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Everything posted by jwest10

  1. Thanks and appreciated it very much
  2. link please and thank you and what is this a camera.
  3. exactly and there was post on F/B talking about Skysports subs just yesterday but can listen to Talksport.com if they forget to switch off the switch "and not available in your region
  4. Bert That is now blocked and it appears they getting clamp downs and was just checking what matches but blocked by the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society re Computer Crime act 2007 Be very careful even with a VPn
  5. pp Guy What is DF please can not work it out thanks
  6. Thanks Bert and everyone take care ok
  7. Hi A couple of my friends went in to doofootball.com and this was one of the sites and approved and bought the rights too for the World Cup and yes also they thought that was for Premiership football also They went in to the site as per normal and it has been suspended RE illegal act with computer Act 2007(BE2550) From Ministry of Digital Economy and Society. Obviously no one can use this. so please don't use it.
  8. Even voluntary working and not knocking him but Work Permit and how does he do his 90 day report . Good luck to him and saw this the other day on this forum
  9. Yes, all very good at Kanchanaburi but of course one worries until one gets the actual stamp.
  10. Many do but agree it is rare but people do send via computer and yes agree the original card not sent in the Far Eat but in the USA, Canada and blighty do.
  11. I am sorry can not find an answer to this but it differs from various Immigration offices. Used to be a deposit on the same day at Kanchanaburi and visit a bank of the day going to the bank but can a letter be used say a week in advance. Thanks all
  12. Hi I have noticed this before but if there is a Bank Holiday in the UK and also Thailand and when due is today 17th January it does not hit and often a day or two later. I assume that the payments are automatically set up and never understand why late and anyone else notice this. Thanks all
  13. True but the most important person is my wife and always remembers xxx
  14. Not sure and they do not send actual cards but probably from a computer and is ok for a foreigner to send on to someone in the family Thanks all
  15. lol but many thanks just the one email then?
  16. Nigelforbes Agree with a lot of things and yes had a late so- called uncle here who transferred loads of money and he was here about 2003 and yes the exchange rate very high and when I came over it was 73 to the pound. Yes of course none of us knew where we would end up and yes then no one really anticipated the Brexit when the pound plunged. TBF and been heavily involved with the barbaric and fraudulently frozen state pensions whereby we and our past employers indeed have paid more NI contributions and we certainly did not know about this issue and people are becoming more aware of this but we with our loved ones. On the plus side have no real complaints and yes lucky to have built for us a property at a very fair exchange rate and price. No one could have predicted what we would all do and who knows in the future and was only pointing out the ridiculous financials to go back to the UK or wherever. And yes many have no ties to the UK and no living relatives and not everyone has houses back in the UK because of various circumstances. Better to have tried but hope to end my days here but one can only cut back so much and all in all no complaints choosing to be here and my wife wanted to come back in 2008 and it was a mutual decision and not being negative (but society certainly is) and could see even then the UK going downhill and yes it was the banking collapse as well. What I am trying to say that I was laid off again as most of us were and thought we go for it.
  17. You don't have to give a date when coming back or maybe you can correct me!!
  18. Even less to spend on our wonderful Thai families and we supply most of the funds and the exchange rate and frozen state pension and do not know if any of you have the overseas British site on Facebook but I provided the impossible financials to go back and well it will be impossible for our wives and bad enough to get UK visas 17 years ago. Yes, they penalise us for daring to leave the UK to be with our loved ones. The same in many countries and families are being split up for many reasons but one is the financials and impossible.
  19. Yes and have all the information and contacts tele numbers and know what forms are required and yes seen their sites and did a lot of research. Yes as explained in another post I go in personally to get my permission to stay regarding retirement. And realise they very busy last week and is there another email address and only have the one [email protected] and yes normally reply but as I stated the first week of 2023 is very busy. Still a bit of time as my current extension matures 13th February. Thanks all and appreciate it John
  20. anyone in Kanchanaburi and have one email address [email protected] vis their site and is there any others and can not see Thanks again.
  21. Thanks so much proton and yes we do this and we go in person though can make an appointment on line but until we know when the Manager is available, as you state just have to wait
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