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Everything posted by jwest10

  1. Also distant cousins and lie through their teeth stating a loan was a gift and someone gave money back to another cousin or aunt
  2. Own house, 2 grandchildren and Thai wife and getting throug easily 50k and this is withdrawing savings and in 5 years will have to exit on just over 40k a month. The little things soon add up though and it is very difficult and like many others have no family or property back in blighty.
  3. Thanks so much sometimewoodworker Thanks for very informative post and yea lol figured this out eventually and managed to follow the various tariffs and we await the increase figures of ft in due course.
  4. Crossy can understand the extra charge in my case 717 units used in June/ July 2022 at 0.2477. this can change up or down and appears this is going up in September?
  5. Thanks so much sometimes woodworker Yes normally do not calculate my monthly bill but yes 3 ac's bump it up and yes today I asked pea on google and could work out the various tarifs to get my total usage amount and yes a sevice charge 38.22 and used 717 units up from June to July 16th and charged 717 at ft rate 0.2477 totalling 177.60 and not sure how they arrive at that figure apart from the total used and the rate. Cheers all for claiffication John West
  6. Exactly my point frozen income but everyone just about snd the locals on fixed income too!!1
  7. And many of us have no house or family in the UK
  8. No everyone and including the foreigner trying as best they can their loved Thai families!!!
  9. Yes, those not suffering but the majority are certainly struggling and many of course have wonderful Thai famillies and one other person who is married and always working. One can only do the best one can but sometimes they forget that so many on fixed income and wow how so the locals survive? A very good point about no property of family back in the UK and I know where I would prefer a no brainer and Thailand of course.
  10. Dj 54 and others Yes families etc can be very confusing and it appears and wondered why could not find my answer but a bit surprised no relationship status with this but someone will prove me wrong. Thanks all
  11. Yes, was wondering about younger sister married to our son in law and must be my niece and yeah known her for a while but knew her sister for several years.
  12. Thanks it does but Thai families can be very complex but one can love ones own family and the other sides too and also friends who are regarded as brothers and sisters. Appreciate it
  13. Thanks and indeed and yes one can love your own family and other families and well some extended ones never after cheating out of money but it happens everywhere!!!
  14. Hi and have tried to google and see some sites about this. As an interest I know what Mum and Dad and Grandparents are called in Thai I have tried this question but anyone who can help would appreciate it. My Thai wife's Son has married in the last half year to his Thai wife and his wife is my wife's Daughter-in- law ? And me as a Westerner is it the same ? Also the younger sister of her son's wife is my Niece or cousin or what is it please? Thanks and have been trying googling for quite sometime Many thanks and like in the Western world we can love someone as a special friend also and like brothers and sisters of course. Yes a bit of a strange one and sometimes one might want to know why do you want to know. Though when I taught this game up ie The Family Tree.
  15. Yeah , don't we know it and currency manipulators and just saying for many of fixed and frozen income !!!
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