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  1. No-Confidence Motion Against Thai Prime Minister --> 'tis 'bout time as if no one knew... this clown is supposed to be sidelined, yet...
  2. Le French KISS combined with LE HAPPY ENDING... what can go wrong? Recipe for success
  3. what a rant... did he do it last time? NO do you need to take a chill pill? YES
  4. me too... and so do many other canadians here. Trudeau is a shame and the quicker he leaves the better. it will be decades before we can fix his woke pro-immigration, pro-gender mutiliation of children agenda eg (Bill C-63)
  5. combine that computational skill with AI and 'Terminator Skynet" here we come...
  6. a criminal banned from politics... more going on here than the US of A. I'll stick to the thai dramas... rather than the american soap operas...
  7. interesting i had to look it up and actually used chatgpt to quickly brief me in on it: Although Hymes’ Communicative Competence and the Communicative Approach (CLT - Communicative Language Teaching) are closely related, they are not the same. The Communicative Approach is a teaching method, while Hymes’ theory provides the foundation for why this method is effective. I'm back teaching in canada where there is a shortage of ESL teachers in my province... OMG the quality of the teachers here... I used to think that the teachers in thailand were not up to par... problem is people set low expectations and expect weak results. I am actually encouraging my students to use chatgpt to give them ideas on topics i give them for story or essay writing. Even with this new tech the kids are too lazy to even use it to get some sort of idea... AI will surely take over these soft potato head kids some day...
  8. a trailblazer in many ways... although his communicative approach is now somewhat outdated he did come up with some brilliant precepts my professors swore by in uni. too bad he is not as acknowledged as he deserves. Maybe it has to do with the fact that he went on RT a few times too many? But what choice did he have? Mainstream media don't like being called out. They should have gotten rid of Roger Waters on may editorials and let Chomsky handle it... but he is getting tired...
  9. Well... in canada we use either. so, does that mean the brits are clinging to outdated rules just for the sake of it? 🤪
  10. i pay for chatgpt and overall enjoy it a lot even if it makes a lot of mistakes. This weekend i asked it to create a picture of a teacher whose head is exploding under pressure. I didn't like the mustaches it kept putting in. I kept telling it to edit the pics and get rid of the mustaches. every time it generated a new photo it kept putting on a mustache telling me it had gotten rid of it. there was no way i could get it to fic it the right way... still a few clinks to iron out.. but good fun and no limitations with the paid subscription. I can afford the 28$ US a month so no biggy..
  11. wasnt it noam chomsky who said that?
  12. i wonder how it would be under harris had she won... certainly no better than what is going on now. i am curious to see how this will play out. no one has a crystal ball and personally i don't trust polls. the dems were trying to convince everyone in the world they were going to win... -- ... until they didn't.
  13. if her boyfriend is farang he will have a big family restitution to pay if it dies...😅
  14. I miss my wife, my dog and the very few people I regularly do business with because i trust them. being back in my country in the west is no longer what I call home. i feel like a stranger here although it is nice to talk with people who understand my native languages and colloquialisms... but no longer home it is.
  15. it s actually a bit therapeutic i find. after all the times i put this country out to the trash and now i find i miss it... a lot... but as everywhere there are still things that need fixing and about that i am referring to the politics of the place. but i get your point
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