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libya 115

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Posts posted by libya 115

  1. I have a fixed deposit account in CHF with Lloyds TSB offshore Isle Of Man. Minimum deposits of 25,000 GBP = currency deposited are required.

    Interest rates change daily on currency fixed deposits, minimum 3 months, and upwards better rates are offered.

    CHF is inflation proof: rather like Gold. Every wise person's portfolio should include CHF. upto 20% IMO.

    Comments appreciated.

  2. It is genetic: I shall try to make it simple and concise.

    Every foetus has an X chromosome from its Mother.

    Every foetus has an X OR Y chromosome from its Father.

    1 X and 1 Y becomes a male.

    2X becomes a female.

    If a pregnant woman receives hormones either by food/chemicals/environment then an anomoly occurs.

    Unusual chromosome patterns develop:


    Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) develops after birth causing 'gender dysphoria'.

    Dysphoria means unease/unhappiness/discomfort.

    So, time to look at the food/chemicals/environment !!!

  3. Crossy and Monty was right; the article was in the Bangkok Post business section dated Jul 24. Is now in the archive with only a short text.

    George have I clear the air :o Hi libya 115 sometime teasing might brighten up someone else life. :D

    Not Quite:

    I read the link in the BKK Post: It is a scare-mongering marketing ploy. Newspapers don't always tell the FULL truth.

    As above poster khutan stated; in the end you will lose out if you accept this 'upgrade' for free nonsense. It will cause all kinds of problems, phones will get locked, PIN numbers forgotten, certain non-compatible phones etc. All these will help 'telewizz' get custom and sell more phones, arrange more post-pay or pre-pay contracts and loads of other business ideas.

    It has been done in other countries: check the cellphone forums!

    here is an extract.............

    "If you have a Cingular phone and get a SIM card in the mail, stop!

    Don't install or activate it until you read this.

    I have a Cingular Samsung x427 phone (6 months old). Got a letter

    yesterday with a replacement SIM card, "this critical upgrade should

    be done ASAP" yada yada. So I took out the old card, put in the new,

    called and they activated the new card.

    BZZZZTTT!! Bad move. First, even though my phone was relatively new

    it couldn't handle the new card and locked up, insisting on a SIM

    password. After entering bad passwords 3 times it's supposed to let

    Cingular generate a PUK number, but the card screwed up the phone so

    they couldn't do that. And, since they had changed me to the new SIM

    card in their office I couldn't go back to using the old card."

    This topic might not be over.........yet!?

  4. Bulzit

    Sad if this is true - but I'm very suprised that he/she had a 50k limit on his/her ATM :o


    Yes, my 'farang' limit is 20K per day: and a special application would have been needed to increase it.

    I am not surprised that a ladyman was robbed 'in the early' hours. I would not use an ATM in the 'early hours' plus robberies/muggings are common at that time. (Even my local motorcycle taxi driver was mugged!)

    I would hope that the victim might remember the faces and check with mugshots at the police station.

    There are many desperate Thai men now, deeply in debt after world cup gambling, if they don't mug some easy target, they will get knee-capped. Plus there are the drug users, who are desperate.

    I say more CCTV's.........What do you think?

  5. Large black bands around the screen, all colours blurred and fuzzy, totally hopeless picture quality, happened suddenly.

    Changed monitors: same on both so not a monitor problem.

    Any ideas? Further investigative tests? Repair possibilities?

    Everything else O.K.

    I had this problem. Changing from Chang to Carlsberg cured it :o

    :D Might try reseating the video card (pull it out and put it back in to the slot). Or borrow another video card and try it.

    Thanks, I was thinking that. But what could have 'unseated' it.

    Plus if I need a brand new video card: cost approximately?

    Do video cards regularly go wonky?

    Thanks for help with this.

  6. Large black bands around the screen, all colours blurred and fuzzy, totally hopeless picture quality, happened suddenly.

    Changed monitors: same on both so not a monitor problem.

    Any ideas? Further investigative tests? Repair possibilities?

