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Posts posted by Wiggy

  1. Did you turn "Notifications" to on in your settings? Make sure they're off along with your push email. If your not using iOS 4.0 yet try changing your APN entries to a fake one in your Network settings. This will disable your internet. If you have iOS 4.0 or later you can easily toggle Cellular Data on or off in the settings.

    Thanks for the advice. Notifications have always been off, and I am aware of the cellular data toggle as it is now off, although I used to leave it on with no problems. I could disable the internet completely - but then what use is an iPhone without it? It's then just another phone, and an expensive one at that. I'll keep trying to sort it.

  2. I've suddenly received a bill for over 5,000 baht for "Internet usage" on my iPhone when my monthly bill for the last 6 years has been around 1,000. Now, I've had the phone (3gs) for 9 months, so am aware of push email, and how iPhones can connect without the user being aware etc. I've changed no functions on the phone (apps or otherwise) for about a month now. But, on the 15th September the charges started coming. DTAC say there is nothing wrong in the network (not surprisingly) and I am using the internet - but that's just it, I'm not - my phone is. I could go to the unlimited package for my internet but that's 999 baht/month with DTAC and I'm a really light internet user (or was!).

    Any thoughts? Thanks.

  3. According the BBC which I trust significantly more than the Thai media or police the numbers were far greater. The greatest gathering in 30 years. It is is quite bizarre that Abhisit is lecturing Thai people about the way elections should be held. He is not elected at all and refuses to let the people decide if he is suitable as a PM. The people are angry because they voted for PPP and not for the DP or Bhumjaithai. The votes were simply stolen under pressure of the military.

    Something has to give. If it means that the army will start shooting, so it be. At least the world can see what kind of people are in power. On the other hand must I admit that i do not really understand Thaksin either. He must have numerous contacts in the IT world, for a few million dollar he could paralyze the computer systems of the Bangkok Bank, Kasikorn and Charoen Pokhand and those of numerous ministries. Russian hackers are for sale and it will lead to a bloodless counter coup.

    The people do have the right to elections, whatever Abhisit may claim. Comparing the UK system of government with that in Thailand is an insult to the people of the Great Britain. True Brown was not elected either, but his party members were and never switched party under pressure of the elite.

    I think you'll find that Abhisit was elected an MP by winning in his constituency a number of times, whereas Thaksin never won any election he stood in. He became PM on the back of being a party list MP with TRT. In other words he was never elected to public office, but Abhisit was. Finally, when a ruling party is dissolved (PPP) the party with the next biggest majority (democrats + others) is put in power, regardless of how.

  4. Before True got the iphone there was NO official authorised dealer for Thailand so dont know what you guys are talking about. Maybe there are secondary authorised dealers other than True NOW but I dont see how, but I guess its possible.

    Wiggy how do you know your iphone was "produced for sale in Thailand"?

    Wiggy why would True not fix your broken Iphone considering they are the official distributors of the phone?

    It has "TH" in the model number - I'm assuming that stands for Thailand (I could be wrong)

    My phone wasn't broken. I've just had more than my fair share of problems when dealing with True (TV, Internet etc.)

  5. There was a thread about this a while back, but things might have changed. Im pretty sure the thread stated that the "authorised" apple dealers were in fact not allowed to sell iphones, period, as this would interfere with the deal being made with True, however this being Thailand and having no real law they go ahead and import them HK and sell them anyway, this was before the True deal, now I have no idea whats up.

    I know for a fact that authorized Apple stores in Thailand can indeed sell the iPhone.

    That's what I thought. Thanks. Besides, my phone is not a grey import as it was produced for sale in Thailand. I'm sure these are not being sold in Hong Kong, or elsewhere (why would they be?). As mentioned earlier, Apple tend to keep tabs on who's selling their products, and in what form. Also I take comfort in knowing that, in the unlikely event of a problem, I can go to an Apple reseller (where I also bought an iMac with absolutely no problem and registered it with Apple at the point of purchase) and get my phone fixed. I prefer this to going to True and getting, "Sorry, cannot. You come back tomorrow".

