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libya 115

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Posts posted by libya 115

  1. I have used about thirty different carriers, in the last twenty years and the standards of particular airlines is always changing. Economy class is always stressful, whatever airline you use, unless you pass out for the long haul or have an empty plane (rare these days).

    I often judge a flight a 'nightmare' if the following things happen;

    1/ The hostess/hosts are rude and unfriendly, sarcastic and don't attend to me.

    2/ The overhead baggage is packed so I don't have room for my possessions.

    3/ The food and drink is slow, or my requests for drinks takes forever.

    4/ Broken seats, faulty headset etc.

    5/ The person in front/behind/next to me is offensive or clinically obese.

    6/ Baby children crying for twelve hours non-stop.

    As you can see, some of the above can happen on any airline.

    However, now I prefer to travel in economy Emirates if I am paying for the ticket.

    The best two airlines however are JAL and ANA. Both are Japanese airlines, I am always delighted with the attentive crew. I just wish they flew BKK-Europe.

    Just for good measure, if you travel business class: GULF. Outstanding.

  2. Why does anyone, except those people who rely on internet for work, need broadband?

    I have used broadband in Thailand: it is poor.

    I don't need it but it is much better, and more reliable than dial-up. It's much cheaper too. 700baht a month I think, and that's u. I sometimes need it when I make/lose money on some sites. I don't know why you've such a resentment against it - can't you get it? :o I download music, but stuff from the 80's.

    Totster, I paid the money for a box he put in.

    It says 100Mb/sec, but when I did a test I got 460kb/s. 10 times faster than dial-up.

    How can it be cheaper at 700 baht a month? Dial-Up is 3 baht connection and 6-12 baht an hour.

    So if I use the internet 15/30 days a month 15x3=45 baht and 1 hour (most expenivse) 15x12=180 baht.

    TOTAL= 225 baht for 15 hours internet time per month and a lot cheaper if I choose to 'surf' after 00.00 hours.

    Plus; here is real benefit, if I go away on a business/pleasure trip for any amount of time. NIL.

    Broadband at 700 baht is a swindle: That is 120 GBP a year. Forget it unless you rely on the internet for business. Even wealthy readers of this post will agree.

  3. I bet this post will receive some rather nasty comments; here goes;

    Why does anyone, except those people who rely on internet for work, need broadband?

    I have used broadband in Thailand: it is poor.

    This is not Europe.

    There are no standards, or refund of your monthly fee, even if it 'goes down'.

    Stick to dial up. You will be richer, more in control, and will save your sanity.

    If you live in BKK then telephone lines (should) be a decent quality so you will achieve a decent speed on dial-up.

    O.K. computer bores...........have your say, I know, you are downloading the 'Grateful Dead' concert from the early '70's........Ho. Ho Ho.

  4. Can anyone explain how the 'top up' system works? I just buy a new card when the other package expire. What is the country/up country package?

    What are the alternatives to csloxinfo?

  5. I have been using loxinfo/csloxinfo dial-up for nearly six years from the 7-11, no real problems.

    The question is; are there any other dial up 'pay as you go' scratchcard alternatives?

    I don't buy the 14 or 30 day packages; because they are engaged permanently and when you do get a line they don't connect.

    I am with TT&T

    3 baht a connection, but the csloxinfo scratchcard are great for night at just 6 baht an hour.

  6. Try throwing your money out the window, has the same effect.

    There are a tiny percentage of people who make a modest living and are able to live in Thailand on their profits from well-informed speculative cash investments on the outcome of sporting events.

    But it is very hard work, rather like a 9-5 job but the rewards are pleasurable.

  7. I am always amazed that some people choose to suffocate themselves in order to end their life. Surely a trip to the local pharmacy and a bottle of scotch is a better way to go? Just fall asleep and never wake up.

    Plus, another disadvantage of suffocation is late rescue. If someone finds the potential victim and revives (them) they will be brain-oxygen starved and will be a vegetable until they die of natural causes.

    Who wants to be a vegetable?

    A least the 'jumpers' have got more balls; a bit messy though and inconsiderate for neighbours.

    I think this case was suicide; but there are many suspicious deaths in Thailand. In the U.K. there are also suspicious deaths; what about Deepcut, Surrey, where a soldier was shot in the back of the head and the MOD said: suicide?

  8. I say; 'Go ahead do it' come over enjoy yourself for nine months, make sure that you have a return ticket and see how you feel after 9 months here in Pattaya.

    The novelty, changes after 6-9 months; you will need to find something more in your life than beer and bar-girls; what about hobbies? Playing sport?