    Everything else O.K.

  7. I don't know. Has the international organization, outside Thailand, that officially certifies airports as safe, actually ruled in this case? Has the pilots' association approved it? Will the insurance companies that insure airplanes and passengers approve it? Will it really be ready this year? I think two years of such questions, remain unanswered. But not even the PM calls me on my mobi'.

    I don't think we know. I'm not planning any flights out of that new airport until a few thousand takeoffs and landings have occurred.

    There are so many questions: This post above seconds my fears: I was rather hoping that a T.V. member/poster might reply with some answers on this. Do international flight bodies become involved with 'minimum standards' for safety etc.

    If I am to return to BKK will it retain the code BKK? in the first 2-3 weeks of changeover how confident should I feel?

    Air crashes do happen, 80% usually 'human error': change of airport, just beckons 'human error'.

    I hope I am wrong: convince me!

  8. Thanks but no thanks. :o I think I'll keep looking for someone who can dye them dark green like they originally were.

    Sometimes, in Pattaya around lunchtime, you will hear an eccentric drum-roll on what sounds like a chinese drum. This is the (? (sic) YOM PA man; he will dye things black for 100 baht. He walks the streets with his dye and apparatus.

    :D yes I know this man, he did a marvellous dye job for me, black of course, looks good, usually sitting outside seven eleven at jomtien, so that you can get him I suggest you get up at day break and wait outside seven eleven for him to arrive does not always have drum sometimes trumpet, so wait for the call sounds very similar to the trumpeting you hear in tibet. but for heavens sake dont let the rain get on the new dyed curtains as your tiles will also turn black good luck :D

    Gary 'A' : If you have a chat with the YOM PA man: he might take your curtains back to his dye shop and dye them a superb dark green (like they originally were). I must recommend this hard-working chap; his perpetually stained hands and forearms are living proof of his devotion to the dye industry and I am sure you shall (eventually) be satisfied.

  9. Just a small point:

    My offshore bank account in the I.O.M. DOES offer me the facility of a standing order on a telegraphic transfer.

    So automatically, you can set up cash from your offshore current account to your nominated Thai account at an interval best for you (I opted for every 3 months), this costs me 13 GBP every 3 months.

    It avoids any hassle on telephone/fax and they can't mess up the account numbers because they have a hard copy.

    It is also a saving on using ATM's both for 1.5% fee and exchange rate.

  10. Sometimes, in Pattaya around lunchtime, you will hear an eccentric drum-roll on what sounds like a chinese drum. This is the (? (sic) YOM PA man; he will dye things black for 100 baht. He walks the streets with his dye and apparatus.

  11. Don't forget to visit the 'Believe it or not' Ripley museum at the Royal Garden Plaza; it's great.

    There is a genuine shrunken head in there, they say it is from Equador, but I am suspicious because it looks like the shrunken head of a farang bar owner I used to know from about five years ago on Soi Bukhaew, before he got forced to give up his bar to make way for a condo.

  12. The newspaper says the new airport will begin service on September 28 2006.

    I am due to be flying out/in around this time, am I alone in having safety concerns?

    Surely the logistics of beginning a massive change about is fraught with risks. Are all pilots capable? Are computerised systems capable? Are ground staff and traffic control capable?

    Plus, since last year this project has been delayed, are our friends here, capable of taking short-cuts, particularly safety checks to meet 'deadlines'?

    I have a bad feeling about all this and would not like to think of a Jumbo Jet having a collision with a back-hoe mistakenly left on the 'apron' or a traffic controller making a mistake with a simultaneous take-off and landing. (He/She might be genuinely confused)!

    Maybe I should delay my travel plan? Would you? Comments from those who know more appreciated.

  13. Yes, I had the same problem two months ago. I assumed that 038 numbers were all cheap rate 3 baht per call. I ended up with two huge phone bills; imagine 60 hours at 6 baht per minute! I could have paid for UBC platinum for one year!