  6. One more thing. It would be good to know if the ones sold by "Authorised Resellers" are indeed legal. I'm sure they are as Apple must be keeping tabs on these resellers. After all, they're not exactly hiding the fact their selling Apple's products, are they? As I said, they must be above board after having received emails from Apple congratulating me on my purchese. I even registered it with them. Any comments?

  7. You can also buy them at Apple shops - unlocked by Apple. I trust them more than True. I've had mine for a month and received software updates from Apple with no problem. Also downloaded some apps. Brilliant device. I've put two SIM cards in already (1 DTAC and 1 from the UK) and connected no problem. 24,500 +7%vat for a 16GB. Go to http://www.copperwired.co.th/ for shop locations.

    I don't know what you mean by that. There are no official Apple stores in Thailand. True is Apple's official partner for the iPhone and is selling the original as intended by Apple. That's as good as it gets. Everyone else is selling grey imports from HK, Australia, or elsewhere.

    BTW I bought my 3GS at True. No problems. Using with AIS SIM, have also used it in Europe with a prepaid sim there. True didn't even try to sell me one of their data plans which was a bit surprising.

    Yes, it must be a grey import from HK, that's why it's the same price as True - surely it would cost more as an import. Whatever. I can upgrade the software (have done so already) without a problem. It works just fine. If it was a jailbreak then I couldn't upgrade the software. Sounds factory unlocked to me.

  8. I must say I've just had a very pleasant phone call with TrueVisions. It was the call to downgrade my subscription from Platinum to Gold and denying them of much needed income. The 'officer' said that True world inform me if the contract with BBC Entertainment was renewed. I don't want to read too much into this, but does that mean they are re-negotiating? Probably not as that would be logical and we know that True aren't into doing things the logical way, but let's hope so.

    Feel sorry for MartinBKK though - I was thinking about buying a PVR a while back but decided not to after it didn't work properly during the free trial. Glad I didn't. What a rip-off. It most countries I know, when you buy something it's YOURS. Not here though. TIT.

  9. I hate to say this, but as I am always very wary of TrueVisions' actions I wonder if this is a master plan by them to raise prices. How's this for a scenario:

    They ditch their most popular channel on the Platinum package (BBC Entertainment) in the knowledge that most Platinum subscribers will downgrade to Gold. Then a month or so down the line and, hey presto! - BBC Entertainment re-appears back on Platinum. The trick is that Platinum now costs more. The reason I say this is that I can never remember UBC/True raising prices - they just mess around with the various packages.

    Maybe I'm just being too suspicious - but we all know what they're like.

  10. To the poster above who said True's programming lineup is all U.S. centric TV....

    That may be true in some respects (principally because the U.S. probably CREATES more TV programming than other countries), but it's certainly not true in many other respects... For example:

    SPORTS: True's programming lineup is FILLED (now and the past) with various versions of European football matches virtually 24/7 on multiple channels (as an American, of course, we call it soccer). In contrast, Americans are lucky to get one or two pro football games per week during the season, and shoddy coverage of professional baseball and basketball, and worse for everything else. I'm just guessing here, but for sports, in terms of hours of programming, True's mix has got to be 90% European - 10% American or more...

    NEWS: I personally don't care for it, but forget finding FOX News on True, and forget finding the U.S. version of CNN here. Instead, there is BBC News, which is great, and the European version of CNN. So for news, I'd hardly call that U.S. centric. Rather, some might consider it actually a bit tilted toward Europeans on balance.

    I'm glad other folks, including Brits here, are fighting to keep BBC Entertainment in True's lineup. Although not my cup of tea, I know it's a good channel with quality programs. But just know, the fight you're waging now is one Americans here have been waging for years to try to get some better balance to True's sporting lineup.

    At least, you've had BBC Entertainment all these years, until the recent plan to take it way. For Americans, we've NEVER had a decent balance of sporting coverage here relative to European coverage. And of course, Americans aren't the only ones who are interested in American pro sports.