    Choose your condo carefully, beware of 'so called' friends and have an emergency stash of cash for when the bad times come.

    It would be far better to set yourself a 6-9 month 'holiday' in Pattaya then see how you feel.

    Good luck!

  9. Yes; Login however; if I were not able to 'login' in a 30 day period I would lose those valuable messages and email addresses etc.

    The only alternative is to pay by credit card a fee to Microsoft so my account (should) not expire.

    Are there any alternatives?

    Is it possible to save all my emails and put them on CD?

  10. Has anyone had first-hand experience of subscribing to a Hotmail account that does not delete after thirty days?

    It is possible that I might lose all my messages (400) approx. if I fail to log in to a hotmail account that I have held for 7 years.

    Is there any way around this problem?

  11. I am considering tentatively, an online check-in for an international BKK flight departure next week. I have never opted for this type of ministration before. On the airline website it suggests that there is a dedicated online-check-in desk for speedy service at BKK.

    I have never seen one!? I just want to avoid the 2 hour queue of check-in of baggage that is so depressing (especially when leaving) Thailand.

    Postings of your personal experiences would be appreciated.

  12. She has been a well-known local Pattaya fortune teller for maybe 10 years now. She read my palm once and I gave her 50 baht. She is eccentric to say the least; and don't cross-her as she has a severe temper, if she suspects falangs are laughing at her.

  13. This evening I was enjoying a beer in a beer bar on Beach Road, there were the usual interruptions every two minutes; watches, DVD's, stun guns, photo-service, roses, wooden craftwork, etc.

    Two hawkers (vendors) were potential thieves; One women with dozens, of red roses, did a rather crafty 'slight of hand trick' by thrusting the flowers into my chest and then attempting to steal my mobile telephone from my breast pocket. She nearly succeeded....so beware.

    Secondly; a young child maybe 6 or 7 years of age offered to sell me chewing gum (1 packet) and with the other hand tried to pick-pocket my wallet from my FRONT pocket. Again nearly sucessful.

    So, take care, if I had had more to drink I would have lost wallet and telephone.

    Just a warning........

  14. Far from being a con, live yoghurt drinks have been shown to have several possible health effects. Further research is needed to elucidate further the mechanisms of the reported benefits and see how enhancement of the immune system translates into clinical effects.

    For the bacteria in the drink to exert any health effects, they would first have to survive their journey through the gastrointestinal tract. This journey exposes them to the acidic conditions of the stomach, and then to the hydrolytic enzymes and bile salts of the small intestine.

    A small number of bacteria do survive the journey (approximately 0.01-2%) and are found in the faeces. The minimum amount of live yoghurt drink (containing Bifidobacterium species) that had measurable therapeutic effects in humans was 400-500g a week, at a concentration of 1.0 x 106 CFU/g.

    Several compatible and complementary theories exist as to how the ingestion of live yoghurt can have these health effects. Bacteria from the live yoghurt that survive their passage through the gastrointestinal tract have been shown to bind to epithelial cells and the luminal surface of M-cells in the wall of the gut. By attaching to epithelial cells, it is postulated that the yoghurt derived bacteria inhibit the binding of enteric pathogens to the epithelial cells. This process is referred to as "competitive exclusion."

    Binding by the bacteria to gut associated lymphoid tissue(GALT) has been shown in animal models to result in enhanced production of cytokines and IgA, as well as increased mitogenic activity of Peyer's patch cells and splenocytes.

    The bacterial genera cultured in live yoghurt drinks have also been shown to produce lactic acid and antimicrobial peptides referred to as bacterocins, which may inhibit the growth of enteric pathogens. This could be the explanation for the finding that increased amounts of lactobacilli in the human gut inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

    The possible anticancer effects of live yoghurt drinks may be due to several mechanisms. Inhibition of bacteria that convert procarcinogens to carcinogens and enhanced activation of the host's immune system by the mechanisms described above may play a part.

    There is also evidence that some live yoghurt bacteria can themselves inhibit the formation and breakdown of carcinogens. For instance, some of the bacterial genera have been shown to have nitrate reductase activity, an enzyme that breaks down nitrates into nitrites and then further into nitrogen or ammonia. Nitrites are an important intermediary in the formation of highly carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds, and so by reducing the concentration of nitrites in the bowel, these bacteria may protect in part against bowel cancer.

  15. I used to have the same problems, unexplained diarrhea that came and went and bad stomach etc.

    However now I never get it; here are some tips;

    1. Don't use ice, even from 7-11 or use ice in bars.

    2. Don't buy ANY Thai food from the street stores. If you like Thai food make your own with your own ingredients. My Mrs. makes all my favourite dishes in the kitchen.