    I had quickly assumed all 038 numbers were O.K. and used an 038 number in the microscopic Rayong box instead of Chon Buri. TIT

  14. I've been brushing my teeth for 29 years using the tap water in Thailand. I guess I should be more careful or I might get sick. :D

    Sometimes you people worry too much. :o

    Yeah I guess that the sick ones wished they had worried a bit more and used bottled water:huh:

    Perhaps they do, IF the water is what made them sick. I find it hard to believe that the miniscule amount of water one ingests when brushing one's teeth is enough to make one sick, unless one has an extremely low immunity to bugs. Perhaps something else made these imaginary people sick?

    The only time I have not used the tap water to brush was in Leningrad, Russia, in 1975. The water system was still bad as a result of the siege of Leningrad some 30 years earlier. I could only find carbonated water to brush with and this is certainly no fun when you combine the bubbles and the toothpaste foam. Give it a try sometime for a cheap rush.

    Believe me even..........

    'I find it hard to believe that the miniscule amount of water one ingests when brushing one's teeth is enough to make one sick'

    .......a little bit of water is enough to become ill with certain bugs. In the case of cholera, for example, you have a valid point, tiny amounts of water rarely cause infection, yet another- cryptosporidium might easily infect with just a few drops of contaminated water being ingested.

    Brushing teeth with tap water in certain countries is risky, and I would include Thailand.

  15. I receive several courier packages from the U.K. I only once had a problem:

    I was following a package on the tracking on the internet and saw that it had arrived in Bangkok, after a few days it did not arrive, so I called the UPS helpline to find out what was going on.

    The woman spoke little English and just kept on saying "customs" and quoting a large number in Thai baht. I was puzzled because the opened package was merely documents, not of any obvious value.

    I got my Thai speaking Mrs. to call the helpline and find out what was going on.

    It seemed that customs had opened my 'Farang-addressed' package and were demanding 5,000 baht release fee. I was furious and said no way, if I did not pay it would be returned to sender.

    After calming down, I agreed to pay the 5,000 baht fee to the courier.

    It is wrong. But TIT.

    So now, I never use UPS (never had a problem (yet) with DHL and FEDEX) plus I always arrange for the recipient of my packets to my wifes long and very Thai name.

    I suspect that packets addressed to John Smith, or Jimmy Brown are selected by customs for financial extortion.

  16. Those outdoor water machines that dispense water at 1 baht a litre are great; the water is fine for drinking; no problems so far.

    The tap-water is hit and miss; Russian roulette to drink it, even cleaning the teeth might be risky.

    I am sceptical about these water-purifiers, as they say; you can't make a silk purse from a sows ear.

    Plus, the poster who said he drinks 10 litres of water a day: be careful: make sure at least a third of that water had added electrolytes added like 'stong-k' or 'de-lyte'. Electrolyte imbalance can be very serious and is very easy in this climate.

  17. I just want the Mrs. to use my old pc with O.S. '98 and M/S word to type Thai (with a Thai keyboard) and then she can print-off shopping lists and Thai letters to family etc.

    Where do I start? Will I have to go online to M/S site?

    A concise step by step guide appreciated.....

  18. For me: ablution hose is best; however I don't give it a second thought now, because I've been using (them) for 14 years, if you are a 'newbie' with the spray gun, it takes time and experience to master (them).

    However; be aware that if you water pressure is high, you might end up blasting fecal matter onto the lower leg or upper back, which might lead to unexpected embarrassment.

    Also remember to clean the spray gun. Tiny pieces of fecal matter inevitably become lodged in the minute spray jets and bacterial contamination can quickly follow in this hot climate. This is very important if your female partner uses the spray gun for her 'front-bottom' as bacterial contamination of this area can lead to temporary misery (for her).

    Toilet tissue, IMHO is just for drying not wiping; it is much more hygeinic to shower after a particularly vigorous and exuberant bowel movement.

  19. I am sceptical:

    I was taking omeprazole for GERD and used to buy a pack of 14 for 150 baht, then my wife discovered the (same?) drug for 100 baht for 14 tablets.