    I was not referring to Sports.. I don't watch those channels.. More regarding the comedy, movies, adventure etc..

    Would be better is the channels were classified in a way that we could select what we really wanted.. rather than silver / gold / platinum and the way True want us to watch.. I for one would not have one sports channel.. Most likly news , documentary (discovery, natgeo etc), BBC Entertainment and I would be done.. Lets the sports lovers have all they want and they can pay for it.

    My sentiments exactly - see my earlier post.

  11. Here's the latest reply from True - another load of corporate tosh and lies.

    Dear Mr. Mike:

    We truly apologize for the inconvenience that you might have experienced in our service.

    Please allow us to clarify to you that we made the change based on 3 main factors.

    1. The contract expiration of the three channels.

    2. The conditions of the contracts renewal.

    3. And TrueVisions’ continuing policy of acquiring newer and quality content for its paying subscribers for their ultimate satisfaction.

    After considering such factors we have made the decision to change the 3 channels as follows:

    BBC Entertainment to be replaced by AXN Beyond on digital channel 38 Animax to be replaced by All Sports Network (ASN) on digital channel 40 STC to be replaced by Nickelodeon on digital channel 42 We are sure that the 3 new channels will meet the satisfaction of our Platinum and Silver members by program category interest and program quality.

    Under current economic circumstance, is the change considered a way to lower operating cost?

    Nothing as such but the overall change has been carefully considered by in all important perspectives by our management.

    Is the change of the 3 channels, for whatever reasons done without consideration for the existing viewers of the channels and why were they not asked for their opinions before hand?

    TrueVisions does a monthly survey of its subscribers viewing preference and we confirm that we have the satisfaction of our customers at heart always.

    What if subscribers don’t like the 3 new channels?

    We would like you to watch the 3 new channels first and if you are really not satisfied with the program we also welcome your feedback at TrueVisions Care 0-2725-2525.

    We are so grateful for your trust in our service and support us all time. Write us again whenever we can be of further help to you. Please contact us at 02-7252525 or [email protected]


    02-7252525àPress 9 for Englishà Press 8 for Platinum and Gold serviceà Enter subscriber number ….followed by(#)à Press 1 to submità press number 1 for Billing and Payment, 2 for Technical support, or 3 for General Information…, your line will be transferred to the representative shortly.


    Customer Information

    Please be informed that TrueVisions will change the process whereby Tax Invoices are issued; changing from an accrual basis to a cash basis. Therefore, where we currently issue a Tax in the same document together with the statement, we will amend this process so that in the future the Tax Invoice will be issued only after the payment has been made.


    Best regards,

    Mr. Wichian Chompoonog

    Support & Non-Voice Management

    Tel+66(0) 2725-2525

    Fax+66(0) 2725-2500

    Email:[email protected]

    เปิดชีวิตมุมมองใหม่ เปิด ทรูวิชั่นส์

    True Visions Public Company Limited

    118/1 Tipco Tower, Rama VI Road,

    Samsen Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400


  12. It's entirely possible that BBCE have raised their fees, but then that's what happens in the world of cable/satellite TV. As we all know prices rarely go down in this day and age. If this is the case then it's down to TrueVisions to re-negotiate. However, their track record with this kind of thing is not exactly good. How many other times have we seen them messing around with what they offer (FA Cup, BBC Prime, Hallmark etc.)?

  13. It was my letter in the Bangkok Post on Saturday.

    I suggest you all contact Khun Pawadee at: [email protected]

    Here is my correspondence with them so far:

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Please give me a reasonable explanation why you are removing the best channel on True Visions (BBC Entertainment) and replacing it with rubbish (AXN Beyond). I have been a customer for more than 9 years and will now have to think about canceling my subscription. This is because you continue to downgrade the service and offer more and more cheap programmes at the same expensive price (my brother pays LESS than me for 171 channels in the UK - and some of them are HD).

