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Posts posted by Wiggy

  1. It's entirely possible that BBCE have raised their fees, but then that's what happens in the world of cable/satellite TV. As we all know prices rarely go down in this day and age. If this is the case then it's down to TrueVisions to re-negotiate. However, their track record with this kind of thing is not exactly good. How many other times have we seen them messing around with what they offer (FA Cup, BBC Prime, Hallmark etc.)?

  2. It was my letter in the Bangkok Post on Saturday.

    I suggest you all contact Khun Pawadee at: [email protected]

    Here is my correspondence with them so far:

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Please give me a reasonable explanation why you are removing the best channel on True Visions (BBC Entertainment) and replacing it with rubbish (AXN Beyond). I have been a customer for more than 9 years and will now have to think about canceling my subscription. This is because you continue to downgrade the service and offer more and more cheap programmes at the same expensive price (my brother pays LESS than me for 171 channels in the UK - and some of them are HD).

    Please answer the following questions:

    1. Why are you not renewing the contract with BBC Entertainment?

    2. How much will my Platinum fee go down because you are offering lower quality programmes?

    3. Why do you never listen your customers?

    4. When will you have HD (High Definition) TV programmes which are already available in the region?

    5. Why don't you change your business strategy? For example, let the customer choose the channels and bill them individually for each channel. Or, have more packages on offer so that the customer can have more choice of what to watch. You could have:

    1. Premier League Package at 1,000 baht/month (only EPL games)

    2. Drama Package at 200 baht/month (Star World, BBC Entertainment etc.)

    3. Documentary Package at 400 baht/month (Discovery, Nat Geo, Animal Planet etc.)

    4. Movie Package at 500 baht/month (HBO, TCM, Star Movies etc.)

    5. Sports Package at 400 baht/month (ESPN, Star, All Sports Network etc.)

    (The prices above are just examples)

    Then the customer can mix packages and choose what they want to watch.


    Mike White


    Dear Khun Mike,

    We are truly sorry for any inconvenience caused. However, please be informed that the main reasons that we have to replace our 3 channels are as follows:

    1. The contract with these 3 channels: BBC Entertainment, Animax

    and STC are terminated.

    2. The conditions for continuance contract of these 3 channels are

    not agreed between mutual parties.

    3. Our policy is to seek for the new and quality programs in order

    to make the subscriber more happily with our new channels.

    Therefore, with these 3 main reasons above, we have considered to launch the following plans:

    - BBC Entertainment will be changed to be AXN Beyond on Channel D 38

    - Animax will be changed to be All Sports Network (ASN) on Channel D 40

    - STC will be changed to be Nichelodeon on Channel D 42

    However, we would like to say thank you for your constructive suggestion and comment and we will forward it to the relevant department for their information and consideration.

    We are so grateful for your trust in our service and support us all time. Write us again whenever we can be of further help to you. Please contact us at 02-7252525 or [email protected]


    Dear K. Pawadee,

    I have received many standard, corporate answers over the years but

    yours is, I must say, truly pathetic.

    You have made absolutely no attempt to answer most of my questions (the

    answers to questions 1 and 5 are unsatisfactory). As I reminder here

    they are again:

    1. Why are you not renewing the contract with BBC Entertainment?

    2. How much will my Platinum fee go down because you are offering lower

    quality programmes?

    3. Why do you never listen your customers?

    4. When will you have HD (High Definition) TV programmes which are

    already available in the region?

    5. Why don't you change your business strategy? For example, let the

    customer choose the channels and bill them individually for each

    channel. Or, have more packages on offer so that the customer can have

    more choice of what to watch.

    You say in your email that, "Our policy is to seek for the new and

    quality programs in order to make the subscriber more happily with our

    new channels". Well let me inform you that you are going against that

    policy, because you are making your subscribers unhappy. I can't believe

    you said that. Why does True think we are not happy with the current

    programs? You *_never_* ask us!! Your policy should be, "to seek new and

    quality programs *in addition to our current programs* in order to make

    the subscriber happier with our new channels". But rather, you just do

    whatever you want and inconvenience the people who pay your salary - the

    customer. You also mention that you are grateful for my trust in your

    service and support you all the time. Never did I say I trusted you or

    supported you. In fact it's the opposite. I have _*never*_ trusted

    UBC/True and I have *_never_* supported your company, and I never will.

    I only subscribe because I have no choice, but that is about to change

    (see below).

