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About Coremouse

  • Birthday 10/15/1989

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    Pracha Uthit Bangkok

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  1. Hi everyone, I already got cert-of-res. It's only by shear luck and not duplicable. First TM.18 ISN'T the document to buy car!!! If anyone asking again plz don't recommend this doc. It's a much simpler one like from this post UbonJoe replied: https://aseannow.com/topic/1030204-certificate-of-residence-formto-buy-motorbike-or-car/ And it's shear luck usually I would be rejected straight away. Since TM.18 is the wrong document, I got a wrong queue number and waited hours. And some kindred upper rank officials were monitoring situation and come check my documents. TLDR.... While I'm simple exempt this time, but I was successful WP/BOI visa for yrs, ( I was Tech manager / consultant to some of big Thai names, if you were buying to/from Bangkok via Shopee/Lazada/online malls etc.... The logistics delievery would like go through some of structures I designed and some control program I wrote. When covid some professionals were barred to travel to Thailand to solve and finetuning any issue, I'm at Thailand and simply designed electrical schematic & control program entirely on my own, still accompliant of their remote comms sec.protocol and tailored to customer needs. And some projects could be delayed months now commence operation ahead schedule, ) but I'm also a straightfoward social awkward often angered bosses. And that's why me visa and car book now all in sorry near collapsing state( I won't post details as would only attract trolls maybe ). When following long queue my weak body's exhausted and eye spinning, many people and officials helped me And officials are so kindred hearted they pitied and sympathetic to me. They handed me correct application form and called a queue( Tm.30/90 days sector queue ). This time just for this time I'm allowed to use my extensive previous career buisness visas as a support, and when I said this is urgent, they issued my cert today. No "connections or f**l play" it's just because kindred sympathy now I could proceed to next puzzle, and try my Best! Because series of my misfortune I was complaining this yr LOS tightened visa process. And we know rogued xenophob event does happen more this yr. But you know what, this LOS still have so many kindred souls whom voluntarily helped the weak to go through their hardest! Kindred far outnumbered rogues. Just for this, I dig Thailand and CW immigration!
  2. Thanks everyone now I know I must look employ help from experienced agent sigh. And maybe go for extension and get 7days more as rejection stamp. I'll still try immigration and embassy though, for the sliver of any possibility hope...
  3. I've own the car for 10yrs. Due to some rare case I have to renew registration, it's the same as buying new car, just I submit tabien rot(under my name 10yrs) and plates and my own documents, instead of any contract. And you know this yr 67 Thailand really tightened down all the visa process... 10 times more headache and very time costing for any non-immigration, it's just much simpler come back with exempt...
  4. Hi all my situation is I'm on visa exempt and only a week left, but I also doing my car registration issues and cert-of residence is last thing I need. It's really urgent as I already submitted old plate to the DLT, if I couldn't finish before I leave might be super headache So if anyone could confirm will be most appreciated: (1) If I go to Chaeng Watthana Immigration, the document for car registration cert-of residence is TM.18 right? (2) Could I do cert-of residence at Immigration with my visa exempt, short term stay? With my long-term contract everything of course but this time is on visa exempt.
  5. If you're Chinese or Indian passport, max 1 TV at Savann per 365 days. I just got refused officer said "you already got one from us. No 2nd time." 5 seconds I'm out. ( while Vientiane refused said "you're Chinese passport, you can't apply here at Vientiane just travelling from Thailand, unless you have work or residence in Laos". Both did not bother to check my documents, just see Chinese or Indian passport + last trip stamp, rejected in 5 seconds. I travelled back visa exempt from Savann, since it's second exempt this yr Officer questioned me ALOT and seriously states "next time you should have visa, no exempt", and writes down somthing maybe "2 entries already" or "friendship brdge 2" on my passport above entry stamp? Wrote too cursive can't see clear ) But I recor as if you aren't Chinois or Indien zero prob with that. Should get TV per usual procedure, without issue.
  6. For anyone says "Chinese use lithium themselves, and lead-acid only for export". NOPE n Nope -- reality is the inverse: Chinese ( many of us are pauper ) use 99% lead-acid themselves, and lithium-ion too expensive only for export for the Riche ( well, maybe also for some Chinese rich kids who doesn't needs a moped anyway ). Period.
  7. I just searched recent models from Big Giant Brands of Chinese "elec-jackass", Lvyuan, Yadee, Aimaa etc.... Yeah confirmed again just as I said, they're 99% lead-acid, us Chinese folks aren't Riche... If anyone saying we use lithium ourselves and lead-acid for export??? Heck??? Are you going to pay us for the Li-ion expensive budget. Of course deep-cycles are inherent lesser life than shallow ones like cars' 12V battery, but man elec-mopeds are such a light load, doesn't taxxing on batteries at all. And from personal and my relatives everyones' experience those are darn very reliable. Almost complete maintenance-free. Since deep-cycles and NiCads are most reliable batteries as a common sense. And lithium? Like 18650s when discharged, just forget to immediate recharge, and next day you got a piece ova junk jumped CID valve... Irrepairable.
  8. Hello Sir as a Chinese may I point out, 99.99% mopeds are your daily deep-cycle lead acid batteries. Chinese aren't rich, and li-ion are expensive for the rich folks( which they don't need mopeds anyway ). Since China outlawed most motorcycles, almost ALL bikes are lead-acid mopeds, and they nicknamed "elec-jackass". Those're truly workhorse for all us paupers, village farm teenagers, everyone. Those're truly reliable & cheap & good for daily grocery runner. But one thing Chinese roads traffic are slowish needs patience, and inside Chinese city & townships commutes are really short distance per usual. It's heck different compare to Thailand. So if needs a elec-moped should judge your actual requirements. Pros: cheap, easy to handle, reliable almost maintenance-free. Cons: darn heavy and awkward if out of battery. Fragile if accident. Darn short range, very short. Lead-acide bike-type mopeds should always stay within 15km, and only voyage 20km if neccessary, never more than that. Tricycle type( Chinese nicknamed "happy granpa" ) had much better range. Also there's lead-acid "elec-motorcycle" which much heavier, much longer range than puny awkward mopeds, but rumors they're too powerful and heavy tolls on excited younglings lives.