    Please answer the following questions:

    1. Why are you not renewing the contract with BBC Entertainment?

    2. How much will my Platinum fee go down because you are offering lower quality programmes?

    3. Why do you never listen your customers?

    4. When will you have HD (High Definition) TV programmes which are already available in the region?

    5. Why don't you change your business strategy? For example, let the customer choose the channels and bill them individually for each channel. Or, have more packages on offer so that the customer can have more choice of what to watch. You could have:

    1. Premier League Package at 1,000 baht/month (only EPL games)

    2. Drama Package at 200 baht/month (Star World, BBC Entertainment etc.)

    3. Documentary Package at 400 baht/month (Discovery, Nat Geo, Animal Planet etc.)

    4. Movie Package at 500 baht/month (HBO, TCM, Star Movies etc.)

    5. Sports Package at 400 baht/month (ESPN, Star, All Sports Network etc.)

    (The prices above are just examples)

    Then the customer can mix packages and choose what they want to watch.


    Mike White


    Dear Khun Mike,

    We are truly sorry for any inconvenience caused. However, please be informed that the main reasons that we have to replace our 3 channels are as follows:

    1. The contract with these 3 channels: BBC Entertainment, Animax

    and STC are terminated.

    2. The conditions for continuance contract of these 3 channels are

    not agreed between mutual parties.

    3. Our policy is to seek for the new and quality programs in order

    to make the subscriber more happily with our new channels.

    Therefore, with these 3 main reasons above, we have considered to launch the following plans:

    - BBC Entertainment will be changed to be AXN Beyond on Channel D 38

    - Animax will be changed to be All Sports Network (ASN) on Channel D 40

    - STC will be changed to be Nichelodeon on Channel D 42

    However, we would like to say thank you for your constructive suggestion and comment and we will forward it to the relevant department for their information and consideration.

    We are so grateful for your trust in our service and support us all time. Write us again whenever we can be of further help to you. Please contact us at 02-7252525 or [email protected]


    Dear K. Pawadee,

    I have received many standard, corporate answers over the years but

    yours is, I must say, truly pathetic.

    You have made absolutely no attempt to answer most of my questions (the

    answers to questions 1 and 5 are unsatisfactory). As I reminder here

    they are again:

    1. Why are you not renewing the contract with BBC Entertainment?

    2. How much will my Platinum fee go down because you are offering lower

    quality programmes?

    3. Why do you never listen your customers?

    4. When will you have HD (High Definition) TV programmes which are

    already available in the region?

    5. Why don't you change your business strategy? For example, let the

    customer choose the channels and bill them individually for each

    channel. Or, have more packages on offer so that the customer can have

    more choice of what to watch.

    You say in your email that, "Our policy is to seek for the new and

    quality programs in order to make the subscriber more happily with our

    new channels". Well let me inform you that you are going against that

    policy, because you are making your subscribers unhappy. I can't believe

    you said that. Why does True think we are not happy with the current

    programs? You *_never_* ask us!! Your policy should be, "to seek new and

    quality programs *in addition to our current programs* in order to make

    the subscriber happier with our new channels". But rather, you just do

    whatever you want and inconvenience the people who pay your salary - the

    customer. You also mention that you are grateful for my trust in your

    service and support you all the time. Never did I say I trusted you or

    supported you. In fact it's the opposite. I have _*never*_ trusted

    UBC/True and I have *_never_* supported your company, and I never will.

    I only subscribe because I have no choice, but that is about to change

    (see below).

    I intend to take this issue further and higher. I have already written

    to the Bangkok Post (see first link below - 2nd letter down after you

    open the link) and there is a reply to my letter in the newspaper today

    (see second link below - 5th letter down after you open the link) from

    someone supporting me. In addition they have suggested alternatives to

    True Visions. Thousands of people will read these letters, so I suggest

    your company thinks again before canceling channels as it could mean

    lots of canceled subscriptions when people find out they can choose

    another service.

    By the way, as a customer I have the right to an answer to my questions

    and I shall expect an answer to *_all_* of my questions in your next email.

    Finally, take a look at the following link also. You'll find out what people are saying about your organization - it's not nice.



    Michael White



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