    I intend to take this issue further and higher. I have already written

    to the Bangkok Post (see first link below - 2nd letter down after you

    open the link) and there is a reply to my letter in the newspaper today

    (see second link below - 5th letter down after you open the link) from

    someone supporting me. In addition they have suggested alternatives to

    True Visions. Thousands of people will read these letters, so I suggest

    your company thinks again before canceling channels as it could mean

    lots of canceled subscriptions when people find out they can choose

    another service.

    By the way, as a customer I have the right to an answer to my questions

    and I shall expect an answer to *_all_* of my questions in your next email.

    Finally, take a look at the following link also. You'll find out what people are saying about your organization - it's not nice.



    Michael White



  3. It doesn't say that we are forbidden to consume alcohol. It only says no alcohol will be "served" or "sold".

    This means it is okay to drink our own alcohol, and to drink it regardless of the location.

    It's a bit like the time-of-day restriction on alcohol sales. You can't buy alcohol before 11am or between 2pm and 5pm, but you can consume it any time of the day.

    If we had left bottles of whisky with our name on it at a bar or club that were purchased on a date prior to the 14th of December 2007, can we consume them?

    Would any bars or clubs allow BYO?

    No alcohol will be SERVED - whether it's pre-paid for or not.

    The official reason for the ban (so I understand) is that Thais can vote, "with a clear head and conscience"(!!) The real reason - probably - is so that nobody gets drunk and forgets who gave them 300 baht for their vote and they end up voting for the other guy!! :o

  4. When I was in law school, we learned that "hard cases make bad law." Tonight's decision is clearly an example of this. For all of the sins of Mr Thaksin and TRT, banning a large party is simply a bad precedent, and a step back from democracy. Richard Nixon's administration was the closest the United States came to a dictatorship in living memory. However, no one raised the thought of disbanding or abolishing the Republican party. The way we get rid of bad politicians is to vote them out of office, not get rid of their parties. There are many in Thai Rak Thai, such as Mr Chaturon, who have something positive to contribute to this country. Why deprive them of what are in essence a huge chunk of their civil rights! Put the guilty ones on trial, instead.

    On a lighter note, I am starting a new party.....called Farang Rak Thai. I think I can get many members, but few voters.

    Keep calm.

    That may be fine, but how do you vote bad politicians out when they simply buy the majority of the electorate with wads of cash? Admittedly Thailand is not a democracy, but at least this verdict might make some politicians think twice before adopting unfair strategies in the future. Democracy will be slow in coming to Thailand, but come it will.

  5. When the fag companies were banned out of sports in the UK the negative effects to the sporting events and related industries (advertising, printing etc) were short lived.

    The cost to Thailand if a few advertising companies go under and they miss out on a few rock concerts would be a small price to pay IF the ban saves even one life. Around 14,000 people die on Thai roads annually. 80%+ of these deaths are drink related. And that represents only one of the negative effects alcohol has on society.

    Less drinking, less puking, less hangovers, less hospital visits, lower insurance, safer roads etc.

    A very good news indeed !

    Let's wait a few more month, to have other cancelations. And then, maybe, the government will start to understand that they should review their ridiculous face-based decision...

    Sponsorship is only the tip of the iceberg... Actually, it's a big economic blow to the advertising and printing industries. That's the main issue.

    Less activities, less revenues, less VAT, less taxes, etc.

    Face has a price. They will pay it. At no discount.

    80% of road deaths alcohol related - yes, but isn't there a drink-drive law in place? Oh, sorry it's not enforced is it. Ever heard of responsible drinking?

  6. Let's face up to reality - Thailand is a racist society. Just look at the name of the ruling party and the term "aliens" for evidence of that. If the law states that foreigners cannot own land/houses (apart from condos) then so be it, regardless of whether or not a Thai can buy property in our home country. This is why we appreciate democracies more than dictatorships, which Thailand is rapidly turning into. Yes, many more Thais will be thrown onto the unemployment scrapheap, but that's not on this government's list of problems. Making money is their priority, and they are obviously not making any out of "selling" property to foreigners. Plain and simple.

    Sorry to those who will lose out.

  7. Tourism does not drop by 30% overnight because of one (albeit sad and tragic) incident. Otherwise nobody would go anywhere. The government has slowly been destroying tourism for a year or two now with its "crackdowns". Somebody has added up the arrival numbers, had a shock, and looked for something other than the government to blame.

  8. First a crackdown on tobacco displays so people won't be tempted to smoke, now a crackdown on alcohol displays so people won't be tempted to drink. What's next? Will the government force women to wear a bag over their head so people won't be tempted to rape them?! :o

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