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Posts posted by Elkski

  1. On 4/11/2024 at 6:18 AM, Muhendis said:

    Polishing? What on earth for?

    Because this room is cool.  Needs a couple stools and bistro table to hold the beers.  It is nice to be told your smart, even if by a Thai wife.  


    Its been yesrs since i spoke to a solar door salesman but last week I did and agreed to have them prepare a design and speel.   Typical no tech info payments nearly the same as my power bill for 25 yesrs. 3.5% interest.   By that time I would be close to needung6 new shingles and solar bits might start to fail.   420 watt panels.  Micro inverters on each panel.   Google diagram showed 2 panels in shade of my chimney.    It was obvious its all about profit for them.  Guy didn't answer my question about efficiency loss.  There is an initial panel efficiency warranty. There is a .5% or less drop per year warranty.  But he didn't explain the drop well.   He used 100% as as a start and didn't answer my real question which was  if we start wuth 25% new ans lose .5% esch year what efficiency guarantee do i have when they are 25 years old.   Oh the basic numbers were 17 420 panels, cost 45k USD. I think this included a new roof .  Which is probably 10k.   There would be a 12K USD government tax relief.   Our buy back rate from rocky mountain power is not good at all.   I would attempt the DIY avenue if I ever go solar. 

    • Confused 2
  2. On 6/1/2023 at 6:57 PM, Muhendis said:

    The big black box is my 8kW, heavily modified, inverter.

    ???   Modified?

    I bet your wife thinks your brilliant?   Love those buss bars.  What dimensions are they?   They need down time for polishing! 

    Are there any gas releashes from lead carbon?  I'm past lifting 77kg things.  Where is the overhead crane. What is that shelf structure made of?   

    Have you calculated the efficiency of your total system?

    Very cool.   

  3. Good use of the military.   Why aren't they patrolling the Forests? Why not raise the penalty to severe or just pay to relocate these imbicile villagers who think its their right to burn to collect a few mushrooms.   I know some mushrooms fruit more after a fire, but is that the case or it just makes it easier to find these types?  Any of you expats who chose Thailands areas of poor air quality to retire,  and have to change your preferred activities due to air quality, need to reevaluate things. 

    When the long term effects show up it will be to late.  Is easy oussy worth it?

    • Agree 1
  4. Thailand is 30 yesrs behind ala mykti level marketing and now all the get rich quick digital scams.   I had a nurse  6 years who just needed 1 million baht for inventory andvthen she wiukd he rich.  Can't recall the product.   She told me she had marriage offers by old expats all the time at the hospital. Poor gal was only 40 but had a bad back from all the heavy patients she had to work with. 

  5. I actually enjoy drinking 5% beers. Always drink IPA's , 1-2 and not   to much of a buzz just a good taste at 5pm.  Costs me 18$ (thats 660 baht at 36.7) for 12.  Lawnmower beers.  you can drink while mowing or working with power tools. 

    Beer quality, price, selection is a strong negative about Thailand.  I always preferred Singha ss the least offensive swill in Thailand. Changover is a fact.  I used to brew my own 10 gal batches.  Was offered a job as brew master from head brewer with owner of Epic brewery sitting there one night.   Should have taken the job.  It was pre divorce and required a move to my hometown of Denver as they were  opening their 2nd brewery with pub in a cool part of Denver   china virus shut it down. https://www.denverpost.com/2022/11/09/epic-brewing-closing-denver-rino/


    I actually invented low alcohol IPA. Ir so I claim as no one was doing it. It was at this meeting where I proposed brewing a low ABV IPA.   Head brewer said no way.  He said In Utah everyone is asking for highpoint beers.   Now every brewery big or small has a low ABV IPA.   Its quite the skill to make a good one because one main character of a good IPA is a large mouthy malt taste. Mmm I made quite a good copy of  a famous recipe. SSoS.  .https://www.realbeer.com/hops/sister.html

    Ive thought about firing up my brew pot again but the beer selection is quite excellent compared to 25 years ago, in this mormon place. Plus  when I had 5-9 beers on tap I was 5kg heavier than now.  10 more than 5 years ago 

     All hard alcohol here in Utah is sold at state liqour stores.  Just recently you can buy < 5% drinks at grocery stores.  

    I'm also a cold beer drinker. Near 1c! Ice in beer is blasphemy.  In Thailand I would put my bottle in the ice bucket.  Im only an afternoon ir evening drinker except in Sunday I believe you get extra karma if you crack a beer before noon when living here.  

  6. On 11/13/2023 at 12:43 AM, MrPancake said:


    Not sure but Phnomphobia for sure.

    I'm gonna stay longer though.

    I'm getting used to the sh$thole.

    Human adaptability....

    It will never cease to amaze me :))

    I'm amazing essentially.

    Hey pancake, so your stuck in cambo.  Tell how it goes with the ladies? I think the average English proficiency is better than Thailand  

  7. Whats the big deal.   Hasnt everything driven hundreds of miles on the beach?   I sure have.  On the Texas coast the beach is a road.  Amd at least in the past you 

    Could drive hundreds of miles  along the coast of Florida.  4WD needed.  

    Yes salt is corrosive but lots of cold weather states salt the eiads in snowstorms.   Whats really salty is driving on the Bonneville salt flats.   You see the locals spilling gas ss they fill yp the boats and jet skis.  You see all the grease and oil that leaks out of these long tails. . Look at all those trashy boat trailers.  Thailand beaches are a piss hole. 

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