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Everything posted by Pouatchee

  1. I am canadian and I was quoting someone who said that canadian pensions, just as uk pensions, dont increase if you live abroad as in thailand...
  2. fear mongering posts like this stupid post need to be backed up with links and proof otherwise fake news
  3. cant find anything to back what you said about canada. link please.
  4. unfortunately no suit will help him with his big fat square lego head...
  5. do you seriously see the symbolism of their standing up for their rights being simply limited to being illegal workers? it goes further than that. as for us, having to pay 500bht for proof of address at immi for a service that should be free is but one example that comes to mind. totally misplaced? yeah... they should just shut up and put up, right? my comment went deeper than just working illegally... read my comment above
  6. actually i salute them. how many foreigners do i see protesting the unfair going ons against us here? they actually have bravado... more power to them
  7. as Fonzie used to say, 'sit on it' thai tourism association. they just want a bigger piece of the pie.
  8. our inverter air con stopped working yesterday. cant get serviced until saturday. all the shops told my better half that they are overly busy this year as seems many people are having problems all at the same time. hard to sleep, reminds me when i got here 20 yrs ago and my first rental house didnt have air...
  9. two words i hope become a prophecy fulfilled nail -- coffin
  10. This is my favorite... redefines 6 pack guess i should be grateful... one free, WOW!!!
  11. some ideas/thoughts are better kept to one's self next thing you will get is the foot fetish guys
  12. i certainly hope so, but i suspect the thais and us (the voiceless falang) dont need anymore proof of corruption within the thai gvt at any level
  13. well, you helped me voice my opinion on this guy either way, and who knows what he is doing in the us... or anywhere else as a matter of fact. but wouldnt it be funny if he were actually using weed after lets say... chemotherapy? weed with high thc does give the munchies and does help give an appetite to cancer sufferers. and whats wrong? that he went to the us?
  14. not the point. there were enough people sitting in jail just for toking who are otherwise law abiding but this clown crusaded to make it punishable by law once again. a guy who made his career by attracting young women into working at his soapy massages. what is worse, pimping out young women, or taking a toke at home to chill? hypocrisy at its finest imho
  15. after criticising weed the way he did he probably went to the us so he could make use of the herb without being called out for it
  16. poor you... very lucky in the end. the doctor who told you to come back in 2 weeks could have cost you an eye... idiot. when i had my flashes of light i rushed to the hospital to see my eye doctor. she stopped all she was doing and at once proceeded to treat me with lasers. only thing is now, my eye is really itchy and i have to take eye drops. you were very fortunate steve187 👁️‍🗨️
  17. i had a tear in my retina and as a result many 'floaters' just like you describe. however, i had flashes of bright light and this is what prompted me to rush to the hospital. if you dont have flashes of light it might not be a detached retina, as i think you would have the flashes of light. did you lift anything heavy lately? sometimes this combined with other factors can cause floaters to manifest. if you start seeing the flashes of light... dont mess around... i regularly get iris dilation single/both eyes and drive right after my examination... just make sure you have uv sunglasses
  18. totally agree. been a teacher here 20 years and there is absolutely nothing good about the thai education system and here results speak for themselves. the system is governed by an antiquated mentality that encourages and rewards sycophants and even western qualified and licensed teachers like me are told to 'do what i say' no matter how ludicrous. the writer of this article is clearly biased or has got a shoe up his/her arse
  19. IMHO anything that raises prices is not in demand by consumers. i think that this 'consumer demand' thing is a main instream media attempt to make people gobble up this bull sh!t. i am pro sustainability, but i dont like when mainstream media pushes any agenda
  20. this changes everything and should have been in the op. i think once your wp is cancelled then your visa is cancelled too... so then your multi entry is void. i think 1 talk to immi to cancel the multi entry 2. stay a week extra with a 1900bht 7 day extension then leave on the last day
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