    The cheap ones did not work; they were well packaged and looked O.K. but did not work at all.

    It is possible that some pharmacy owners 'obtain' some drugs 'cheaply' for sale? Anything is possible in the L.O.S.

  20. Nice story: however 'Syd Barrett' was not jamming in 1996/1997 in Cambridge at a market or even privately in his home in St.Margarets, Cambridge.

    He was a recluse. Hiding from society, shopping during quiet times, attending to his garden and painting a little, writing and listening to classical music: often Elgar and Walton.

  21. Printed bank notes are bits of paper: don't fall for them 100%. CHF is probably the best to have a 50% holding in.

    Gold and Platinum are preferential 'safe havens'.

    I believe the U.S. $ is due for a major correction within the next 18 months. I reckon GBP=2.10 and CHF=parity is probable. However if H.R. Clinton comes to the throne in November 2008, things might change.

    I would avoid J.YEN because of N.Korea/Tokyo Earthquake panic selling.

    EURO: I am undecided; but favour it much more than U.S. $

    I think buying a share in a nickel mine might make good sense.

  22. If you have a visa electron card in Thailand issued from a savings account: and you were to lose it, or be mugged etc. what security measures do you have in place if you savings account is large?

    Visa electron is a debit card, and surely in Thailand: purchases from 'bent' stores would quickly accumulate and you could lose the lot?

    O.P. I recommend the Thai Farmers Bank e-card with the 3 numbers. Savings account opened in minutes, even on a visit visa. Just take your passport to the bank.

  23. Just for fun...

    I was going to make this a poll, but couldn't figure out how to do the multiple options...

    Anyway, Stickman et Al warns us all about the 'classic' scenarios that seem to arise with Thai women. I wonder how many of them you fell more? (My own comments in brackets)

    Did you buy her a new mobile phone? (Er, yes I did, well more than one actually)

    Did you buy her some gold? (Hmm, did that as well)

    Did you send her money every month? (Yep, did that as well, too much money!)

    Did you go and visit her family and eat dead frogs and bugs? (Yes! I didn't want to appear rude so I ate everything!!)

    OK, what about building a house for her mum cos the old one was falling down? (Drat, I fell for that one too!)

    OK, the classic one. DID YOU BUY HER A BAR? (AAAAhhhh, I did, I did!! I can't believe you are asking me this!! [but there was actually a real motive for doing so])

    So, I seem to score 6 out of 6 for being the most gullible guy in Thailand. At least I can have the last laugh by managing to get a successful relationship out of all this?

    Did anyone else fall for these 'scams'? (Maybe scam is too strong a word....)

    Or did you fall for any other classic Thai 'scenarios'? (Sick buffalo syndrome etc)


    Just for fun?

    You might have read another post about a man who murdered his 'Thai girlfriend' because she was allegedly unfaithful.

    It is not uncommon for gentlemen to buy lovers gifts, in any country of the world. Mobile telephones and gold jewellrey included; (maybe better to start with a pearl necklace!?)

    However; the 'money every month' is usually a mistake; unless you intend to leave for two months or less; unless you send a large amount of cash: ie. 40 thousand plus per month; she might not have the self-control or discipline to 'wait'.

    I assume that you are talking about 'bar-girls': don't get the wrong impression; there are certainly honest 'bar-girls' if you look long and hard.

    The building of a house is reasonable if you have been together a while and you trust her and live in Thailand yourself.

    The barpurchase, though is foolish. Does any farang make money from a bar? I have yet to meet one.

    I do not have the 'stickman' mentality: he seems to have a chip on his shoulder, but the older gentleman visiting Thailand for the first time, must guard against 'falling in love' or becoming C--- Struck. Often these visitors have not had a 'jump' for ages and fall for it all 'hook, line and sinker'.

    Men in successful relationships with Thai women need to advise Thai-relationship-neophytes. I do my best, but it is never enough............

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