new money inti the same loan.  So she was paying on a car from 15 years ago.   She informed me there is no bankruptcy in Thailand and if they stop paying they loose their job.  Also there was a life insurance payment included. 

    I say fire most officers and start over.  Need to be asking for money for better training.  Need to allow foreign police to come help train and run things. 

  6. I'm sorry but I'm an active outdoor guy. My Thai wife is too and seems to handle the cold better than many male wimps I know.  I can keep warm in -20c , with low level of activity, but I cant get cool outside in 39c.  I can't do much outside over 39c.   If you live a sedentary life it may be ok.    We hit 40c a handful of summer days here but its still cooler early in the day to get outside. 

    Some of these people that have been moving to Montana, Idaho, and mountain towns may be doing the smart thing for 50-100 years down the road. 

    We have been ice fishing about 8-10 times.  One morning it was a bit nippy. But not much moisture in the air for much energy exchange if you understand thermodynamics. And no wind to speak of.  And the sun feels amazing on those days. 





    • Like 1
  7. 19 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    which restricts the sale of liquor from 11am to 2pm and from 5 pm to midnight.

    2 articles say these times.    Isnt it restricted  from 2-5 pm and 12-5 am?     I just know several times this 2-5 pm ban has caused me as a tourist ill will.   Wanting a cold beer or 6 to take to the hotel or condo fridge.   Peehaps this ban causes people to go to the little mom n pop places where you can but anytime.   

  8. Im used to the reporting quality but usually have some idea of the story but his left me totally confused.   Stating on a floating raft house?  I assuke on the lake.  Yet kayaking 50-60 km away from the dam?  Do thet kayak the vamal then get a ride back or kayak out from the dam downstream in the canal  or does the canal flow into the lake so they kayak the 50 km down current?      Thats why they suspect he woukd be found in 50m of water.    I wonder how cold the thermoclines are?   Thats a bit deep for  normal scuba rescue.  

  9. Dengue is a concern fir me when i spend time in Thailand.  It sounds horrible.   We usually spend time in the village sleeping under a net.  The mozzys are always getting in.  Wife dies a sweep with the shock wand each night.  Dont know how 4-5 get in during the day.   Could really ruin a vacation or life.   I have read it is in the South East USA. 

  10. Yes Grohe is supposed to be a high quality brand.  Its sold as a expensive exclusive brand here at the fancy showroom stores.  The imbedded rubber gasket on the ceramic cartrige just disolved after 20 years on our kitchen faucet. It clogged the fkow restrictor and wand.  In the past when the rubber boot on the wand got old they sent s new head for free.  4 months ago we needed another.   This is now considered a wear part.   Luckily there are aftermarket parts that look identical for 1/3 the price. 

    I did install that brand in a steam shower and it is wirking fine.  But just the temp valve was 28000 baht.  Not including face plate style or handle.  


    It is amazing you got all that work done for under 2 mil baht.  

    If I recall correctly this will be the guest house after you finish the main house?  Is that still the plan? 

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