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Everything posted by Wiggy

  1. Maybe they think we all look the same! ????????
  2. I tend to agree. The problem with leaving it to the police though is that they know how it will end; with the taxi rider being charged for damage to the car, or something equally as idiotic. Hence this trend of vigilante justice we see here. Just my opinion.
  3. Fair point about the numbers. I did misread that. But the airlines have already said they can’t differentiate as to who’s who, so the fee being added to the ticket price is a non-starter. Plus, many tourists don’t need a tourist visa per se so paying for it during the visa application won’t work either. You’re right that immigration are in the best position to decide who’s a tourist and who isn’t, and that brings us back to the point that if the fee ends up being collected by them then mayhem at borders will ensue.
  4. The queues at immigration are already long enough without people having to pay to enter the country.
  5. Hmm. After all the passengers, cars and crew alighted the ferry would’ve been higher in the water. Even allowing for a receding tide it’s unlikely for ‘something solid’ to be in the vicinity of a ferry terminal that has been used for years without a previous incident. My guess (having seen this type of thing before) is that the ballast/fuel was shifted to one side by the swell (or it was incorrectly balanced) causing it to list.
  6. I concur. It has deteriorated. A few years back you might see the odd motorcycle going through a red light, now it’s many of them. And, as you say, road rage is on the up, as is aggression. A sad state of affairs.
  7. Surely an empty oil drum will offer little to no protection from the tree.
  8. So, if you’re speeding, texting, phoning, drunk, or otherwise incapacitated and you lose control of your vehicle you’ll miss the tree because there’s an oil drum next to it? ???? Idiocy.
  9. Yes, I think it is. You’re free to go on your way for the first three, I think, then a year ban, or a load of money more likely. Happy to be corrected.
  10. Every. Bloody. Year. Same. Same.
  11. Precisely. Basically what they’re saying is, “It’s fine if three people die.”
  12. ???? ???? ???? ????
  13. https://thepattayanews.com/2023/01/15/no-suspected-sex-workers-found-during-pattaya-tourist-polices-inspection-according-to-police/ https://www.pattayamail.com/news/tourist-police-find-no-prostitution-on-pattaya-beach-421855
  14. How do they expect to find anything when they’ve already been told by the boss that there’s no prostitution in Pattaya?
  15. My guess is a dodgy LPG conversion, especially as it used to be a taxi.
  16. I don’t understand why the driver fled the scene. It’s obvious he wasn’t at fault as it seems the cement mixer lost control all by itself.
  17. Fair point, but what’s to stop the big processors refusing to take the crop with leaves on, or burning the leaves themselves?
  18. Rhetorical question I assume? ????
  19. Smok-free and one yaer in prison ???? It’s not if there aren’t any foreigners around to ask for a quick check. Plus, it says ‘and put in jail for one year’ on the poster/banner, not ‘or’. Which is it?
  20. Time to retire and take his ill-gotten gains with him. Oh, sorry, he’s sorted out the corruption already. Silly me.
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