  9. I suggest a better number than milleage, age etc., ask the seller for engine compression test numbers, BOTH without AND with a spoon of oil, & photo. Or ask seller let you test it, simple only took 10 minutes anyway. It shows engine abuses situation, prevent big engine / cooling / oiling risk, and unless the seller spent money to rebuild they can't cheat too much, if a cylinder shot it's shot. ( If provides both with/without oil numbers, only way to cheat would be seller using fake comp tester. And usually easy to tell as you could approximate all comp numbers relation for certain engine / CR, that cheater could may make mistake exposing cheat ) Sadly unlike western, almost all sellers don't provide compression numbers, even modified car seller mostly won't have. And since language barrier almost 100% they won't let you tackle spark plugs and test it yourself. Only very few handy car guys selling their own old car do kept up to date compression records
  10. Is that really possible, as Thailand swap motor is easy and joy, you're almost just reading at an particular ECU age, that's supposing it's readable and can't reset... like my daily is '94 not that old, even then the engine doesn't even know what OBD1 is, less OBD2 & Canbus etc.... As the engine might be a fresh import used, and ECUs are swappable, the actual 'car' might seen many times milleage then what it shows. I guess more reliable is Chassis age, as long it didn't welded firewall and tackle VIN plate with "connections". Judging chassis age plus whether rusty plus how many parts out of spec... We could guess how abused the car is and ballpark guessing actuall milleage lol
  11. When I rebuilt my cars' engines( DIY changed everything ARP everything ), I usually fill cheap 50w mineral oil, drive about 60miles( from cold start to very warm, gave various load but absolute no violent abuses ), go back home change oil, and consider breaking-in mostly been dealt with. Could give it abuses very soon confirmed EFI & everything working accordingly. And these rag DIY rebuilt, half-a** broke-in engines served me good. Even stocko pistons they stood higher boost and redline and funky thingymajiks and reliable even to this day...
  12. Not sure about the legend but V2-34 is pretty much the most advanced, most reliable tank engine of the era, Big Diesel with dry sump + DOHC + alum block steel sleeves + alum head + distribution pump etc... Pretty much a 90s modern engine time travelled back to 1931, and was solid modern original design until into 21st century. If anything unreliable on T-34 I would more suspect vintage simple mesh gear than a very moderm, perfected alum Diesel engine... Yes I think the modified design is still the backbone of T-72, T-90, and many heavy or light APCs n civil engineering cars... One would worrie about break-in are the nazis... Not because design but lack of high quality lubricants( at least according to that Haynes kats manual ), pretty much only have soupy or water-y sus substances when the war turned against them, Maybach is forced to use integrated roller bearings on crankshaft because otherwise journal would explode in no time, Oh also since only soviets use modern diesel at wwii, and nazi gasoline engines are high-rpm and momentum, are a very much frequent sight of conrod-penetrating cylinder blocks...
  13. First I dont think buy used car in Thailand is 'pitfall', if lucky it could be value-cost charming like any developed coutry; of course language barrier is a problem. Some thing on my mind: A. avoid cars from another province if wanna transfer register under your name; re-register plate to your TM30 address is un-neccessary hassle. Buy from local Thai is easiest; Buy from local foreigner is also easy and less lan. barrier; Buy from another province needs to transfer plate to your local DLT which is hassle, more hassle if owner's foreigner buy if owner's experienced willing to help is doable; Buy from other province, un-experienced foreign owner is a big no-no. ------------- B. At least inspect under-chassis, test drive extended distance. because in Thailand let alone language barrier, owner usually won't agree proper compression test( EXTREMELY IMPORTANT could saves tons of hassle, but difficult to convince owner with language barrier ), remove spark bore inspection, remove plastics to check rust etc. If owner is a car guy and took cared the car then perfect. But usually when buying an used car you should B.1. adds up budget for engine rebuild( very cheap in asia ); B.2. and when bought though check gas tank / brake / hoses / wheel bearing / any wiring fault for safety; B.3. some budget for renovation ( some usuals are sensory / suspension / clutch / distro etc. ). Then if the car is not f***ed beyond any salvation, should be performing just like a new car, performance-wise. ------------- C. Thailand new-car price are very expensive, the used-car market was agreeable for many types of classic cars, but covit-nonsense f***ed the market and used-price also rose up a lil. TorRorOr yearly MOT is agreeable friendly, or should I say relaxing, in Thailand. Very easy to keep a car road legal, most important just make sure lights and brakes are proper. Even change engine serial is easy with proper serial-register receipt.
  14. Yes has that too, stereo vision sort. But very easy. physical exams are 1 tell color, 2 align sticks, 3 watch light fast brake, 4 peripheral sillius sort. btw. It's now at building 4 for exam, renew etc.
  15. Just remember parking as always is jammed at Mochit DLT, so arrive earlier the better... Nowadays Bkk seems road maintenance/blocked/traffic jam everywhere... I live at sounthern, western part of Bangkok and major roads are reduced to half width( Suksawat, Rama2, BangBuaThong, MahaNakhon highway etc. all under heavy maintenance and construction at same time ), sigh... I guess maybe when covit lock down - slight lower traffic, they decided let's renovate roads no biggie, but before they could finish road renovation works - now covit relaxed, and huge massive traffic...?
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