    3. Wash your hands regularly in Thailand. Bacteria is invisible and is easy to transfer. For example wash your hands before you eat and after making toilet.

    4. Drink LOTS of clean bottled water. Check the bottled water seal is not broken.

    5. Drink electrolyte drinks every day. Eat bananas. Eat Peanuts from a packet (bought from 7-11) when you drink beer.

    6. Avoid eating water melon, even from supermarkets.

    7. To protect your stomach from indigestion and acid and the shock of Thailand consider taking OMEPRAZOLE 20mg one per day in the morning.

    8. Avoid Chang and Thai liquor and Laokhaew

    I hope you enjoy your holiday, if you get sick, nil food and much fluid for 24 hours. If you have a fever or blood or mucus in your stools; seek medical help quickly.

  16. I purchased a few bargain DVD's in DOTCOM next to Friendship supermarket on Pattaya Tai (South Road). Both were just 200 Baht; originals; not copies. (I have only experienced a 50/50 success with copies, so economically I feel it is prudent to purchase originals.)

    I opted for the David Lynch timeless classic 'Dune' and that old chestnut 'Scanner Cop 1': both represented outstanding value priced at 200 baht each.

    However, the ground floor DVD/VCD shop has a limited selection. So the question is this; can anyone recommend any other discount DVD stores, here in Pattaya. The Royal Garden DVD store (on the upper floor) sells rather expensive DVD's at approximately 1000 baht!

    Plus; does anyone know where I might purchase (in Pattaya) Scanner Cop 2? I just want to view the sequel out of perculiar interest, not because it is/will be a 'great' movie, so no disparaging remarks please!

  17. I am the once proud owner of a multi-region DVD player brand LEONA enigma.

    It has swallowed whole my DVD and the DVD will no longer function normally.

    Does anyone have similar experience to this? I tried taking the thing apart, but it just won't open. Shaking it; is fruitless and I am about to kill it for good with a kind of crowbar. (To retrieve the good DVD). The player is 18 months old and upto now faultless.

    Any ideas please?

  18. If you live in Thailand, what does it matter? If the US dollar is 38/39 and then strenghthens to 44/45 what is the big deal?

    Well, it's just a little 10 % difference !

    On one million dollar, it pays the cigarettes or the mekong whisky. No ?


    Actually...........No...unless you hold one million dollars equivalent in Thai Baht..bet you don't!

    So if one dollar bought me 45 instead of 38 would I be much richer? For a short time maybe, that Mekong and those 20 tabs, might stay the same price for a bit, but not for long.

    Since the Thai baht floated in 1997 only a few people thought they had 'Won'; they got houses built cheaply; guess what? They have fallen to bits in 9 years. Now the gold shops are void of customers, why?

    Currency speculation is heart-breaking, rather like a first-time-Pattaya British tourist who meets a friendly bar-girl and thinks he is on to a good thing, and gets married and manages a bar. (For 18 months).

    Sometimes, I see people getting their pension month by month, and they are chuffed when they see 500 English quid has yielded an extra few thousand baht. That is sad.

    There are economist blokes (and ladies) out there who understand this stuff and can sum up, yet any further comments would be superfluous. But enjoyable.

  19. In the condo where I live there was a whole load of break-ins, not heavy stuff just cash/gold/watches.

    Simple detective work by the residents led to a bloke in the second floor hooked on drugs (Thai). But his luck ran out, he was mysteriously found dead.

    I reckon, never leave cash or gold around, they won't take the TV and Fridge. It is the shock and personal threat I, and particularly my Mrs. would feel. Top tip: get a reliable woman to house-sit for short trips away overnight.

    They (reliable women) do exist in Pattaya, so use your loaf.

    I often wonder about home contents insurance, but I bet it wouldn't work out, or would it? Comments please.

  20. If you live in Thailand, what does it matter? If the US dollar is 38/39 and then strenghthens to 44/45 what is the big deal? Unless you are very heavy in Thai Baht and you should not be because over the long term you lose with holding cash as an asset.

    The average Joe on holiday won't notice Thailand suddenly much cheaper if he gets a few thousand extra baht in his pocket.

    For those on pensions from abroad, praying for a 45 to the dollar, it is foolish. fuel and utilities will rise in price.

    The best way to stay rich in this world is to invest wisely (not in currency) and spend carefully.

    Anyway, I reckon the baht might well hit 35 by year end; but that is because I expect more US dollar weakness, the U.S.A. might well suffer a meltdown financially; a big crash. So think Swiss Francs and Gold.

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